Dr Christophe Paulussen M.Phil. LL.M.
Acting Chair of the Executive Board and Academic Director
Academic programme coordinator IHL/ICL
Associate Fellow Rule of Law Responses to Terrorism International Centre for Counter-Terrorism - The Hague
ResearchersExecutive Board
- Main fields of interest: Counter-Terrorism International Criminal Law International Human Rights Law International Humanitarian Law
- E-mail: c.paulussen@asser.nl
- Phone: +31 (0)70 3420 345
Dr. Christophe Paulussen LL.M. M.Phil. is acting chair of the executive board and academic director of the T.M.C. Asser Instituut. He is also a senior researcher and coordinator of the institute's research strand 'In the public interest: accountability of the state and the prosecution of crimes', coordinator of the inter-faculty research platform ‘International Humanitarian and Criminal Law Platform’ and associate fellow rule of law responses to terrorism at the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism – The Hague (ICCT). Moreover, Christophe is editor-in-chief of the journal 'Security and Human Rights', member of the General Board of the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law, member of the Supervisory Board of ICCT, member of the Steering Committee of the Netherlands Network for Human Rights Research (NNHRR), member of the Editorial Boards of the 'Journal of Human Trafficking, Enslavement and Conflict-Related Sexual Violence' and 'Perspectives on Terrorism', member of the Board of Advisors to the Editorial Board of the 'Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law' and member of the Advisory Committee, Fund for Redress for International Crimes, Amsterdam University Fund.
After having spent a year in France (Strasbourg and Angers), Christophe studied law at Tilburg University, the Netherlands. After a propedeuse Dutch law (cum laude), a doctoraal International and European Law (with distinction) and a research master (cum laude), he started working as a PhD candidate at the Department of European and International Public Law of Tilburg University in 2005. On 24 September 2010, Christophe defended his PhD thesis ‘Male captus bene detentus? Surrendering suspects to the International Criminal Court’, which received a special mention from the Jury of the Max van der Stoel Human Rights Award 2011 and which has been used in procedures before the ICC. Inspiration for the subject of his PhD thesis was drawn from the thesis of his doctoraal studies which won not only the Tilburg University Thesis Prize 2004 but also the first prize for master’s theses in the framework of the Max Van Der Stoel Human Rights Award 2004. After his PhD defence, and before moving to The Hague, Christophe worked as an assistant professor at Tilburg University.
Interests and work:
Christophe’s areas of interest are international humanitarian law, international criminal law, in particular the law of the international criminal(ised) tribunals, and counter-terrorism & human rights, in particular the issue of foreign fighters. On the latter topic, he has advised several national delegations, as well as the EU, the Council of Europe and the UN. He has written extensively in all the above-mentioned areas, including in the International Criminal Law Review, the Journal of Conflict & Security Law, the European Journal of Criminology and the Journal of International Criminal Justice. He is also co-editor of the books Foreign Fighters under International Law and Beyond, Fundamental Rights in International and European Law: Public and Private Law Perspectives, Legal Responses to Transnational and International Crimes. Towards an Integrative Approach and Human Dignity and Human Security in Times of Terrorism.
Moreover, Christophe has been involved as project leader in the development and implementation of numerous lectures, expert meetings, summer programmes, conferences, databases, including the International Crimes Database, trainings, and needs assessment & capacity building missions in public international law-related projects.
Finally, his expert opinion has appeared in (inter)national media including NRC Handelsblad, de Volkskrant, De Groene Amsterdammer, Algemeen Dagblad, BNR News Radio, Voice of America, Euronews, El Pais, AFP and AP and he can be followed on Twitter via @chpaulussen.
*C. Paulussen, W. Kemp & J. Helwig, ‘Introduction to the Special Issue’, in: C. Paulussen, W. Kemp & J. Helwig (eds.), Special Issue: The War in Ukraine and its Long-Term Consequences for Security and Human Rights, Security and Human Rights, 24 October 2024, available at: https://www.shrmonitor.org/special-issue-on-the-war-in-ukraine-and-its-long-term-consequences-for-security-and-human-rights/, pp. 2-6.
*C. Paulussen, W. Kemp & J. Helwig (eds.), Special Issue: The War in Ukraine and its Long-Term Consequences for Security and Human Rights, Security and Human Rights, 24 October 2024, available at: https://www.shrmonitor.org/special-issue-on-the-war-in-ukraine-and-its-long-term-consequences-for-security-and-human-rights/, pp. 1-73.
