Letizia Bozzi LL.M.
Intern - trainee
- Research strand: In the public interest: accountability of the state and the prosecution of crimes
- Main fields of interest: Critical Approaches to International Law European Human Rights Law International Human Rights Law Public International Law
Letizia holds a BSc (hons.) in Politics, Psychology, Law and Economics and an LL.M. (cum laude) in Public International Law, both from the University of Amsterdam. In her LL.M. thesis, titled “Systemic Integration as a Master Key to Substantive Equality”, she explored the interaction between the European Court of Human Rights and the CEDAW Committee through a critical feminist lens.
Letizia has served as a pro bono legal advisor in Switzerland. Alongside her LL.M., she worked at the Amsterdam Law Clinics, where she conducted legal research into international and European human rights standards and contributed to the publication of several reports. Within this role, she spoke at the 10th European Network for Clinical Legal Education Conference in July 2024. Currently, Letizia is also working as an assistant at the University of Amsterdam Faculty of Law, where she provides administrative and teaching support.