Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights Due Diligence - Part 2: Subjecting AI to the HRDD Process - By Samuel Brobby

Editor's note: Samuel Brobby graduated from Maastricht University's Globalisation and Law LLM specialising in Human Rights in September 2020. A special interest in HRDD carries his research through various topics such as: the intersection between AI and HRDD, the French Devoir de Vigilance or mHRDD at the EU level. Since April 2021 he has joined the Asser Institute as a research intern for the Doing Business Right project.

I am not convinced that inherently evil technology exists, rather, bad business models perpetuate and accentuate existing problems. AI is no exception to this phenomenon and diligent discussion is required to ensure that the negative impacts of artificial intelligence are meticulously scrutinised. In the end, transparency, responsibility and accountability must be ensured around technology that has the power to be an important tool for Human Rights and to provide support for development across every sector of society.  Given that this very same technology, if used irresponsibly, has the power to compound and accelerate the very issues we would like it to help solve, it is the intention of this blog to raise further questions and continue to provide discussion surrounding AI and responsibility. In the first part of this publication, I discussed how AI has the potential to contribute to HRDD by being technologically integrated into the process. However, before AI will even be considered as a possible tool to aid in the HRDD process, it will play a large part in making businesses more profitable. It will also be used by civil society, States and State-backed institutions in the pursuit of their respective goals.

AI and its declinations are, and will, continue to be deployed in a number of sectors including, marketing, healthcare, social media, recruitment, armed conflicts and many more. Thus, given that AI has the potential for contributing negatively to Human Rights and the environment, it is important to discuss the risks and potential legal challenges surrounding AI and responsibility. Identifying these is crucial to the goal of taming AI in an attempt to mitigate some of the potential negative impacts it may have on Human Rights. The pervasive nature of this technology along with the particular place AI developers hold in supply chains warrants some attention. As such, this section aims at analysing the HRDD obligations of AI developing businesses. To do so, we will illustrate some of the Human Rights (and environmental) risks linked to the creation of these AI agents before looking at the manner through which ex ante responsibility through HRDD can be applied to AI developing businesses in the creation and commercialisation of AI algorithms.

AI and Human Rights risks

In principle, it seems that the effects of AI agents are felt very far (be it in the spatial or temporal sense) from the point of creation of these same agents. This is problematic in terms of delineating the responsibility of AI developers who are far removed from the negative impacts they have a hand in instigating. The literature on the Human Rights and Environmental risks surrounding AI is quite extensive. This sub-section aims at presenting some of the risks linked to the use of AI in transnational business to illustrate the capacity for AI to negatively impact Human Rights.

Perhaps the most common risk evoked regarding AI and Human Rights is the problem of algorithmic bias. This refers to the manner through which AI may unintentionally perpetuate and, subsequentially deepen, inherent human/societal prejudices by producing discriminatory results. These biases are transmitted via training models and data sets that are “fed” to AI agents. In the end, these biased results are reproduced and reinforced through a continuous feedback loop. The seemingly ever-present nature of algorithmic biases poses some real problems in terms of responsibility. The examples are numerous and vary in nature, such as the Syri case which caused an uproar in the Netherlands. This big data analysis system was designed to be deployed in neighbourhoods with the objective of identifying potential risk-profiles in relation to fraudulent social welfare claims. Its use targeted disadvantaged neighbourhoods on the basis of a list of possible suspects elaborated by Syri. It’s “trawling method” meant that once deployed, it would comb through data connected to every resident in that area in order to flag inconsistencies between social welfare claims and actual living situations, without notifying the residents that were subjected to it. February 5th 2020 saw the District Court of the Hague render a potentially far reaching ruling, which provided (amongst other things) that such technology contravenes the right to respect for private and family life (article 8 of the ECHR), citing a “special responsibility” for signatory states in the application of new technologies. The potential for identification of “fraudsters” (none of which were actually found using Syri) could not counterbalance the infringements of convention rights that the use of this algorithm would lead to. The strategic choice to bring the case on the basis of Article 8 of the ECHR should not detract from the discriminatory nature of Syri which could potentially have been challenged on the basis of article 14 (Prohibition of discrimination). Phillip Alston’s amicus curiae brief touches on the manner through which the violations of the right to private and family life are compounded by the discriminatory targeting of areas with “higher concentrations of poorer and vulnerable groups”. Other examples of algorithmic bias leading to discriminatory outcomes are numerous. They include the discriminatory facial recognition algorithms developed by Amazon to help law enforcement, the use of AI in recruiting or its application in healthcare. As seen in the Syri case above, AI also contains some well documented risks in terms of privacy.