*C. Paulussen, D. Vaughn, I. Hrdlicková, S. SáCouto and B. Van Schaack, ‘Closing Plenary ASIL Annual Meeting 2023’, ASIL Proceedings, 2023, published online on 4 October 2024, available at: https://doi.org/10.1017/amp.2023.74, pp. 401-412.
*C. Paulussen and T. Mehra, ‘Evidentiary and Charging Matters in the Context of Prosecuting Returning Foreign Fighters Before National Courts’, in: F. Capone, C. Paulussen and R. Mignot-Mahdavi (eds.), Returning Foreign Fighters: Responses, Legal Challenges and Ways Forward, The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press/Springer Verlag (2023), pp. 119-141.
*F. Capone, C. Paulussen and R. Mignot-Mahdavi, 'Introduction', in: F. Capone, C. Paulussen and R. Mignot-Mahdavi (eds.), Returning Foreign Fighters: Responses, Legal Challenges and Ways Forward, The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press/Springer Verlag (2023), pp. 1-5.
*F. Capone, C. Paulussen and R. Mignot-Mahdavi (eds.), Returning Foreign Fighters: Responses, Legal Challenges and Ways Forward, The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press/Springer Verlag (2023), XIX, 304 pp.
*B. van Ginkel, C. Paulussen and T. Mehra, ‘Diversifying the Sources of Evidence in Terrorism Cases before Criminal Courts in (Post-)Conflict and High-Risk Situations: The Role of the Military’ in: C. Finkelstein, C.J. Fuller, J.D. Ohlin and M. Regan (eds.), Between Crime and War: Hybrid Legal Frameworks for Asymmetric Conflict, New York: Oxford University Press (2023), pp. 491–518.
*C. Paulussen and T. Gherbaoui, ‘Trials in Absentia of Foreign Fighters and their Families?’, ICCT Perspective, 1 August 2022, available at: https://icct.nl/publication/trials-in-absentia-foreign-fighters/
*C. Paulussen, ‘The Ukraine War, the OSCE Moscow Mechanism’s Report and the Unveiling of the Truth’, in: Cornelius Friesendorf and Stefan Wolff (eds.): Russia’s War Against Ukraine: Implications for the Future of the OSCE, OSCE Network Perspectives I/2022 (OSCE Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions, June 2022), available at: https://osce-network.net/fileadmin/user_upload/OSCE_Network_Perspectives_2022_20June_final.pdf, pp. 65-69.
*C. Paulussen and C. Clarke, ‘Responding to the crime-terror nexus: the international level’, in: L. Paoli, C. Fijnaut and J. Wouters (eds.), The Nexus Between Organized Crime and Terrorism: Types and Responses, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham 2022, pp. 434-451.
*C. Paulussen and T. Mehra, ‘Evidentiary and charging matters in the context of prosecuting returning foreign fighters before national courts’, T.M.C. Asser Institute for International & European Law, Asser Research Paper 2021-06, forthcoming in: Capone, F., Paulussen, C. and Mignot-Mahdavi, R. (eds.), Returning Foreign Fighters: Responses, Challenges and Ways Forward, The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press (2022).
*C. Paulussen, ‘ISIS en seksueel terrorisme: reikwijdte, uitdagingen en de voor- en nadelen van het label’, in: T. Kooijmans, J. Ouwerkerk, C. Rijken & J. Simmelink (eds.), Op zoek naar evenwicht: Liber amicorum Marc Groenhuijsen, Wolters Kluwer: Deventer 2021, pp. 611-620.
*C. Paulussen, ‘Stripping foreign fighters of their citizenship: International human rights and humanitarian law considerations’, International Review of the Red Cross (2021), pp. 1-14, doi:10.1017/S1816383121000278, available at: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/international-review-of-the-red-cross/article/stripping-foreign-fighters-of-their-citizenship-international-human-rights-and-humanitarian-law-considerations/2E2CCAA59C2AE007A107BC159CD3C0A3
*C. Paulussen, ‘ISIS and Sexual Terrorism: Scope, Challenges and the (Mis)Use of the Label’, ICCT Perspective, 27 January 2021, available at: https://icct.nl/publication/isis-and-sexual-terrorism-scope-challenges-and-the-misuse-of-the-label/
*C. Paulussen and E.-Ch. Gillard, ‘Staying in an area controlled by a terrorist organisation: crime or operational necessity?’, ICCT Perspective, 11 January 2021, available at: https://icct.nl/publication/staying-in-an-area-controlled-by-a-terrorist-organisation-crime-or-operational-necessity/
*T.D. Gill, R. Geiβ, H. Krieger and C. Paulussen (eds.), Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, Vol. 22 (2019), T.M.C. Asser Press: The Hague 2021, XII, 306 pp.
