Regulating Spam - A European Perspective after the Adoption of the E-Privacy Directive
Series: Information Technology and Law Series
April 2006
This book presents an evaluation of recent legislative initiatives against unsolicited commercial e-mail (spam) in the European Union. The authors provide an analysis of the meaning and interpretation of the relevant new regulatory regime in the EU. They address international aspects of the fight against spam (intra-European activities and supranational policies), the dilemmas of dealing with spam and the importance of effective enforcement mechanisms. Their conclusions and recommendations provide directions, both in terms of further research as well as in terms of practical policy measures. This book is therefore highly recommended for academics as well as policy-makers and practitioners in the field of IT and law.
Lodewijk F. Asscher is a researcher at the Institute for Information Law, University of Amsterdam and a local authority councillor for the City of Amsterdam. He prepared the present book in co-operation with Sjo Anne Hoogcarspel, Attorney at Law with Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
This is Volume 10 in the Information Technology and Law (IT&Law) Series