Asser International Sports Law Blog

Our International Sports Law Diary
The Asser International Sports Law Centre is part of the T.M.C. Asser Instituut

Olympic Agenda 2020: To bid, or not to bid, that is the question!

This post is an extended version of an article published in August on

The recent debacle among the candidate cities for the 2022 Winter Games has unveiled the depth of the bidding crisis faced by the Olympic Games. The reform process initiated in the guise of the Olympic Agenda 2020 must take this disenchantment seriously. The Olympic Agenda 2020 took off with a wide public consultation ending in April and is now at the end of the working groups phase. One of the working groups was specifically dedicated to the bidding process and was headed by IOC vice-president John Coates.  More...

The CAS jurisprudence on match-fixing in football: What can we learn from the Turkish cases? - Part 2: The procedural aspects. By Thalia Diathesopoulou

With this blog post, we continue the blog series on Turkish match-fixing cases and our attempt to map the still unchartered waters of the CAS’s match-fixing jurisprudence.

The first blog post addressed two issues related to the substance of match-fixing disputes, namely the legal characterization of the match-fixing related measure of ineligibility under Article 2.08 of the UEL Regulations as administrative or disciplinary measure and the scope of application of Article 2.08. In addition, The Turkish cases have raised procedural and evidentiary issues that need to be dealt with in the framework of match-fixing disputes.

The CAS panels have drawn a clear line between substantial and procedural matters. In this light, the Eskişehirspor panel declared the nature of Article 2.08 UEL Regulations to be administrative and rejected the application of UEFA Disciplinary Regulations to the substance. Nonetheless, it upheld that disciplinary rules and standards still apply to the procedure. This conclusion, however, can be considered puzzling in that disciplinary rules apply to the procedural matters arising by a pure administrative measure. To this extent, and despite the bifurcation of different applicable rules into substantial and procedural matters, the credibility of the qualification of Article 2.08 as administrative seems to be undermined. And here a question arises: How can the application of rules of different nature to substantial and procedural matters in an identical match-fixing dispute be explained?More...

The EU State aid and Sport Saga – A blockade to Florentino Perez’ latest “galactic” ambitions (part 2)

This is the second part of a blog series on the Real Madrid State aid case. In the previous blog on this case, an outline of all the relevant facts was provided and I analysed the first criterion of Article 107(1) TFEU, namely the criterion that an advantage must be conferred upon the recipient for the measure to be considered State aid. Having determined that Real Madrid has indeed benefited from the land transactions, the alleged aid measure has to be scrutinized under the other criteria of Article 107(1): the measure must be granted by a Member State or through State resources; the aid granted must be selective; and it must distorts or threatens to distort competition. In continuation, this blog will also analyze whether the alleged aid measure could be justified and declared compatible with EU law under Article 107(3) TFEU.More...

The CAS jurisprudence on match-fixing in football: What can we learn from the Turkish cases? - Part 1 - By Thalia Diathesopoulou

The editor’s note:

Two weeks ago we received the unpublished CAS award rendered in the Eskişehirspor case and decided to comment on it. In this post Thalia Diathesopoulou (Intern at the ASSER International Sports Law Centre) analyses the legal steps followed and interpretations adopted by CAS panels in this case and in a series of other Turkish match-fixing cases. The first part of the post will deal with the question of the legal nature of the ineligibility decision opposed by UEFA to clubs involved in one way or another into match-fixing and with the personal and material scope of UEFA’s rule on which this ineligibility is based. The second part is dedicated to the procedural rules applied in match-fixing cases.


The unpredictability of the outcome is a sine qua non feature of sports. It is this inherent uncertainty that draws the line between sports and entertainment and triggers the interest of spectators, broadcasters and sponsors. Thus, match-fixing by jeopardising the integrity and unpredictability of sporting outcomes has been described, along with doping, as one of the major threats to modern sport.[1] More...