*C. Paulussen, ‘Towards a Right to Sustainable Security of Person in Times of Terrorism? Assessing Possibilities and Limitations Through a Critical Evaluation of Citizenship Stripping and Non-Repatriation Policies’, Journal of Conflict & Security Law, 10 December 2020, available at: https://academic.oup.com/jcsl/advance-article-abstract/doi/10.1093/jcsl/kraa022/6030005?redirectedFrom=fulltext
*JHEC Editorial Board (including C. Paulussen), ‘‘The Nexus between Human Trafficking, Enslavement and Conflict-Related Sexual Violence is Obvious’: Views of the Editorial Board’, Journal of Human Trafficking, Enslavement and Conflict-Related Sexual Violence, Vol. 1, No. 1 (2020), pp. 5-23.
*A.-M. de Brouwer, E. de Volder and C. Paulussen, 'Prosecuting the Nexus between Terrorism, Conflict-related Sexual Violence and Trafficking in Human Beings before National Legal Mechanisms: Case Studies of Boko Haram and Al-Shabaab', Journal of International Criminal Justice, Vol. 18 (2020), pp. 499-516.
*R. Geiss and C. Paulussen, ‘Specifically Protected Persons and Objects’, in: B. Saul and D. Akande (eds.), The Oxford Guide to International Humanitarian Law: Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2020, pp. 175-203.
*C. Paulussen and M. Scheinin, ‘Deprivation of Nationality as a Counter-Terrorism Measure: A Human Rights and Security Perspective’, in: L. Van Waas and A. De Chickera (eds.), The World Stateless 2020: Deprivation of Nationality, March 2020, pp. 223-226, available at: https://files.institutesi.org/WORLD's_STATELESS_2020.pdf
*C. Paulussen and L. Van Waas, ‘The counter-productiveness of deprivation of nationality as a national security measure’, European Network on Statelessness, 18 March 2020, available at: https://www.statelessness.eu/blog/counter-productiveness-deprivation-nationality-national-security-measure
*C. Paulussen, H. Cuyckens and K. Fortin, 'The Prosecution of Foreign Fighters under International Humanitarian Law: Misconceptions and Opportunities', ICCT Perspective, 13 December 2019, available at: https://icct.nl/publication/the-prosecution-of-foreign-fighters-under-international-humanitarian-law-misconceptions-and-opportunities/
*C. Paulussen and M. Scheinin, ‘Introduction’, in: C. Paulussen and M. Scheinin (eds.), Human Dignity and Human Security in Times of Terrorism: T.M.C. Asser Press/Springer Verlag, 2020, pp. 3-11.
*C. Paulussen and M. Scheinin (eds.), Human Dignity and Human Security in Times of Terrorism: T.M.C. Asser Press/Springer Verlag, 2020, XVI, 371 pp.
*T.D. Gill, R. Geiß, H. Krieger and C. Paulussen, ‘Editorial’, in: T.D. Gill, R. Geiβ, H. Krieger and C. Paulussen (eds.), Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, Vol. 21 (2018), T.M.C. Asser Press: The Hague 2020, pp. VII-IX.
*T.D. Gill, R. Geiβ, H. Krieger and C. Paulussen (eds.), Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, Vol. 21 (2018), T.M.C. Asser Press: The Hague 2020, XII, 285 pp.
*C. Paulussen and several other authors, ‘A comparative research study on radical and extremist (hate) speakers in European member states’, ICCT/Asser, 2019.
*H. Cuyckens and C. Paulussen, ‘The prosecution of foreign fighters in Western Europe: the difficult relationship between counter-terrorism and international humanitarian law’, Journal of Conflict & Security Law (2019), Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 537-565.
*‘Together Against ISIS – Police and Justice Cooperation in Europe’, in: M. Engelhart and S. Roksandic Vidlicka (eds.), Dealing with Terrorism – Empirical and Normative Challenges of Fighting the Islamic State, Duncker & Humblot: Berlin 2019, pp. 97-116.
