Go to T.M.C. Asser Press
About the Asser Institute
About the Asser Institute
Mission & governance
Who's who
[Online training programme] Disarmament and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction 2021
[Online workshop] Movies that Matter and the Asser Institute: the power of film in international justice
[New publication] ‘A vaguely defined licence to kill’: jus ad bellum and the War on Terror
AI is challenging existing practices within the law of armed conflict
[Last call] Deadline extended for Nuffic MENA Scholarship: Apply now for summer programme on countering terrorism and the rule of law
‘In search of judicial independence’ – op-ed in Kathmandu Post by Shelter City Fellow
Call for papers: FIFA and human rights - Impacts, policies, responsibilities
Lecture by Dr Kenneth Payne on Artificial Intelligence in strategic affairs
Counter-terrorism expert Paulussen in NRC: “It is an illusion to think that citizenship stripping is effective”
'Bringing critical thinking to power' - New Year's message from Asser's academic director
Asser in the press on International Criminal Court’s Gbagbo decision
Two souls in one breast: The international institutional lawyer as scholar and as practitioner
Academic director and member of the board Janne Nijman joins the PAX Supervisory Board
Panel discussion: Human control over Autonomous Military Technologies
Asser academic director becomes a gender champion
Coming up: Book launch on EU Anti-Discrimination Law, the world’s most advanced anti-discrimination law system
Save the date: Advanced summer programme on terrorism, counter-terrorism and the rule of law
Cross borders with the Asser Institute @ Movies that Matter Festival 2019
Asser in the press: Chagos islands case before the International Court of Justice
[Webinar] Using battlefield evidence in the fight against terrorism: International law dimensions
[SAVE THE DATE] Online summer programme on terrorism, countering terrorism & the rule of law
Cities and international law in the Urban Age
Call for papers – 3rd Annual International Sports Law Conference of the International Sports Law Journal
New blog: The Shamima Begum case: ‘Revoking citizenship is ineffective and counterproductive’
Call for papers: Are Human Rights a myth or a lived reality?
Register now: The Legal Roles of Cities in a (De)Globalising World - keynote speech by Yishai Blank
International Women’s Day: Janne Nijman puts the spotlight on peace activist Bertha von Suttner (1843 - 1914)
New publication on the effect of the UK’s counter-terrorism policies on the rule of law
Francophone training in International and Transnational Criminal Law
Asser takes part in a research project on EU sports diplomacy
Register now: Summer law programme on international criminal law & international legal & comparative approaches to counter-terrorism
Asser Institute at the 2019 ASIL Annual Meeting
The Race for Human Rights: Leveraging Bahrain’s Grand Prix for Change
Sign up now for our upcoming training programmes
What is an ‘effective’ counter-terrorism strategy? Join our upcoming conference in May
Call for papers: The city in constitutional law
Free lecture: The Romanian experience in the EU external relations field
[Call for papers] Delocalised justice
[Professional education] Introducing the Asser Academy Masterclass series: innovative short courses for legal professionals
[ICL-TCL training] ‘Strengthening domestic capacity to prosecute and adjudicate international and transnational crimes in Africa'
[Op-ed] ‘UK, Australia and the Netherlands should not evade responsibility through citizenship stripping’
‘Legislative fever is not a long-term solution for stopping terrorism incitement’
Asser in the press on citizenship stripping in Bahrain
Citizenship stripping as a counter-terrorism measure is inefficient
[Blog] EU’s future due diligence legislation will speed up justice for Shell claimants
[Blog] Covid-19 exposes structural inequality in global supply chain contracts
[New website] Launch of the ILA Study Group’s website on cities and international law
[Register now] Lecture on Germany’s presidency of the Council of the European Union in challenging times
The many challenges of prosecuting sexual terrorism: the case of ISIS
[Blog] Artificial intelligence: Is the answer more law?
[New website] Launch of the Asser Nexus on Conflict and Crime
Staying in an area controlled by a terrorist organisation: crime or operational necessity?
[Blog] ‘Meaningful human control over autonomous weapons and International Criminal Law’
[Register now] DILEMA lecture: Remote, autonomous weapons and human agency
[ Asser news ] Handover ceremony of unique inter-university programme in Lebanon
[Annual Lecture] Watch a recording of the 6th Annual T.M.C. Asser Lecture
New Year’s resolutions? Our winter academies will help you stay ahead in 2021
Scholarships available for our 2021 winter academies
Book by Asser researcher Chukwuma Okoli subject of symposium
Joint initiative: Launch of a Forum of Legal Actors on freedom of expression
[New lecture series] ‘Method, methodology and critique in international law’
Lessons in justice: Asser’s educational programme with the Special Tribunal for Lebanon celebrated
Apply now: The Marie Curie Individual Fellowship
Germany and its returning foreign terrorist fighters
Founder and former director of the Asser Institute has passed away
In the spotlight: International humanitarian and criminal law platform
Asser president Ernst Hirsch Ballin: “Do we want a democracy that divides or one that makes connections?”
[Annual Lecture] A future of ‘algorithmic warfare’?
[In the media] Andrew Murray: The use of AI may disrupt democracy and the rule of law
[New publication] Policy paper: Supporting the mandate of the African Court
[Launch of the DILEMA lecture series]
[SCL Lecture] Sexual terrorism
[New publication] Countering cyber terrorism in a time of 'war on words’: the case of France
[Register now] Online HILAC lecture on 'International humanitarian law and non-state actors'
[SCL Lecture] The STL Judgement in the Ayyash et al. case: Justice for Lebanon?
[New publication] Legacies of the War on Terror
[Online] Annual Lecture
[Online HILAC lecture] Military necessity and the law of armed conflict
DILEMA research project on military AI formally started
[Asser in the media] Asser senior researcher Christophe Paulussen on the Ayyash et al. judgement
[New publication]:’The legality of economic activities in occupied territories’
[Online training programmes] Register now for our upcoming training programmes
[Online] Advanced summer programme terrorism, counter-terrorism and the rule of law
[Online training programme] Disarmament and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction
[New paper] Srebrenica and Rwanda genocides: The continuing saga of state responsibility for the conduct of peacekeeping forces
[Analysis] Dutch Supreme Court rules on the group repatriation of the families of IS fighters: ‘We expect that more individual court cases will now be started”
Repatriate and prosecute foreign terrorist fighters
Call for Papers on expert panel manuals for the Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law
MATRA Project Awarded: Providing support to Ukraine to combat international crimes
[Counter-terrorism] ‘The repatriation of the children of former IS fighters should be matter of urgency rather than a political choice’
[Recording] Webinar: Challenges to Prosecuting Paramilitaries: Insights from the former Yugoslavia and Syria
Online course: Advanced summer programme on terrorism, counter-terrorism and the rule of law
Disarmament and non-proliferation training in times of renewed nuclear unpredictability
[Recording] Asser live webinar ‘Counter-terrorism & the law: A forever and anywhere war’
Asser’s Counter-Terrorism Brief on: A ‘Forever and Anywhere War’?