Sport and EU Competition Law: uncharted territories - (I) The Swedish Bodybuilding case. By Ben Van Rompuy

The European Commission’s competition decisions in the area of sport, which set out broad principles regarding the interface between sports-related activities and EU competition law, are widely publicized. As a result of the decentralization of EU competition law enforcement, however, enforcement activity has largely shifted to the national level. Since 2004, national competition authorities (NCAs) and national courts are empowered to fully apply the EU competition rules on anti-competitive agreements (Article 101 TFEU) and abuse of a dominant position (Article 102 TFEU).

Even though NCAs have addressed a series of interesting competition cases (notably dealing with the regulatory aspects of sport) during the last ten years, the academic literature has largely overlooked these developments. This is unfortunate since all stakeholders (sports organisations, clubs, practitioners, etc.) increasingly need to learn from pressing issues arising in national cases and enforcement decisions. In a series of blog posts we will explore these unknown territories of the application of EU competition law to sport.More...

The Legia Warszawa case: The ‘Draconian’ effect of the forfeiture sanction in the light of the proportionality principle. By Thalia Diathesopoulou

The CAS denial of the urgent request for provisional measures filed by the Legia Warszawa SA in the course of its appeal against the UEFA Appeals Body Decision of 13 August 2014 put a premature end to Legia’s participation in the play-offs of the UEFA Champion’s League (CL) 2014/2015. Legia’s fans- and fans of Polish football - will now have to wait at least one more year to watch a Polish team playing in the CL group stage for the first time since 1996. More...

The EU State aid and Sport Saga – A blockade to Florentino Perez’ latest “galactic” ambitions (part 1)

This is the first part of a blog series involving the Real Madrid State aid case.

Apart from being favoured by many of Spain’s most important politicians, there have always been suspicions surrounding the world’s richest football club regarding possible financial aid by the Madrid City Council. Indeed, in the late 90’s a terrain qualification change by the Madrid City Council proved to be tremendously favourable to the king’s club. The change allowed Real Madrid to sell its old training grounds for a huge sum. Though the exact price for the grounds remains unknown, Real Madrid was suddenly capable of buying players like Figo and Zidane for record fees. However, the European Commission, even though agreeing that an advantage was conferred to the club, simply stated that the new qualification of the terrain in question does not appear to involve any transfer of resources by the State and could therefore not be regarded as State aid within the meaning of article 107 TFEU.

Agreements between the club and the Council have been a regularity for the last 25 years.  A more recent example concerns an agreement signed on 29 July 2011 (Convenio29-07-2011.pdf (8MB). More...

UEFA Financial Fair Play Regulations Put PSG and Manchester City on a Transfer Diet

The main lesson of this year’s transfer window is that UEFA’s Financial Fair Play (FFP) rules have a true bite (no pun intended). Surely, the transfer fees have reached usual highs with Suarez’s move to FC Barcelona and Rodriguez’s transfer from AS Monaco to Real Madrid and overall spending are roughly equal to 2013 (or go beyond as in the UK). But clubs sanctioned under the FFP rules (prominently PSG and Manchester City) have seemingly complied with the settlements reached with UEFA capping their transfer spending and wages. More...

Right to Privacy 1:0 Whereabouts Requirement - A Case Note on a Recent Decision by the Spanish Audiencia Nacional

On the 24th June 2014 the Spanish Audiencia Nacional issued its ruling on a hotly debated sports law topic: The whereabouts requirements imposed to athletes in the fight against doping. This blog aims to go beyond the existing commentaries (here and here) of the case, by putting it in the wider context of a discussion on the legality of the whereabouts requirements. More...

The Rules of the Electoral Game for the FIFA 2015 Presidential Elections

After the success of this year’s World Cup in Brazil, FIFA President Sepp Blatter can start concentrating on his Presidential campaign for next June’s FIFA elections. Even though the 78-year old Swiss is not officially a candidate yet, he is still very popular in large parts of the world, and therefore the favourite to win the race. Nonetheless, even for the highly experienced Mr. Blatter these elections will be different. All candidates will have to respect the newly introduced Electoral Regulations for the FIFA PresidencyMore...