*'Male captus bene detentus: origin and present meaning', Strafblad, Vol. 17, No. 3, July 2019, pp. 30-37.
*‘The Repatriation of Western Foreign Fighters and their Families’, ISPI Commentary, 28 June 2019, available at: https://www.ispionline.it/en/pubblicazione/repatriation-western-foreign-fighters-and-their-families-23409.
*‘Book review of: K. Pitcher, Judicial Responses to Pre-Trial Procedural Violations in International Criminal Proceedings, Springer – T.M.C. Asser Press 2018’, International Criminal Law Review, Vol. 19 (1) (2019), pp. 347-372.
*T. Mehra and C. Paulussen, ‘The Repatriation of Foreign Fighters and Their Families: Options, Obligations, Morality and Long-Term Thinking’, ICCT Perspective, 6 March 2019, available at: https://icct.nl/publication/the-repatriation-of-foreign-fighters-and-their-families-options-obligations-morality-and-long-term-thinking/.
*H. van der Wilt and C. Paulussen, ‘The role of international criminal law in responding to the crime-terror nexus’, European Journal of Criminology, Vol. 16 (3) (2019), pp. 315-331.
*T.D. Gill, R. Geiß, H. Krieger and C. Paulussen, ‘Editorial’, in: T.D. Gill, T. McCormack, R. Geiβ, H. Krieger and C. Paulussen (eds.), Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, Vol. 20 (2017), T.M.C. Asser Press: The Hague 2019, pp. VII-VIII.
*T.D. Gill, T. McCormack, R. Geiβ, H. Krieger and C. Paulussen (eds.), Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, Vol. 20 (2017), T.M.C. Asser Press: The Hague 2019, X, 358 pp.
*'Countering Terrorism Through the Stripping of Citizenship: Ineffective and Counterproductive', ICCT Perspective, 17 October 2018, available at: https://icct.nl/publication/countering-terrorism-through-the-stripping-of-citizenship-ineffective-and-counterproductive/
*‘Courts and Counter-Terrorism: the Last Line of Defence?’, VerfBlog, 2018/5/07, 7 May 2018, available at: https://verfassungsblog.de/courts-and-counter-terrorism-the-last-line-of-defense/
*C. Paulussen and K. Pitcher, ‘Prosecuting (Potential) Foreign Fighters: Legislative and Practical Challenges’, ICCT Research Paper, 2018, available at: https://icct.nl/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/ICCT-Paulussen-Pitcher-Prosecuting-Potential-Foreign-Fighters-Legislative-Practical-Challenges-Jan2018.pdf
*T.D. Gill and C. Paulussen, 'In Memoriam—Frits Kalshoven (1924–2017)', in: T.D. Gill, T. McCormack, R. Geiβ, H. Krieger and C. Paulussen (eds.), Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, Vol. 19 (2016), T.M.C. Asser Press: The Hague 2018, p. VII.
*T.D. Gill, T. McCormack, R. Geiβ, H. Krieger and C. Paulussen (eds.), Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, Vol. 19 (2016), T.M.C. Asser Press: The Hague 2018, X, 361 pp.
*‘Bespreking van: K. Pitcher, Judicial Responses to Pre-Trial Procedural Violations in International Criminal Proceedings, Springer – T.M.C. Asser Press 2018’, Delikt & Delinkwent 2017/72, Afl. 10 - December 2017, pp. 763-770.
*‘Preface’, in: H. van der Wilt and C. Paulussen (eds.), Legal Responses to Transnational and International Crimes. Towards an Integrative Approach, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham 2017, pp. IX-XI.
*H. van der Wilt and C. Paulussen (eds.), Legal Responses to Transnational and International Crimes. Towards an Integrative Approach, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham 2017, XI, 322 pp.
*‘Foreign Fighters and State Responses: Human Rights Concerns’, Proceedings of the Bruges Colloquium ‘Terrorism, Counter-Terrorism and International Humanitarian Law’, Collegium, No. 47, autumn 2017, available at: https://www.coleurope.eu/sites/default/files/uploads/page/collegium_47_v7.pdf, pp. 119-125.
