Dr Carl Emilio Lewis LL.M.
- Research strand: Regulation in the public interest: Disruptive technologies in peace and security
- Main fields of interest: Critical Approaches to International Law International Dispute Settlement International Human Rights Law New Technologies and International Regimes Public International Law
- E-mail: c.lewis@asser.nl
Dr Lewis is a researcher in International Law at the T.M.C. Asser Institute, currently focusing on Public International Law, International Human Rights Law (especially issues raised by Neurotechnological advancements) and international adjudication. He obtained his PhD at Tilburg University with his thesis ‘Public International Law and the Pursuit of Universality’, holds an LLM in Public International Law from Leiden University, and an LLB in European Legal Studies from the University of Westminster. He has extensive teaching experience, having taught bachelor and master level courses in Public International Law at the University of Amsterdam (UvA), Tilburg University and Utrecht University, as well as having supervised LLM theses in the subject area.
Dr Lewis is also the current managing editor of the Netherlands Yearbook of International Law and regular host of the JurisDictions: International law podcast.
CE Lewis, International Law and the Pursuit of Universal Norms (Forthcoming, Hart Publishing)
CE Lewis, 'What Shaming Reveals: Examining Qatar’s Response to Being Shamed as the Host of the 2022 FIFA Men’s World Cup' (2023) 24(9) German Law Journal 1681-1690.
CE Lewis, ‘The European Court of Human Rights and Its Search for Common Values’ (2023) 4(2) European Convention on Human Rights Law Review 179-220.
LA Castellanos-Jankiewicz, CE Lewis & M Schneider, ‘The Sovereignty of Sharing: An Interview with Michael Fakhri.’ (2023) Opinio Juris.
Lewis C. E. (Ed.), Castellanos-Jankiewicx LA, Hammouri S, Pinzauti G, Thin S, 'Gaza and the International Legal Community (?): South Africa v Israel at the ICJ' (2024) JurisDictions.
Lewis C. E. & Lalla, M (Eds.), Plant, B., Suedi, Y. , Wiegand, K., & Worster, W. T., (2024), 'Why so serious? The importance of (fictional) maps in international law.' (2024) JurisDictions.
Lewis, C. E. (Ed.), & Roorda, L, 'Kiobel v Shell: The story behind the lawsuit dismissed by the Hague District Court with Dr Lucas Roorda'(2023) Hague Courts Dialogue Series.
Lewis, C. E. (Ed.), Aalberts, T, & Stolk, S, 'The Peace Palace and the 'building' of the international community with Prof. Tanja Aalberts and Dr Sofia Stolk' (2023) Hague Courts Dialogue Series.
Lewis, C. E. (Ed.), Fraser, J, Kerr, V. M, Masol, S, & Owiso, O, 'International Criminal Court arrest warrants for President Putin and Maria Lvova-Belova: What are the legal and political implications?' (2023) Hague Courts Dialogue Series.
Lewis, C. E. (Ed.), & Venzke, I, 'The ICJ: More than a dispute settlement body? A conversation with Prof. Ingo Venzke' (2022) Hague Courts Dialogue Series.
Lewis, C. E. (Ed.), & Szigeti, P, 'Questioning nationality at the ICJ: Looking back at the Nottebohm case with Dr Péter D. Szigeti' (2022) Hague Courts Dialogue Series.