[SIGN UP NOW] Disarmament and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction training programme
Sign up now for our upcoming training courses
[SIGN UP NOW] Summer law programme on international criminal law & international legal & comparative approaches to counter-terrorism
How to respond to ‘sexual terrorism’?
Deadline extended for applications research positions in ethics and law of military AI
Blog post: ‘The counter-productiveness of deprivation of nationality as a national security measure’
[EVENT] Nationality deprivation in the era of Rohingya genocide and ISIS fighters
[SIGN UP NOW] Online advanced summer programme on terrorism, countering terrorism and the rule of law
SAVE THE DATE: 10th Advanced summer programme on terrorism, countering terrorism and the rule of law
Training on prosecution and adjudication of international and transnational crimes in Tanzania
[New publications] Asser researcher Chukwuma Okoli publishes on private international law in Nigeria
International law for public interest
What is an inclusive city? Asser academic director Janne Nijman spoke on Amsterdam seminar
Pax moot court competition brings international law students to The Hague
Blog: Prof. Richard English - Does terrorism work?
New ‘Global Europe’ project launched
Blog: Lethal autonomous weapons, war crimes, and the Convention on Conventional Weapons
Call for nominations for the Max van der Stoel Human Rights Award
Backstage of transnational law
Continuing the Chinese-European dialogue on world order
Register now: A special event with Philippe Couvreur on the role of Registrar of the International Court of Justice
Nine scholarships available for the disarmament and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction training programme
Asser president Hirsch Ballin presents a report on human rights and sustainable development
‘FIFA and Human Rights’ symposium kicked off on Verfassungsblog
Will a Dutch man who fought in Syria be stripped of his citizenship?
Annual report 2018
[Call for Papers] Law and governance of a global city: 17th-century Amsterdam
What sports law tells you about transnational law
Blog post: Outsourcing the management of terrorism suspects to other countries
Call for Contributions: City reports on International Law
The dynamic between terrorism and counter-terrorism and the quest for legitimacy in the eyes of the public
Blog post: City-branding and human rights: a win-win combination?
In quest of liberty, justice, and peace: a new biography on Asser’s private and public life
The changing nature of courtroom evidence
Prosecuting international and transnational crimes requires domestic capacity: Asser trains magistrates from french-speaking African countries
Dr Oliver Meier to address the impact of US - Russian relations on arms control at the WMD training programme
Register for the third ISLJ International Sports Law Conference
Honoring the life and work of Nobel Peace Prize winner Tobias Asser
SAVE THE DATE: ‘Rule of law challenges and prospects in Albania and North Macedonia’
The renovated Asser Institute building officially open
Launching the Global Europe project: The transparency of the global dimension of EU law
#International Day of Democracy: The impact of memory laws on democracy
SAVE THE DATE: 2020 Winter Academy on Artificial Intelligence & International law
#ISLJConf19: Transfer systems in international sports
New cases added to the International Crimes Database
EU trade agreements and the duty to respect human rights abroad
An interview with human rights defender Dilip Chakma: “In India Chakma’s are a minority in all aspects”
Blog post: On the illegality of the Turkish offensive in Syria
Imagining Justice: bringing together lawyers and artists
Blog post: A Nobel Peace Prize for Africa, but what about the other half of the story?
Sign up now for our one week course on EU external policies and asylum
Ongoing call for contributions: City reports on international law
International humanitarian law: an often forgotten field of law in the fight against terrorism
Why doping in sport can't be stopped
The programme for the winter academy on artificial intelligence and international law is out
Blog: ‘Deprivation of nationality of Dutch IS fighters is counter-productive’
CLEER Winter Academy: EU external relations and instruments
Blog: Citizenship deprivation will strengthen IS jihadist ideology
Renowned legal scholar Prof. Anne Orford will deliver the Fifth Annual T.M.C. Asser Lecture
Minister Sigrid Kaag to give a short speech at the Fifth Annual Asser Lecture 2019
Season 8 of Asser’s educational programme for Lebanese students begins today
Asser researchers contribute to a study on radical and hate speakers in Europe
Speaker Anne Orford: “International treaties can and must be more social”
Asser researcher wins NWO grant to research AI in the military context
Watch the full annual Asser lecture by Prof. Anne Orford
[TV Interview] Asser researcher speaks about France's role in Sahel and counter-terrorism policies
Local high school students snap photos of The Hague for Human Rights Day
Asser researcher appointed as member of the permanent commission on Human Rights of the Dutch Advisory Council on International Affairs
The role of cities in international law: researchers meet in Berlin
[Interview] Aung San Suu Kyi to defend Myanmar before the ICJ in Gambia’s Rohingya genocide case
Student scholarships available for the Doing Business Right winter academy
Blog: ‘We need a private international law system that responds to the interests of Africa’
New Year’s resolutions? Our winter academies will help you stay ahead in 2020
Call for papers: Urban politics of human rights
Global Justice Cinema: where film meets international justice
[Interview] Asser researcher Berenice Boutin: “Now is the moment to govern and regulate Artificial Intelligence”
Start your year with high quality trainings in the fields of AI and international law and business and human rights.
Event: The autonomy of the EU legal order
Blog: Does Artificial Intelligence exacerbate injustices?
2020: Joining forces in an eventful year
New Asser Press publication: “Human Dignity and Human Security in Times of Terrorism”
[Blog] Using big data for research and policy analysis: how to deal with legal and ethical concerns?
