Antonio Guzmán Mutis LL.M.
Junior Researcher
- Research strand: In the public interest: accountability of the state and the prosecution of crimes
- Main fields of interest: Business and Human Rights International Human Rights Law Investment Law Public International Law
- E-mail: a.mutis@asser.nl
Antonio Guzmán Mutis is a Junior Researcher in International Human Rights Law at the T.M.C. Asser Institute and an Editor of the Völkerrechtsblog. Previously, Antonio was a Legal Research Assistant to Professor Sandesh Sivakumaran at the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law and a General Editor of the Cambridge International Law Journal. He has conducted internships at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law in Heidelberg, and at Colombia’s Truth Commission, in matters related to comparative human rights law and the application of IHL during the Colombian armed conflict, respectively. Before that, he also worked as a Research Assistant and Student Researcher at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, where he supported several projects related to Business and Human Rights, International Investment Law and Public International Law in general, all of which were led by former Dean Amb. Carolina Olarte-Bácares.
Antonio holds an LL.M. in International Law from the University of Cambridge (2023), a Certificate in Transnational Legal Studies from Georgetown University (2022), and an LL.B. from Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (2021).
Antonio’s primary research interests lie within International Human Rights law, Business and Human Rights, International Investment Law and State Responsibility. Antonio's work at the Institute focuses on the human rights implications of irresponsible arms exports, the impact of arms transfers on human rights, the consistency of arms export regimes and treaties with international human rights obligations and the implications of the existing Business and Human Rights framework to arms companies.
- Guzmán Mutis, Antonio, Should Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence Be Based on Social Expectations? Oxford Human Rights Hub (2025). https://ohrh.law.ox.ac.uk/should-mandatory-human-rights-due-diligence-be-based-on-social-expectations/
- (with León Castellanos) The Right to a Remedy for Wrongful European Arms Exports: Minding the Accountability Gap? In The George Washington International Law Review, Vol. 56, Issue 3 (2025). https://www.thegwilr.org/volume-56-issue-3
- (with Carolina Olarte Bácares and Angela Schembri) La Sostenibilidad en El Derecho Internacional de la Inversión Extranjera: en el libro Sostenibilidad y Derecho: Discursos de Protección Ambiental, Tirant Lo Blanch (2022) https://editorial.tirant.com/co/libro/sostenibilidad-y-derecho-discursos-de-proteccion-ambiental-fabian-cardenas-9788410717312
- Guzmán Mutis, Antonio. “Agencias de crédito a la exportación y coherencia horizontal en DD.HH”. (Export Credit Agencies and horizontal human rights coherence). Published by the OECD and the ILO as a short chapter of a book. Awarded during the VI UN Regional Forum on Business and Human Rights. (2022) Available on: https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---americas/---ro-lima/documents/publication/wcms_837279.pdf
- Guzmán Mutis, Antonio. “La regla del objetor persistente y el principio de no apropiación del espacio” (The Persistent Objector Rule and the Non-appropriation Principle of Outer Space). Vniversitas Estudiantes, Issue 24.(2021) https://repository.javeriana.edu.co/handle/10554/58309
- (with Carolina Olarte Bácares) “Arbitraje y educación legal: una integración en construcción”. Arbitrio núm. 7, Arbitration Law Journal of the Arbitration and Conciliation Center of the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce (2021) https://issuu.com/ccb_cac/docs/arbitrio_7_-_1
- Guzmán Mutis, Antonio, “Responsabilidad internacional y obligaciones sanitarias: la obligación de notificar” (International Responsibility and sanitary obligations: the State duty to notify). Cavelier Association Law Journal (Awarded Article) Issue 8, ISSN 2665-296X (2020). https://asociacioncavelier.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Revista-No.-8-ACD.pdf