*‘Mental Health and the Foreign Fighter Phenomenon: A Case Study from the Netherlands’, (together with J. Nijman and K. Lismont), ICCT Report, March 2017, available at: https://icct.nl/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/ICCT-Paulussen-Nijman-Lismont-Mental-Health-and-the-Foreign-Fighter-Phenomenon-March-2017.pdf
*'The European Union's Policies on Counter-Terrorism. Relevance, Coherence and Effectiveness' (together with several other authors), Study for the LIBE Committee of the European Parliament, 2017, available at: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/STUD/2017/583124/IPOL_STU(2017)583124_EN.pdf
*‘Arrest and transfer’, in: A.-M. De Brouwer and A. Smeulers (eds.), The Elgar Companion to the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham 2016, pp. 265-289.
*‘From the Bataclan to Nice: A Critique of France's State of Emergency Regime’ (together with B. Boutin), Security and Human Rights 26 (2015), pp. 231-238, December 2016.
*T.D. Gill, T. McCormack, R. Geiβ, H. Krieger and C. Paulussen (eds.), Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, Vol. 18 (2015), T.M.C. Asser Press: The Hague 2016, VIII, 312 pp.
*'Repressing the Foreign Fighters Phenomenon in Western Europe: Towards an Effective Response Based on Human Rights', ICCT Research Paper, November 2016, available at: https://icct.nl/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/ICCT-Paulussen-Rule-of-Law-Nov2016-1.pdf
*‘Towards a European Position on the Use of Armed Drones? A Human Rights Approach’ (together with J. Dorsey and B. Boutin), ICCT Report, October 2016, available at: https://icct.nl/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/ICCT-Paulussen-Dorsey-Boutin-Towards-a-European-Position-on-the-Use-of-Armed-Drones-October2016-2.pdf
*‘From the Bataclan to Nice: A Critique of France's State of Emergency Regime’ (together with B. Boutin), ASSER Policy Brief, No. 2016-01, July 2016, available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2811602
*‘The Foreign Fighters Phenomenon in the European Union. Profiles, Threats & Policies’ (together with B. Van Ginkel, E. Entenmann, B. Boutin, G. Chauzal, J. Dorsey, M. Jegerings, J. Pohl, A. Reed and S. Zavagli), ICCT Research Paper, April 2016, available at: http://icct.nl/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/ICCT-Report_Foreign-Fighters-Phenomenon-in-the-EU_1-April-2016_including-AnnexesLinks.pdf
*Foreign Fighters under International Law and Beyond (together with A. de Guttry and F. Capone), T.M.C. Asser Press/Springer Verlag: The Hague 2016, XXIII, 533 pp.
*‘Introduction’ (together with A. de Guttry and F. Capone), in: A. de Guttry, F. Capone and C. Paulussen (eds.), Foreign Fighters under International Law and Beyond, T.M.C. Asser Press/Springer Verlag: The Hague 2016, pp. 1-5.
*‘National Responses in Select Western European Countries to the Foreign Fighter Phenomenon’ (together with E. Entenmann), in: A. de Guttry, F. Capone and C. Paulussen (eds.), Foreign Fighters under International Law and Beyond, T.M.C. Asser Press/Springer Verlag: The Hague 2016, pp. 391-422.
*‘Concluding Remarks’ (together with A. de Guttry and F. Capone), in: A. de Guttry, F. Capone and C. Paulussen (eds.), Foreign Fighters under International Law and Beyond, T.M.C. Asser Press/Springer Verlag: The Hague 2016, pp. 517-522.
*T.D. Gill, T. McCormack, R. Geiβ, H. Krieger, Ch. Paulussen and J. Dorsey (eds.), Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, Vol. 17 (2014), T.M.C. Asser Press: The Hague 2016, VIII, 391 pp.
*'Fundamental Rights in International and European Law: Public and Private Law Perspectives' (together with T. Takács, V. Lazic and B. Van Rompuy) (eds.), T.M.C. Asser Press/Springer Verlag: The Hague 2016, XIV, 323 pp.
*‘Introduction’ (together with T. Takács, V. Lazic and B. Van Rompuy), in: C. Paulussen, T. Takács, V. Lazic and B. Van Rompuy (eds.), Fundamental Rights in International and European Law: Public and Private Law Perspectives, T.M.C. Asser Press/Springer Verlag: The Hague 2016, pp. 1-6.