Symposium and book presentation on responses to the threats to the judiciary's independence
[Interview]: Curtailing the surveillance state? Anticipating the SyRI case judgment
[Conference] Migration deals and their damaging effects
Finnish Ambassador to speak in an upcoming Asser lecture
Global Justice Cinema: Eight Films on Finding Truth and Fighting for Justice
Asser researcher writes on the practice of the African Court and the ‘others’
Same-sex spouses should enjoy the same free movement rights according to EU law
Asser researcher writes on the limits of digital surveillance for Het Parool
[Asser in the news] Mexico’s amnesty proposal: an instrument of transitional justice?
New project: ‘Strengthening the role of legal actors in the defence of the right to freedom of expression’
Covid-19 update on T.M.C. Asser's 2020 summer programmes
[Analysis] COVID-19: US border closure breaches International Refugee Law
[Blog post] Migration: Revisiting the legal nature of the 2016 EU-Turkey statement
[Blog post] Democracy in times of crisis: The state of emergency in Hungary
[New publication] Grotius’ ‘rule of law’ and the human sense of justice; an afterword to Martti Koskenniemi’s foreword by Janne E. Nijman
[Call for papers] Rendering advice on constitutional issues in modern polities
[SIGN UP NOW] International public interest advocacy online workshop
Imagining Justice: visiting physical sites of international law
[Blog post] The beginning of the end of a home-grown African Court?
The Belarusian response to the COVID-19 pandemic: Denial and a military parade
Asser researcher receives Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences Early Career Partnership Award
Sign up now for our upcoming training courses (1)
[Recording] Ombudsperson to the UN Security Council ISIL (Da’esh) and Al-Qaida sanctions committee: protecting human rights in counterterrorism sanctions
[2020 ASIL] Hague institutions hosted the closing plenary on cities and international law
[New paper] Planetary boundaries intra muros: Cities and the Anthropocene
[Interview] International lawyer Nawi Ukabiala: 'Use international norms and dispute settlement to promote racial justice in the US'
[Asser in the media] Asser researcher León Castellanos-Jankiewicz: ‘US measures against migrants undercut international refugee law’
[Online round table] Trading emerging technologies: Security and human rights perspectives
[Op-ed] Janne Nijman & Mary O’Connell: ‘A Better World Emerging from the Crises’
Asser researcher co-authors Guiding Principles on Shared Responsibility in International Law
[Analysis] Asser researcher Uladzislau Belavusau reflects on the political crisis in Belarus
[Opening academic year] Academic director Janne Nijman: ‘It is the human mind that may evoke change’
[Lex sportiva] New publications on transnational sports law
[Online round table] Trading emerging technologies: Security and human rights perspectives
In Memoriam: Antoinette Wessels-Voorbij
[Online expert panel] Missing persons and memory governance
[New publications] What kind of future for EU-UK relations in the post-Brexit world?
[Recording] Online expert panel on missing persons and memory governance
[Online symposium] Informalisation of the EU’s external action in the fields of migration and asylum
[Winter academy alert!] Save the date for our 2021 winter academies
A new way forward: T.M.C. Asser Instituut and University of Amsterdam join forces in The Hague
[New publication] ‘Constitutionalism under Stress: Essays in Honour of Wojciech Sadurski’
[Registration open] Online winter academy ‘Doing business right'
[Just Peace Month] Online lecture ‘Bigdatalk: talking and learning about the use of Big Data in security practices’
[PhD defence] ‘The legal governance of historical memory and the rule of law’
[Consolidation] ‘The Netherlands Network for Human Rights Research now incorporates all Dutch law schools’
[Register now] Online winter academy 'Artificial intelligence and international law'
[Blog] Beyond AI ethics: International law and human rights for AI accountability
Call for Papers: Empirical & Socio-legal Methods in International Law Masterclass
T.M.C. Asser Instituut invites researchers to jointly submit applications for a Marie Curie Individual Fellowship
AI and Blockchain for Good: Harnessing Technological Developments to Foster Trust
Meeting the Four Freedoms Award Laureates in The Hague
Expert Roundtable on Citizenship Stripping as a Security Measure
The Long-Term Risk of non-Repatriation of Dutch Children in Syrian Camps
T.M.C. Asser Instituut becomes a member of the Common Effort Community
Call for Papers: "Interdisciplinary Doctoral Symposium Democracy, Rule of Law and Human Rights in Europe and the World in Times of Contestation"
Exploring States’ Obligations to Prevent Gross Human Rights Violations
“A Tale of Two Cities”: The Roles of Geneva and The Hague, two UN cities, in Driving Global Justice
Policy Brief: ‘The Case for a Court of Arbitration for Business and Human Rights’
The Federal Rainbow Dream: On Free Movement of Gay Spouses Under EU Law
Call for Papers - 10th Anniversary CLEER Conference: ‘EU external relations: Tackling global challenges?’
Asser Researcher Receives Funding for a Project on Autonomous Military Technologies and State Responsibility
Moving Forward Five Years after the Rana Plaza Collapse
Last Surviving Nuremberg Prosecutor Benjamin Ferencz Visits the Asser Institute
Call for Papers - Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, Vol. 21 (2018)
Seventh Annual PhD Day
EU Trade and Investment Policy
Call for Applications: Fellowship Programme For Human Rights Defenders 2018
Excesses of Counter-Terrorism and Constitutional Review in France: The Example of the Criminalisation of the Consultation of Websites
The Right to Fair Trial and the Rise of Sensitive Intelligence Evidence: Responses from the Dutch and UK Courts
Launch of Second Asser-Verfassungsblog Symposium: Courts and Counter-Terrorism
Policy Brief: Street Renaming after the Change of Political Regime
Asser Institute participates in the closing plenary of ASIL’s 112th Annual Meeting
Asser’s First Winter Academy on Artificial Intelligence and International Law
Looking back at the Book launch: Shifting Perspectives on the European Public Prosecutor’s Office
Call for Papers: The International Legality of Economic Activities in Occupied Territories?