Asser International Sports Law Blog | Athletes = Workers! Spanish Supreme Court grants labour rights to athletes

Asser International Sports Law Blog

Our International Sports Law Diary
The Asser International Sports Law Centre is part of the T.M.C. Asser Instituut

Athletes = Workers! Spanish Supreme Court grants labour rights to athletes

Nearly twenty years after the European Court of Justice declared in the Bosman case that all professional athletes within the EU were given the right to a free transfer at the end of their contracts, the Spanish Tribunal Supremo[1] provided a judgment on 26 March 2014 that will heighten a new debate on the rights of professional athletes once their contract expires.

This case originates in a dispute between the Spanish Association of Professional Cycling Teams (Asociación de Equipos de Ciclismo Profesional) and the Spanish Association for Professional Cyclists (Asociación de Ciclistas Profesionales). The two parties had concluded a collective agreement for professional cycling in 2010. Even though it is common practice that cyclists would never sign employment contracts for an indefinite period of time, nor would cycling teams compensate their cyclists merely for contract expiration, article 15(2) of the agreement established that, at the end of the contract, the team is obliged to compensate the cyclist with the amount that is due to him based on the employment contract[2].

On 14 May 2012 the Association of Professional Cycling Teams, as applicant, requested from the Spanish Audiencia Nacional to pronounce itself on the correct interpretation of article 15.2 of the collective agreement, taking into account the Real Decreto 1006/1985 on the special employment relationship of professional athletes and article 49.1.c) of the Workers Statute (Disposición Transitoria Decimotercera del Estatuto de los Trabajadores). According to article 49.1.c) of the Workers Statute, after expiration of the contract, a worker shall have the right to receive a compensation of an amount equal to 12 days of salary for every year of service. One of the goals of this article was to promote indefinite contracts.

The applicant argued that, due to the nature of contracts of professional athletes, for which the duration is never indefinite, article 49.1.c) is not applicable to professional athletes. By contrast, article 6 of Real Decreto 1006/1985, which states that the duration of sporting contracts are always fix-term contracts, should be used for the interpretation of the collective agreement between the two cyclist associations.

In its judgment of 16 July 2012, the Social Chamber of la Audiencia Nacional[3] confirmed that professional athletes are not to be treated differently than regular employees, and should therefore be compensated at the end of their contract. However, the Audiencia Nacional recognized the specific nature of the employment contracts of professional athletes, whose employment conditions are specifically regulated in Real Decreto 1006/1985. Hence, it declared article 49.1.c) of the Workers Statute inapplicable to professional athletes.

The decision of the Audiencia Nacional being appealed, the Spanish Supreme Court was in turn confronted with the question whether a professional athlete is entitled to the compensation as stipulated in Article 49.1.c of the Workers Statute after expiration of the employment contract. In other words, are the general labour rules regarding the end of the employment contracts also applicable to professional athletes?

The Court answered this question affirmatively, seeing no reason whatsoever for the Workers Statute, including article 49.1.c) not to be equally applicable to professional athletes. Moreover, by applying the Workers Statute, the compensation will become an instrument for the promotion of contract extensions, thereby improving the employment stability of athletes. Lastly, and referring to point 6 of the preamble of Council Directive 1999/70/EC concerning the framework agreement on fixed-term work, the Court argued that indefinite contracts contribute to the quality of life of the affected workers[4], and is therefore in line with the original goals of article 49.1.c) of Workers Statute.

The consequences of this judgment are simple enough: A professional athlete who had a five year contract with a specific club or team for 100,000 Euros a year will, at the end of his contract, receive a compensation of approximately 16,438.36 Euros (100,000 / 365 x 12 x 5), or 16.4% of his yearly salary.

This ruling is an important step forward on the long and tangled road towards the full recognition of professional athletes as true workers deserving the same rights and duties as their peers.

[1] El Tribunal Supremo is the highest court in Spain for all matters not relating to the Spanish Constitution

[2] Article 15(2) …Al finalizar la relación laboral se liquidará el finiquito que contendrá todos los conceptos económicos que regule la legislación vigente.

[3] The Audiencia Nacional is a special and exceptional high court in Spain

[4] Sentencia del Tribunal Supremo de 26 de Marzo de 2014 (CASACION 61/2013), part 7, §1

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