Dr Geoff Gordon J.D.
Senior researcher
- Research strand: Public interest(s) inside/within international and European institutions and their practices
- Main fields of interest: International Dispute Settlement International Legal Theory International Technology Law Law and Society Studies Public International Law Transnational Legal Relations
- E-mail: g.gordon@asser.nl
- Phone: +31 (0)70 3420 324
Geoff holds a PhD from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and a JD from Columbia Law School. His work is motivated by a critical concern for international practices in the public interest. He has a background in litigation and an interdisciplinary academic grounding in questions raised at points of interface among politics, security, economy and technology. For the last several years, he has focused on infrastructural and information technologies, including contemporary information flows, their normative effects, and their effects on international institutions and institutional practices. He has focused on ecologies of computational technologies featuring machine learning or AI components, as well as on the rising field of quantum information technologies. Among other things, he has researched the European Commission’s Digital Decade initiatives for novel issues of legal-governance that they raise, as well as their effect on international regimes and bedrock norms like sovereignty (lately, digital sovereignty). Geoff’s work also exhibits a long-standing interest in temporal dimensions of international law.
Gordon, Geoff, B Rieder, and G Sileno. "On mapping values in AI Governance." Computer Law & Security Review 46 (2022): 105712.
Van Den Meerssche, Dimitri, and Geoff Gordon. "Is This the Rhizome? Thinking Together with Fleur Johns." Law and Critique (2022): 1-12.
Gordon, Geoff. "On the Future Perfect of Artificial Intelligence and War." Journal of Conflict and Security Law 20.3 (2021): 577-593.
Gordon, Geoff. "Engaging an infrastructure of time production with international law." London Review of International Law 9.3 (2021): 319-349.
Rieder, B., G Sileno, and G Gordon. "A New AI Lexicon: Monopolization: Concentrated power and economic embeddings in ML & AI." A New AI Lexicon. AI Now Institute (2021).
Gordon, Geoff. "The Time of Contingency in International Law." In I Venzke & KJ Heller, eds. Contingency in International Law: On the Possibility of Different Legal Histories. Oxford University Press, 2021.
Van Den Meerssche, Dimitri, and Geoff Gordon. "‘A new normative architecture’–risk and resilience as routines of un-governance." Transnational Legal Theory 11.3 (2020): 267-299.
Gordon, Geoff. "Universalism." In J d’Aspremont & S Singh, eds., Concepts for International Law. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019. 865-878.
Gordon, Geoff. "Imperial Standard Time." European Journal of International Law 29.4 (2018): 1197-1222.