The Congo Tribunal – Where Art and International Law Meet
CLEER Organises its 4th Summer School in Brussels on the Law of EU External Relations
CLEER Lecture on 'The Brexit conundrum' at Maastricht University in Brussels
The Asser Institute Co-organises a Memory Laws Workshop with Berkeley Law School
Back Home Action Plans under the Spotlight in Tunis
Asser Institute Researchers Participate in “Making a Difference" Conference Hosted by the Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security
Morality and Responsibility of Rulers
The Asser Institute Signed a New Agreement with the University of Amsterdam
On the Interaction between Transnational Crimes and International Crimes
Launching the Website of ‘The Global City: Challenges, Trust and the Role of Law’ Project
‘Meet the World’ – Join the Asser Institute at the Movies that Matter Festival 2018
International and Transnational Criminal Law Training Course Marks New Asser - Cassese Initiative Cooperation
Inside the Mladic Trial: A Report
Looking Back at Human Dignity and Human Security in Times of Terrorism Conference
Highlights: "Contemporary Constraints on the Waging of War: A Tribute to Prof. Frits Kalshoven”
Restoring Trust in the Rule of Law
Asser’s Academic Director to teach ‘History of the Idea of International Law’ in Geneva
New Foreign Fighters Tab Launched on the International Crimes Database
Connecting Research and Practice at the 'Doing Business Right Winter Academy'
University of Amsterdam’s Rector Underlines the Importance of the Asser Institute’s International Focus in Research
Concluding Asser - Verfassungsblog Symposium: Final Thoughts on Mnemonic Constitutionalism
Memory Wars of Commercial Worth – The Legal Status of the Red Star in Hungary
Rule of Law in Poland: Memory Politics and Belarusian Minority
The EU-Turkey Statement or the ‘Refugee Deal’: The Extra-Legal Deal of Extraordinary Times?
The Asser Institute Successfully Wraps up its First International Lawyering in a Public Interest Summer Programme
Asser Institute researcher new Editor in Chief of the Security and Human Rights Monitor
Disarmament and non-proliferation training in times of new nuclear arms race
Countering Terrorism within the Rule of Law
We’re hiring! Three vacancies at the Asser Institute
Asser in the press on the Chagos Island case
Three Asser memory law researchers will speak in Budapest
How to remember the past? Book launch and workshop on memory laws
European court dismisses claims by speed skater
International Court of Justice condemns US for Iran sanctions
Using technology to disrupt land-grabbing
Publish or perish: Why legal scholars need to embrace social media
New blog: Athletes' case results in more transparency in sports
Making transnational corporations comply with human rights standards
New terrorism cases and working papers added to the International Crimes Database
Annual Lecture 2018: International law and the far right - Reflections on law and cynicism
How advanced technologies could help international law
International law and the far right: Reflections on law and cynicism
Save the date: Winter academy on artificial intelligence and international law
Online inter-university programme on international criminal law and procedure for Lebanese students
‘Children of IS parents should be repatriated for long-term security reasons’
Five scholarships for Artificial Intelligence and International Law Winter Academy
León Castellanos-Jankiewicz wins David D. Caron Prize
New Publication: EU Anti-Discrimination Law Beyond Gender
New publication: Impact of sensitive intelligence evidence on court systems
Monkey Code wins Asser Institute land grabbing challenge at the Hackathon for Peace, Justice and Security
Football Leaks: Asser in the press
Brexit withdrawal agreement: ‘Not much space for an autonomous UK trade policy’
Pros and cons of EU cooperation on migration
New policy brief: ‘Counter-terrorism measures need to be evaluated’
Blog: ‘Why EU member states should not hesitate to vote for the Global Compact for Migration’
Preliminary programme out now! Artificial Intelligence & International Law Winter Academy
ICL-TCL Training Marks Successful Asser Antonio Cassese Initiative Collaboration
Five student scholarships available for the Doing Business Right Winter Academy
Ernst Hirsch Ballin spoke on the Freedom of Speech
'UK and Australia combatting modern slavery in the supply chain of businesses'
Exclusive interview with Martti Koskenniemi on international law and the rise of the far right
Blog: Who is responsible for the war crimes of killer robots?
Excellent midterm review for the T.M.C. Asser Instituut
[Inter-university programme] ‘The most important investment the STL could have made in promoting justice, accountability and the rule of law in Lebanon’
[Preliminary programme out] Sign up now for our online summer law programme on international criminal law and counter-terrorism
[Call for papers] ‘Imagining solidarity in international and regional law’
[Preliminary programme out] Top speakers for our advanced summer programme on terrorism, countering terrorism and the rule of law
[Sign up now] Online workshop: International public interest advocacy
[Masterclass] Asser Masterclass on investing in Africa will give you a private international law toolkit
[New publication] The opening statement of the prosecution in international criminal trials
[New publication] Autonomous weapons and the responsibility gap in the ICC statute
[Stakeholder report] More attention needed to local stakeholders' and affected communities' engagement with the ICC
[Preliminary programme out] Sign up for the international public interest advocacy workshop
[Updated programme] Asser Masterclass on investing in Africa
[Call for papers] Artificial intelligence: the new frontier of business and human rights
[10th Annual PhD Day] 'A safe space for PhD researchers to test ideas'
KNAW award for Asser Associate Fellow Dimitri Van Den Meerssche
[Interview] with Asser researcher Chukwuma Okoli
[New SCL lecture] Visualising the Mladic Trial
[Global City project] Defence day for two Asser PhD researchers
[In the media] Final ruling for Mladić on genocide conviction
[Programme and registration] Fourth annual NNHRR conference: human rights and vulnerability
Asser researcher in parliamentary roundtable on the threat of repatriation of former IS fighters
[Call for papers] Method, methodology and critique in international law
One year of MATRA: strengthening Ukraine's capacity to investigate and prosecute international crimes
[Interview] Researcher Rumyana van Ark: The legacy of the War on Terror
[Interview] Researcher Rebecca Mignot-Mahdavi: "“States have used the law as a tool to legitimise intrusive security practices, which put individual liberties at risk”
[ New scholarships available ] Join our Disarmament and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction training
[Annual Report 2020] ‘The year of Zoom’
[New podcast] Lethal Autonomous Weapons: 10 things we want to know
Call for papers: ‘Ecocide as an international crime: Perspectives from domestic and international law’
[Opening Academic Year] Janne Nijman: 'Sharing ideas to help shape a post-COVID world'
Research collaboration between the Hofstad Lyceum and the T.M.C. Asser Instituut
[Apply now] Nuffic MENA scholarships for law courses for young professionals 2021
Thilo Marauhn appointed Extraordinary Professor of International Arms Control Law
[Interview] Ernst Hirsch Ballin: ‘The ability to see ‘us in them’ is decisive for the whole issue of migration’
[Global City project] PhD defence day for Miha Marčenko on the role of the city in international law and governance
[Updated programme] The art and international law laboratory: experiences of justice
[New publication] The Cambridge Companion to Hugo Grotius
Researcher Sofia Stolk: “We should never stop asking questions, and art can be a way to do that”
[New publication] War crimes units: Legislative, organisational and technical lessons
[New essay] Urban Legacies of 9/11: An International Law Perspective
[New essay] ‘Monopolisation - Concentrated power and economic embeddings in Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence’
[Interview] Asser researcher Christophe Paulussen: It was an interview with Benjamin Ferencz, which pushed me to the field of international criminal law
[Blog Symposium] Delocalized Justice: the delocalization of corporate accountability for human rights violations originating in Africa
[Annual Lecture] Europe’s role in the world: player or plaything?