The acquisition and use of AI agents for the purposes of mass surveillance may be an illustration of AI developers pandering to the market to the detriment of Human Rights. The issue of pandering is linked to the near-sighted short termism solely designed to increase profits. By pandering to these short-term goals without a view for the long-term impact of AI, the path we cut for AI, and later responsibility, can only be reactive. Here we may consider, for example, the recent reports citing EU based companies selling surveillance tools, such as facial recognition technology to key players in the Chinese mass surveillance mechanism. Despite being aware of the potential violations that this technology could lead to and, in spite of the potential Human Rights abuses that its use could facilitate, these companies elected to proceed. The subsequent Human Rights consequences of the use of these technologies for mass emotional analysis to aid law enforcement or network cameras to survey the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) are well known. Less so, is the responsibility of AI developers in facilitating these violations.

It must remain in mind, however, that the distance (be it spatial or temporal) between the creation of a new AI algorithm and its contribution to Human Rights violations or environmental damages can at times be quite large indeed. These algorithms are created and then subsequently modified, sold and used in a number of ways that further blur and diffuse any hope for a simple solution in terms of responsibility.

In short, the risks that are carried by AI, or facilitated by its use are considerable. In a report to the General assembly, the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights clarified that due diligence requirements are “commensurate to the severity and likelihood of the adverse impact. When the likelihood and severity of an adverse impact is high, then due diligence should be more extensive”. Despite this, the risks that were identified in this section, and indeed by many long before this article, have not yet been met with heightened HRDD obligations. The next section aims at providing some elements to clarify the ex-ante responsibility of AI developers to conduct HRDD.

Subjecting AI to HRDD: Ex-ante Responsibility

The Human Rights risks related to the development of AI can be put into two categories. The first relates to internal risks that are inherent to the way AI functions following the creation stage, these include algorithmic bias, privacy issues, or environmental costs of training and computation to name a few. The second relates to external risks that AI developers are exposed to at the stage of commercialisation. Here the issue of pandering is salient since it leads to the development and sale of AI agents to actors which could, reasonably foreseeably, use the technology in a manner that is adverse to Human Rights. The ex-ante responsibility of AI developers through HRDD will be looked at through these lenses. HRDD at the point of origin (creation stage) and HRDD at the point of arrival (commercialisation/sale).

HRDD at the creation stage of AI:

Several inherent risks have been identified with regards to AI agents. Given the knowledge of these inherent pitfalls to the technology, HRDD must be conducted at the point of origin to identify and deal with their existence.

Whilst we can acknowledge AI presents some new issues that must be solved, we may recognize that the issue of AI’s human rights impact is by no means a radically new one. In fact, the UNGPs offer a framework for apprehending these issues. UNGP 13b calls on businesses to “[s]eek to prevent or mitigate adverse human rights impacts that are directly linked to their operations, products or services by their business relationships, even if they have not contributed to those impacts”. As BSR’s paper series Artificial Intelligence: A Rights-Based Blueprint for Business remarks: “This means that data-sets, algorithms, insights, intelligence, and applications should be subject to proactive human rights due diligence”. It also means that the HRDD process is not solely reserved to AI engineers. The process would have to be undertaken by all relevant instances within AI developing businesses that contribute to the elaboration of an AI agent. These include management, the marketing department or data brokers to name a few. From this point, the question of proximity between AI developing businesses and adverse human rights impact that are subsequently felt far down the line may begin to be apprehended. HRDD obligations requiring undertakings to identify, assess, prevent, cease, mitigate, monitor, communicate, account for, address and remediate potential and/or actual adverse impacts on human rights and the environment can reduce the space of corporate irresponsibility. A contraction of this space between AI developing businesses and adverse Human Rights & environmental impacts downstream would help hold the former accountable for the latter. This is especially true if accompanied by a robust liability regime that holds these entities legally responsible for the impacts of their creations.

AI developers can best assess the viability of their algorithms in search of a given result. The main driver here is often whether or not this AI agent solves a given problem with sufficient accuracy. To this effect commercial interests are at the wheel, naturally so. However, the turn to integrating  ethics into AI along with an increase in attention towards assessing Human rights impacts are becoming important parameters in this sector. This may be in part thanks to increasing acceptation of HRDD as a method to regulate business activities. The additional threat carried by a potential introduction of a robust liability mechanism (perhaps in the form of an upcoming EU mHRDD legislation) could strengthen this dynamic further. The reasoning being that if sanctions are imparted for products presenting avoidable systemic biases, or any other inherent defects leading to adverse impacts for which corporate groups will be subsequently liable, then more attention will be focused on preventing such harms. Indeed, if businesses operate as rational actors in a system where Human Rights or environmental impacts incur a real cost, then this seems like a natural consequence. As such, ideas like introducing the obligation for AI developers to develop a bias impact statement or include environmental impact assessments as part of an AI due diligence would be an interesting place to begin. This process would benefit from the inclusion of different potentially affected stakeholders as well as potential vulnerable populations in the process of testing and creating AI agents. The resulting AI impact statement carrying the weaknesses and subsequent risks of a given algorithm could be subject to publication in order to increase transparency or, be required to be acknowledged by the buyer of an AI algorithm.