*‘Towards an EU Position on Armed Drones and Targeted Killing?’ (together with J. Dorsey), in: C. Paulussen, T. Takács, V. Lazic and B. Van Rompuy (eds.), Fundamental Rights in International and European Law: Public and Private Law Perspectives, T.M.C. Asser Press/Springer Verlag: The Hague 2016, pp. 9-44.
*‘Paris: 11/13/15: Analysis and Policy Options’ (together with G. Chauzal, K. Colijn, B. van Ginkel and S. Zavagli), Clingendael/ICCT Policy Brief, November 2015, available at: http://www.clingendael.nl/sites/default/files/Policy_Brief_Clingendael_ICCT-Paris111315Analysis_and_Policy_Options_November%202015.pdf
*‘A common European position on armed drones? Charting EU member states’ views on questions of counterterrorism uses of force’ (together with J. Dorsey), Global Affairs, 2015, Vol. 1, No. 3, 277–283, available at: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rgaf20/1/3
*‘Responding to foreign fighters: An overview of the main challenges’, in: UNICRI and Max Planck Institute, Freedom For Fear Magazine, Issue 11: Not in our name. The lost generation of violent extremists, 20 July 2015, available at: http://f3magazine.unicri.it/wp-content/uploads/F3_magazine_Not_in_our_name_low.pdf, pp. 100-105.
*Background paper on foreign fighters in Syria and Iraq, prepared for the Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy of the Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly. The paper was adopted by the Committee on 7 December 2015 and by the Parliamentary Assembly on 27 January 2016. It is available at http://assembly.coe.int/nw/xml/XRef/Xref-XML2HTML-en.asp?fileid=22304&lang=en
*‘The Role of the Military in Securing Suspects and Evidence in the Prosecution of Terrorism Cases before Civilian Courts: Legal and Practical Challenges’ (together with B. Van Ginkel), ICCT Research Paper, 7 May 2015, available at: http://www.icct.nl/download/file/ICCT-Van-Ginkel-Paulussen-The-Role-Of-The-Military-In-Securing-Suspects-And-Evidence-In-The-Prosecution-Of-Terrorism-Cases-Before-Civilian-Courts.pdf
*‘Towards a European Position on Armed Drones and Targeted Killing: Surveying EU Counterterrorism Perspectives’ (together with J. Dorsey), ICCT Research Paper, 24 April 2015, available at: http://www.icct.nl/download/file/ICCT-Dorsey-Paulussen-Towards-A-European-Position-On-Armed-Drones-And-Targeted-Killing-Surveying-EU-Counterterrorism-Perspectives.pdf
*'Responding to Foreign Fighters: A Quick Overview for People with Little Time’, ICCT Commentary, 21 April 2015, available at: https://icct.nl/publication/responding-to-foreign-fighters-a-quick-overview-for-people-with-little-time/
*‘Returning Jihadist Foreign Fighters: Challenges Pertaining to Threat Assessment and Governance of this Pan-European Problem’ (together with E. Bakker and E. Entenmann), Security and Human Rights, Vol. 25, Issue 1, 2014 (2015), pp. 11-32.
*‘Addressing Europe’s Foreign Fighter Issue: Legal Avenues at the International and National Level’ (together with E. Entenmann), Security and Human Rights, Vol. 25, Issue 1, 2014 (2015), pp. 86-118.
*T.D. Gill, T. McCormack, R. Geiβ, R. Heinsch, Ch. Paulussen and J. Dorsey (eds.), Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, Vol. 16 (2013), T.M.C. Asser Press: The Hague 2015, VIII, 369 pp.
*‘Year in Review 2013’ (together with J. Dorsey and S.-J. Koulen), in: T.D. Gill, T. McCormack, R. Geiβ, R. Heinsch, Ch. Paulussen and J. Dorsey (eds.), Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, Vol. 16 (2013), T.M.C. Asser Press: The Hague 2015, pp. 147-216.
*‘The Boundaries of the Battlefield: A Critical Look at the Legal Paradigms and Rules in Countering Terrorism' (together with J. Dorsey), in: T.D. Gill, T. McCormack, R. Geiβ, R. Heinsch, Ch. Paulussen and J. Dorsey (eds.), Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, Vol. 16 (2013), T.M.C. Asser Press: The Hague 2015, pp. 219-250.