[Research paper] ‘Evidentiary and charging matters in the context of prosecuting returning foreign fighters before national courts’
[New publication] Research handbook on international law and cities
[Call for papers] Law and ethics of AI in the public sector
[New research project] ‘The challenge of populist memory politics for Europe: Towards effective responses to militant legislation on the past (MEMOCRACY)’
[Apply now] Nuffic OKP scholarships for law courses for young professionals 2021
[Policy brief] ‘Third Revised Draft Treaty on Business and Human Rights: Comments and Recommendations’
[Research handbook launch] Cities and their global networks
Asser researcher Thilo Marauhn re-elected to the International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission
[Asser in the media] ‘Security risks can be better managed if the people detained in Syrian camps are repatriated in a controlled manner’
[Interview] Brigid Laffan on the geo-political threats facing Europe: ‘The rest of the world is tired of our preaching’
[New research paper] ‘Family courts as part of states’ counter-terrorism toolkit: A welcome development for the children of FTFs?’
Max van der Stoel Human Rights Award 2021 for PhD thesis by Yousra Benfquih: ‘A book that challenges readers to react’
[Interview] Asser researcher Tarik Gherbaoui: ‘With my research I aim to reach the decision-makers in the field of counter-terrorism’
[Op-ed] Christophe Paulussen: “Nationality deprivation in the interest of national security: on symbolism, irrationality and the 'evaluation' of a flawed law”
Goals for the New Year? Register now for our 2022 training programmes
[Interview] Tomasz Zurek: ‘Soon, autonomous military devices will appear in almost every conflict in the world'
Asser visiting fellow in parliamentary roundtable on Afghanistan
A new year and a new research agenda: ‘Rethinking public interests in international and European law’
[Online symposium] Decolonisation and human rights - the Dutch case
[New publication] Global Europe Book Series: The informalisation of the EU's external action in the field of migration and asylum
[New blog post] ‘Shifting the narrative: not weapons, but technologies of warfare’
Research funding for ELSA Lab Defence project on military artificial intelligence
Janne Nijman new chair supervisory board of the World Press Photo Foundation
[Inter-university programme] Kicking off the tenth season of the Lebanon Lecture Series
Freedom of expression in the Olympic Movement
[Interview] Asser researcher Sadjad Soltanzadeh: ‘It is important for us to study human activities as much as we study any technological object’
[ICL-TCL training] Strengthening domestic capacity to prosecute international and transnational crimes in Africa
The attack on Ukraine violates the most fundamental rules of international law
[Interview] Arms control law chair Thilo Marauhn: ‘We need to adapt current arms control law to address new political challenges’
[Event] The Russian invasion of Ukraine: International legal implications
[Upcoming publication] Janne E. Nijman: ‘Bertha von Suttner: Locating international law in novel and salon’
[New blog post] Victoria Kerr: ‘De-bunking the role of international law in the Ukrainian conflict’
Expert opinion in EP hearing on international human rights law in occupied territories
[Annual Lecture] 'Europe in the world: The emergence of Collective Power Europe?' by Prof. Brigid Laffan
[ASIL 2022] Closing plenary on arms control and the peace movement
[Report] The Russian invasion of Ukraine: International legal implications
[In the media] Op-ed Victoria Kerr: ‘International law might appear powerless in the Russian war in Ukraine, but it is not’
[Announcement] “This is a good time to step down, the Asser Institute is well-positioned for the future.”
[Interview] León Castellanos-Jankiewicz: ‘Mexico is serious about making the US gun industry accountable for the damages caused with their products’
[Shelter City 2022] Call for applications for Asser Institute visiting research fellowship
[Book review] James Patrick Sexton reviews ‘Law-Making and Legitimacy in International Humanitarian Law’, edited by Heike Krieger and Jonas Püschmann
[New blog post] Limiting the veto in the face of jus cogens violations: Russia’s latest (ab)use of the veto
[New research papers] Artificial intelligence and warfare
[Out now] Video and interview with Prof. Brigid Laffan on Europe and the hardening of geopolitics
[Out now] Video on Mexico v Smith & Wesson discussion of transnational civil litigation and corporate liability for gun violence
[New publication] City report on Buenos Aires as an international actor
Vesna Lazić elected to Scientific Council of the European Association of Private International Law (EAPIL)
[International law summer schools] Learn something new this summer
Football feminism: Addressing discrimination through FIFA’s structures, rules, and governance practices
[Interview] Daniela Heerdt human rights abuses in mega sporting events
Farewell academic director Janne E. Nijman: ‘I will dearly miss the Institute and all with whom I collaborated so well throughout the years’
[New book] Legal constraints on EU member states in drafting accession agreements
[New blog post] Transgender women athlete exclusion in disguise
[Interview] Asser researcher Stavros Evdokimos Pantazopoulos
[Annual Report 2021] Rethinking public interests
Cranes for our future – Disarmament and non-proliferation for a nuclear-free future
[Blog post] The European Union’s sanctioning of Russian military officers: an urge for caution
[Video conversation] 'The fight for human rights: Lessons from Afghanistan' with Asser Institute fellow Nader Nadery
[Nuclear disarmament] Thea Coventry: ‘Codifying legal norms might not prevent nuclear war, but it does help to create a world where nuclear weapons are unthinkable’
[Podcast] The Hague Courts Dialogue Series podcast: short conversations with experts on international law about ongoing cases
[International human rights law] Urgent legal reforms needed for victims of gun violence
Research Handbook on International Law and Cities awarded 2022 ESIL Collaborative Book Prize
[New publication] State responsibility in relation to military applications of AI
[Research paper] In or out of control? Criminal responsibility of programmers of autonomous vehicles and autonomous weapon systems
[Forum of Legal Actors] Supporting and defending the right to freedom of expression and the safety of journalists
