Prof. Dr Mireille van Eechoud
Member of the Supervisory Board
Supervisory Board
Mireille van Eechoud is Dean of Amsterdam Law School (since January 2024) and holds the faculty chair in Information Law, in particular in the field of access to information.
Among other roles, Van Eechoud is chair of the Dutch Minister of Justice's Advisory Committee on Copyright (Commissie Auteursrecht), and member of the Executive Committee of the ALAI ( Association Littéraire et Artistique Internationale). In the past she chaired the University's Research Advisory Council ("UOC") and was member of the Advisory Board of the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens).
Her research activities in the field of information law concern three key themes: the development of international and European intellectual property rights (especially copyright and database law), the emerging European norms on freedom of information, access to public sector information & open data, open science and private international law aspects of information law.