*‘Addressing the Foreign Terrorist Fighters Phenomenon from a European Union Perspective: UN Security Council Resolution 2178, Legal Issues, and Challenges and Opportunities for EU Foreign Security and Development Policy’ (together with several other authors), Policy Brief, Global Center on Cooperative Security, Human Security Collective and International Centre for Counter-Terrorism – The Hague, December 2014, available at: http://www.globalcenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Dec2014_EU-FTFS_GCCS_HSC_ICCT.pdf
*Testing the Validity of US Self-defence Arguments against the Khorasan Group in Syria (together with K. Tibori Szabo), ICCT Commentary, 9 October 2014, available at: https://icct.nl/publication/testing-the-validity-of-us-self-defence-arguments-against-the-khorasan-group-in-syria/
*'UK Measures Rendering Terror Suspects Stateless: A Punishment More Primitive Than Torture' (together with L. Van Waas), ICCT Commentary, 5 June 2014, available at: https://icct.nl/publication/uk-measures-rendering-terror-suspects-stateless-a-punishment-more-primitive-than-torture/
*T.D. Gill, T. McCormack, R. Geiβ, R. Heinsch, Ch. Paulussen and J. Dorsey (eds.), Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, Vol. 15 (2012), T.M.C. Asser Press: The Hague 2014, VIII, 256 pp.
*‘Year in Review 2012’ (together with J. Dorsey), in: T.D. Gill, T. McCormack, R. Geiβ, R. Heinsch, Ch. Paulussen and J. Dorsey (eds.), Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, Vol. 15 (2012), T.M.C. Asser Press: The Hague 2014, pp. 187-236.
*‘Dealing with European Foreign Fighters in Syria: Governance Challenges & Legal Implications’ (together with E. Bakker and E. Entenmann), ICCT Research Paper, 16 December 2013, available at: http://www.icct.nl/download/file/ICCT-Bakker-Paulussen-Entenmann-Dealing-With-European-Foreign-Fighters-in-Syria.pdf
*'The Syrian Foreign Fighters Problem: A Test Case from The Netherlands’, ICCT Commentary, 2 December 2013, available at: https://icct.nl/publication/the-syrian-foreign-fighters-problem-a-test-case-from-the-netherlands/
*‘Art. 97. Consultations’ (commentary), in: P. De Hert, J. Flamme, M. Holvoet and O. Struyven, eds., Code of International Criminal Law and Procedure, Annotated, Larcier: Brussels 2013, pp. 461-462.
*‘The Boundaries of the Battlefield: A Critical Look at the Legal Paradigms and Rules in Countering Terrorism' (together with J. Dorsey), ICCT Research Paper, 16 April 2013, available at: http://www.icct.nl/download/file/ICCT-Dorsey-Paulussen-Boundaries-of-the-Battlefield-Report-April-2013_docx.pdf
*'Testing the Adequacy of the International Legal Framework in Countering Terrorism: The War Paradigm', ICCT Research Paper, 28 August 2012, available at: http://www.icct.nl/download/file/ICCT-Paulussen-Legal-Framework-for-Counter-Terrorism-August-2012.pdf
*'Impunity for international terrorists? Key legal questions and practical considerations', ICCT Research Paper, 5 April 2012, available at: http://www.icct.nl/download/file/ICCT-Paulussen-Impunity-April-2012.pdf
*‘The US NDAA 2012 and its controversial counter-terrorism provisions’, ICCT Commentary, 16 March 2012, available at: https://icct.nl/publication/the-us-ndaa-and-its-controversial-counter-terrorism-provisions/
*Male captus bene detentus? Surrendering suspects to the International Criminal Court, Intersentia: Antwerp/Oxford/Portland 2010, XVII, 1195 pp.
For more information on Christophe's PhD, please visit: http://www.intersentia.be/searchDetail.aspx?back=reeks&reeksCode=SHR&bookid=101638&author=Christophe Paulussen&title=Male Captus Bene Detentus?
*‘Legal Assistance in the Context of the International Criminal Court’, in: C. Fijnaut and J. Ouwerkerk, eds., The Future of Police and Judicial Cooperation in the European Union, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers: Leiden/Boston 2010, pp. 189-229.
*‘Decision on Interlocutory Appeal Concerning Legality of Arrest, Prosecutor v. Nikolic, Case No. IT-94-2-AR73, A. Ch. 5 June 2003, Commentary’, in: A. Klip and G. Sluiter, eds., Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals, Volume 14: The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia 2003, Intersentia: Antwerp/Oxford/Portland 2008, pp. 131-142.