[New research paper] 'Magnitsky sanctions fail to serve human rights or security'
[International Humanitarian Law] Taylor Woodcock: ‘We should focus on the effects of decision-making aids, tasking, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance technology in warfare’
[Sports law] Zooming in on the International Olympic Committee’s strategic framework on human rights
[Save the date] Spring Academy on artificial intelligence and international law
[Interview] Shelter City research fellow Ali Erdoğan: “European institutions can be very patriarchal”
[New project] The potential of big data technologies for the due diligence process
[Conference] Strengthening Ukraine’s national efforts to investigate, prosecute, adjudicate and report on international crimes
[Research publication] How Qatar’s migrant workers became FIFA’s problem: a transnational struggle for responsibility
[Database] Now live: The Foreign Terrorist Fighters Knowledge Hub
[Research publication] Retaining human responsibility in the development and use of autonomous weapon systems
Goals for the New Year? Register now for our 2023 training programmes
[Interview] Virginie Rouas: ‘European companies are polluting the Global South without facing full legal consequences’
[Podcast]: ‘Ukrainian war crimes trials with Ukrainian judges’
[New publication] Remedy and redress for sport-related human rights abuses
Addressing human rights abuse in sport
[New publication] Military artificial intelligence and the principle of distinction: A state responsibility perspective
[New publication] Responsible international aid for populations ruled by illegitimate regimes: An indicative framework for Afghanistan
[Holiday downtime?] Catch up on 10 international law podcasts
[Interview] James Patrick Sexton: ‘There is a contrast between the dedication to prosecute war crimes and the practice’
[Blog post] ‘Reparations are problematic to negotiated (international criminal) justice’
[New publication] Constitutions of value - Law, governance, and political ecology
[New publication] Rule of law and constitutionalisation of memory politics in Hungary and Russia
[Public panel] How to design and regulate for effective human-machine interaction in military AI?
[Annual T.M.C. Asser Lecture] ‘The right to food, violence, and food systems’ by Michael Fakhri
[New publication] The principle of solidarity - International and EU law perspectives
[New publication] The road to justice: Lessons for Ukraine from the USSR invasion of Afghanistan
[Law clinic] Access to justice for gun violence
[New blog] Three lessons on the regulation of autonomous weapons systems to ensure accountability for violations of IHL
[Call for Papers] The EU as a Regional International Organisation
[New publication] Overlooking continuity: National minorities and ‘timeless’ human rights
[New publication] Ecocide: the environment as victim at the International Criminal Court
[Shelter City] Call for applications for Asser Institute visiting research fellowship
[ASIL 2023] Pursuing global accountability for atrocity crimes: Needs, challenges and the path forward
[New book chapter] Autonomous weapons
[Interview] Visiting researcher Kathleen Claussen: ‘Sustainability, trade and security go hand in hand’
[Blog post] Accountability in The Hague: Recent developments in Dutch core international crimes cases regarding the Syrian civil war
[New publication] Returning foreign fighters: Responses, legal challenges and ways forward
[Public consultation] Principles and values for military artificial intelligence
[Last call] Annual T.M.C. Asser Lecture "The right to food, violence and food systems"
‘Law not war’ – Inspiring international criminal law champion Benjamin Ferencz (1920-2023) will be sorely missed
[Adjudicating international crimes]: Ukrainian judges visiting the Netherlands
Addressing human rights abuses at mega-sporting events—A shared responsibility in theory and practice
[New video] ‘The right to food, violence, and food systems’ by Michael Fakhri
[New blog post] The ICC’s channels of communication: ICC Defence perspectives on outreach missions and the right to fair trial
[Launch] First of its kind basic investigative standards for documenting international crimes in Ukraine
[New blog post] Including the arms sector in the EU Corporate Due Diligence Directive
[Updated] The Foreign Terrorist Fighters Knowledge Hub
[New publication] The European Court of Human Rights and its search for common values
[Call for papers] International Sports Law Journal conference
Exchange meeting focuses on conflict-related crimes against children in Ukraine
[New blog post] Enforcing sanctions violations to fund the reconstruction of Ukraine
Unleash your potential with our transformative summer programmes
Prosecuting international crimes in Africa: Strengthening legal capacities
[Digital art exhibition] Exposure, solidarity, resistance: photographing the daily life of human rights
[Interview] Tarik Gherbaoui: ‘With my research I aim to reach the decision-makers in the field of counter-terrorism’
[Interview] The sovereignty of sharing: An interview with UN Special Rapporteur Michael Fakhri
[New blog post] Weaponising Russia’s memory law: On Russia’s anti-war dissidents
[New publication] Many hands in the black box: Artificial intelligence and the responsibility of international organisations
New report finds major gaps in accountability for European arms exports
Can ChatGPT solve legal dilemmas related to the military use of artificial intelligence?
[Interview] Niki Siampakou: ‘Victims could be important actors in counter-terrorism efforts’
'Dirty bombs' and nuclear power plants: How does international law protect us from nuclear disaster?
Dutch government receives parliamentary questions on European arms exports
[Interview] Counterterrorism expert Thomas Renard: ‘Everyone is struggling to identify how to best respond to extremism’
[New publication] The Anti-ISIL coalition, civilian harm, and the obligation to investigate
[New publication] Lessons learned on addressing human rights abuses in Qatar
The Brussels I-bis Regulation: A key legal instrument for unified EU private international law
[New article] Addressing online terrorist content through the ‘grammar’ of human rights law
[Interview] Antoine Duval: 'Human rights due diligence is underpinned by a fundamental double movement'
[Interview] Andrii Nekoliak: “The politics of memory laws can be intense”
[New publication] Failures to stop autonomous weapon systems as a war crime?