HRDD at the stage of commercialisation of AI:

The manner in which AI is deployed hugely affects its capacity to impact Human Rights. For instance, the use of computer vision and language processing to identify and remove content aimed at promoting terrorism or racism certainly has its positive applications. The same technology may also have the potential to lead to strong violations of freedom of expression. Whilst these violations can arise as a consequence of AI agents being insufficiently accurate or error prone, they may also arise intentionally through the use of ill doing actors. As a consequence, it is of vital importance that AI producers consider the point of arrival of their technology as a key source of human rights risks as part of their HRDD process.

AI producers find themselves in an intriguing position in this regard. Given the current talent gap and the very high technicity involved in their field, producers are in a strong bargaining position, unlike say producers of garment. This means that AI developers, as suppliers of relatively rare and sophisticated technology, can leverage, or at the very least influence, where their AI agents will be put to use. This might not be the case in the long-term as the supply of AI specialists will likely increase to catch up with current demand at some point. However, the fact that AI developers are currently in a position of relative strength is of vital relevance to the current content of their obligation to conduct HRDD in the process of selling their product. Thus, the HRDD process of AI developers must concern itself with the sale of AI agents to ensure that their algorithms are not being put in the hands of actors which could (reasonably) foreseeably generate adverse Human Rights impacts.

A parallel can be drawn between the sale of AI and weapons to demonstrate the importance of HRDD at the point of arrival. The connection between the high capacity to negatively impact Human Rights and a heightened need for responsibility mentioned prior is intuitive, though not currently implemented in the case of AI. In that conceptual vein, the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) which aims to regulate the international trade in conventional arms, provides several restrictions on the possibility to export weapons on the basis of an export assessment. One of these conditions concerns the case in which the seller is informed that the weapons would be used to” commit or facilitate a serious violation of international human rights law”. Setting the actual impact of the ATT in regulating arms trade aside, the notion of Buyer Due Diligence it proposes for weapon-selling states may have an analogous application for AI developers. Similarly to weaponry that (fairly obviously) does not mean that AI does not have a whole set of legally justified uses. It does, however, mean that the HRDD process of AI developers should be more directly focused on assessing buyers than, for example, the HRDD process introduced by garment manufacturers.


This contribution aims at highlighting the manner through which HRDD and AI will likely interact with each other in the near future. If AI is as pervasive as it is expected to be and presents itself as a general-purpose technology which will permeate all aspects of our society then it must be watched very closely. We know some of the pitfalls it carries internally in terms of bias, opacity or privacy to name a few. External pressure will further compound these. The UNGPs and the HRDD process enshrined therein provide an authoritative vantage point to apprehend the responsibility of AI developers. As I have argued, the due diligence process should be focused particularly at the point of origin (creation of an AI agent) and the point of arrival (buyer due diligence) of the AI in question.

As the EU continues to press forward with general mHRDD legislation, the idea of introducing a sector specific set of  hard HRDD requirements for AI similar to what we see with the EU conflict ore regulation or the EU Timber regulation, whilst interesting to consider, seems unlikely. As such, in light of the unique inherent issues that are linked to the development and sale of AI, the work of the OECD in the elaboration of sector-specific due diligence guidance could be extremely valuable. Taking AI’s huge reach, it’s polymorphous nature and its incredible speed of development into consideration; the flexibility and potential reactivity of soft law presents itself as a good match to further clarify the HRDD process of AI developers. Coupling the non-binding guidance from legitimate institutions like the OECD, along with hard legislative measures in the form of EU mHRDD legislation may provide AI developers with the tools required to navigate the complex shifting terrain of responsibility before them. Additionally, stitching a comprehensive liability regime for failure in HRDD would, in my view, be vital to ensure the efficacy of HRDD.  Although, the considerable distance between the development of AI, its sale and the occurrence of a damage as a result of its use by the end user will likely see a multitude of complex legal challenges arise as a consequence. Questions in terms of establishing causality or providing elements of proof (especially if the burden of proof remains on the claimants) are particularly salient. It is precisely these types of complex questions that must be answered in light of implementing a functioning system of human rights responsibility of AI developers. Whether or not this happens still remains to be seen as developments at the EU level for mHRDD are keenly awaited.

The potential contribution of AI to the HRDD process seems clear as posited in the first part of this blog. Indeed, if HRDD is non static, continuous and preventive then it seems entirely possible that AI would be called upon in an attempt to enhance this process at some point. This is especially true if you consider AI’s prowess in terms of risk assessment, which is a key aspect of HRDD. Inversely the boundaries set by HRDD along with the possibility of developing civil liability mechanisms will also affect the shape of AI in the future. In light of AI’s potential societal impact, it seems reasonable to expect those who develop it to be held to a high threshold of responsibility for its negative impacts.

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