[New video] Pursuing accountability for the crime of aggression against Ukraine
Ukrainian investigators, prosecutors and judges to visit The Hague
Asser Institute and VU Amsterdam launch research into international task force for crimes against journalists
[Publication] Uneven progress in environmental protection in armed conflicts
[Ukraine] Fair trials key to lasting justice
[Press release] Quarterly Updates: The Foreign Terrorist Fighters Knowledge Hub
The Asser Institute welcomes groups of Ukrainian investigators, prosecutors and judges
[Registrations open] Spring academy on artificial intelligence and international law
Christophe Paulussen appointed Asser Institute’s acting academic director and chairperson of the board
[New publication] Addressing the legal questions surrounding EU’s strategic autonomy
[New publication] The influence of AI decision-support systems on legal assessments in military targeting
UN Special rapporteur on right to housing to visit the Asser Institute
[The year in review] Rethinking international law: From Memory Laws to AI and war crimes
Goals for the New Year? Save your seat for our 2024 training programmes
A new management team for the Asser Institute in 2024
[Interview] Shelter city research fellow Omar Piñango: “We are on a path to justice”
Landmark decisions by the Court of Justice of the European Union will reshape transnational sports governance
Is Mandatory Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence a Paper Tiger? Lessons from the French Experience
Universities across the MENA region join the inter-university programme on international criminal law and procedure
[Call for papers] The legal implications of the EU's geopolitical awakening
[Interview] Nadia Perrone: ‘We are at a pivotal moment in defining new responsibilities for powerful non-state actors’
[Seminar] The Ljubljana – The Hague Convention: International cooperation in fighting impunity for international crimes
[Annual Lecture 2024] ‘Connection in a divided world: Rethinking ‘community’ in international law’ by Fleur Johns
[Registrations open] International law summer programme by War Crimes Research Office and the Asser Institute
[New video] Rule of law cluster in The Hague
[New podcast] Asser Institute launches JurisDictions: International law podcast
[Interview] Jonathan Kwik: "I am bridging the gap between the technical and the legal domains"
[Shelter City] Call for applications for a visiting research fellowship at the Asser Institute for human rights defenders
In Memoriam: Michiel de Rooij (1962 -2024)
PhD Researcher Jonathan Kwik sparks debate on AI weapons with groundbreaking dissertation
[Quarterly update] The Foreign Terrorist Fighters Knowledge Hub
[New Publication] Is wearing sunglasses an attack? Obligations under international humanitarian law for anti-AI countermeasures
[Law clinic] Seeking transparency on arms exports
[Blog post] Dutch court halts F-35 aircraft deliveries to Israel
[Call for Papers] The French due diligence law after five years of implementation: (in)effectiveness, (un)accountability and (in)justice?
Ukrainian members of parliament and experts work on the development of a comprehensive legal framework to address atrocity crimes in Ukraine
[Interview] Julia Mullert: "The foreign fighter phenomenon has some unique challenges for policymakers"
Connecting historical memory governance in Latin America and East Asia
[New course] Using satellite imagery as evidence in international judicial proceedings
Mexico’s cases against U.S. gun industry move forward
[ASIL 2024] Hague closing plenary - Confronting impunity and safeguarding journalists in a global context
[Call for papers] Between crisification and legal resilience: Change and stability in EU external relations law
[New Publication] Performance or explainability? A law of war perspective
EU scrutinises arms export controls as focus shifts to supply chain accountability
Don't miss out! Register for the 9th Annual T.M.C. Asser Lecture today
[Blog post] The ‘need’ for speed – The cost of unregulated AI-Decision Support Systems to civilians
[Call for Papers] General principles in EU external relations law
[OpinioJuris] Interview with Fleur Johns on rethinking community in international law
[New podcast] Gaza and the international legal community (?): South Africa v Israel at the ICJ
[Scholarships] Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs funding full scholarships for upcoming WMD training programme
[New publication] UN Rapporteur Michael Fakhri on food systems and structural violence
[Video] Fleur Johns on ‘Rethinking community in international law’
[New training] Ukrainian judges are offered specialised training on adjudicating international crimes
[Interview] Counterterrorism expert Christophe Paulussen critisises citizenship stripping for terrorists and calls for evidence-based approach
[Analysis] Asser Institute researcher León Castellanos-Jankiewicz on Mexico’s request to intervene in the case against Israel for alleged genocide in Gaza
[New video] ASIL Hague Closing Panel on confronting impunity and safeguarding journalists
[Call for Papers] Peace, Justice and Europe in the Age of Geopolitics – PhD Workshop Series
[Honouring a champion] SCL lecture series rebranded in honour of Benjamin Ferencz
[New publication] EBOR's latest issue: Insights into European financial regulation
From classrooms to community: Hague students bridge peace & justice disconnect
Asser Institute panel explores ecocide at the Third International Conference on Environmental Peacebuilding
[Update] New states added to The Foreign Terrorist Fighters Knowledge Hub
New training to boost capacity in tackling international crimes
[Interview] Antoine Duval: ‘We have the goal to steer the field of transnational sports law to think critically about its Eurocentricity’
[ICL-TCL training] Empowering national judges and prosecutors from West Africa
[New publication] Balancing military and humanitarian interests: Scaling the scope of autonomous weapon attacks
[New publication] HJRL's latest issue: Special focus on the Catalan secessionist process
[Blog post] AI-based targeting in Gaza: Asser researcher Klonowska refines the debate on military AI
[Forthcoming publication] Asser Institute develops new handbook to strengthen Ukraine's justice system
[New project] Asser Institute and UvA launch project on digital infrastructures of sustainability regulation (DigiChain)
[Shelter City 2025] Call for applications for Asser Institute visiting research fellowship
[New blog post] Ulad Belavusau on Jewish history, constitutional law, citizenship and the role of the ‘never again’ narrative
Catch up on your legal summer reading with our high-quality journals
[Enrol now] Unleash your potential: master the essentials of non-proliferation in our expert-led training programme
[New publication] Private international law and the making of human rights
[Interview] New managing director Kasper Vrolijk: “Many people I speak with are surprised to learn we accomplish so much with such a relatively small team”
[Just Peace Open Day] 'Voices from Gaza' - Art by children and young adults living in conflict
[Public panel] Unpacking explainability in military artificial intelligence
[UN Human Rights Council] Italy urged to increase transparency and accountability for arms exports in new report
[Final call] Just Peace Open Day 2024: ‘Voices from Gaza’ exhibition programme out now
[Policy brief] The challenges of transitional justice in Sri Lanka
[New blog post] Is Ukraine finally breaking its 24-year International Criminal Court commitment phobia?
Asser Institute seeks new academic director
[International Crimes Database] New cases on terrorism, sexual violence, and cultural heritage
[Call for papers] Who are ‘humans’ in military artificial intelligence?
[Interview] The private is political: León Castellanos-Jankiewicz on human rights histories
[Foreign Terrorist Fighters Knowledge Hub] New developments in thirteen states
[Call for papers] The manifold forms of contemporary international legal scholarship
[New publication] Jonathan Kwik discusses the use of autonomous weapon technologies
[New blog post] European Union support to Ukraine through windfall profits
[Expert drafting] Rules of engagement for military artificial intelligence
[Human rights in the European Union] Can due diligence rescue Frontex?
[Interview] Counter-terrorism expert Rumyana van Ark: ‘All children should be considered as vulnerable’
León Castellanos-Jankiewicz on Dutch arms exports to Israel: ‘All weapons are used to gain military advantage, and all can be misused’
[New publication] Ot van Daalen explores the intersection of information security and human rights
[Interview] Lens on law: “Sometimes I get hyper-focused and end up talking about drones with my mom or even during a date”
[Blog post] ICC warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant could be a watershed moment for AI accountability in warfare
[New publication] International investigative body proposed to combat impunity for journalist killings
Nearly 340 students for 14th edition of free inter-university programme on international criminal law
[New publication] A global perspective on animal law and welfare
Towards a more just future: Transitional justice course for Ukrainian civil servants
[New podcast episode] The rules of modern warfare and ancient traditions
New Year’s academic resolutions? Achieve them with our training programmes in 2025
[New publication] New pathways toward supply chain accountability
[Human Rights Council] United Nations to highlight Asser Institute call for transparency in Italy’s arms exports
[Sports law] EU advocate general cites Asser Institute researcher in opinion challenging the Court of Arbitration for sport
[New publication] The global debate on hate speech and its criminalisation
[Interview] Shelter City Research Fellow Lou: Documenting children's rights in the Philippines
[New publication] Are courts effectively protecting individual rights? Rule of law backsliding on national security matters
[Exhibition] ‘Lens on law: Edges of proximity’
[Update] The Foreign Terrorist Fighters Knowledge Hub
[Blog symposium] Mandatory human rights due diligence in practice: Lessons from France’s duty of vigilance law
[Interview] Acting academic director Christophe Paulussen: "It's precisely because the ICC holds power to account that it faces resistance"
[New blog post] UK-EU fish fight: first major post-Brexit legal battle nears verdict
[Policy brief] Can Rules of Engagement and military directives effectively control military AI?
[New publication] Investment arbitration perpetuates environmental injustice
[New publication] Exploring sustainability in EU’s external relations
[Call for papers] CLEER conference 2025: shifting institutional dynamics in EU external relations
Dr Machiko Kanetake appointed as new academic director of the Asser Institute
[Blog post] Should mandatory human rights due diligence be based on social expectations?
[Law Clinic] Arms trafficking and human rights
Annual report
Annual report
Midterm review 2016-2019
Jobs & internships
Tobias M.C. Asser
T.M.C. Asser Scholarship Programme
Strategic research agenda
In the public interest: accountability of the state and the prosecution of crimes
In the public interest: accountability of the state and the prosecution of crimes
Memory Laws in European and Comparative Perspectives (MELA)
Regulation in the public interest: Disruptive technologies in peace and security
Regulation in the public interest: Disruptive technologies in peace and security
Designing International Law and Ethics into Military AI (DILEMA)
Implementing International Responsibility for Artificial Intelligence in Military Practice (I2 RAMP)
Transnational public interests: constituting public interest beyond and below the state
Transnational public interests: constituting public interest beyond and below the state
Doing business right
Global Europe
Centre for the Law of EU External Relations (CLEER)
Publications 2022
Publications 2021
Publications 2020
Publications 2019
Publications 2018
Publications 2017
Publications 2016
Asser SSRN research paper series
Asser-Verfassungsblog joint online symposia
Blog posts
Research seminars
Research seminars
The fabric of international law
Arms transfer under international law
PhD programme
Visiting research fellowship programme
Shelter City fellowship programme
Inter-university research platforms
Inter-university research platforms
International Humanitarian and Criminal Law (IHCL) Platform
Centre for the Law of EU External Relations (CLEER)
Inter-University Research in International Sports Law (IRIS)
Netherlands Network for Human Rights Research (NNHRR)
Arms Control Law Hub
Projects & legal advice
Projects & legal advice
Legal advice
Private International Law Projects
EU Twinning Projects
MATRA Ukraine
Global Counterterrorism Forum
Satellite Imagery as Evidence in International Justice Proceedings
Enabling Civil Society Efforts to Address the Misuse, Diversion and Abuse of Arms Exports in Latin America
Restoring dignity and justice in Ukraine
Digital Infrastructures of Sustainability Regulation
[Artist in residency] Exploring the impact of international and European law through visual storytelling
Education & events
Education & events
Spring academies
Spring academies
[Short course] International law and the governance of AI-driven military technologies course
Summer programmes
Summer programmes
International criminal law and international legal & comparative approaches to counter-terrorism
Terrorism, counter-terrorism and the rule of law
Disarmament and non-proliferation of WMD
JurisDictions: International law podcast
Training programme on disarmament and non-proliferation of WMD
Training courses in international and transnational criminal law
Training courses in international and transnational criminal law
ICL-TCL training course 2024
Inter-university programme in Lebanon & MENA region
Lecture series
Lecture series
Benjamin Ferencz Lecture Series
Hague Initiative for Law & Armed Conflict (HILAC) Lectures
CLEER Presidency Lectures
Lecture and Workshop series: Method, methodology and critique in international law
DILEMA Lecture Series
Zoom In Lecture Series
Reading group
Conference facilities
Code of conduct international student in Dutch higher education
Annual lecture
Annual lecture
Annual T.M.C. Asser Lecture 2024
Annual T.M.C. Asser Lecture 2023
Annual T.M.C. Asser Lecture 2022
Annual T.M.C. Asser Lecture 2020
Annual T.M.C. Asser Lecture 2019
Annual T.M.C. Asser Lecture 2018
Annual T.M.C. Asser Lecture 2018
Impressions Annual Lecture 2018
Annual T.M.C. Asser Lecture 2017
Annual T.M.C. Asser Lecture 2016
Annual T.M.C. Asser Lecture 2015
In the media
Asser Academy
About the Asser Institute
Who's who
Asser Employees
Student assistant
Ewa Romanowska