Dr León Castellanos-Jankiewicz
Senior researcher
- Research strand: In the public interest: accountability of the state and the prosecution of crimes
- Main fields of interest: Business and Human Rights International Arms Control Law International Human Rights Law International Legal Theory Private International Law Public International Law
- E-mail: L.Castellanos@asser.nl
- Phone: +31 (0)70 3420 338
León Castellanos-Jankiewicz is Senior Researcher in International Law at the Asser Institute, and supervisor of the International Law Clinic on Access to Justice for Gun Violence at the University of Amsterdam Faculty of Law. His work focuses on the human rights implications of irresponsible arms trade and the history of public and private international law.
Castellanos-Jankiewicz regularly advises governments on arms export policies, and leads the project on 'Enabling Civil Society Efforts to Address the Misuse, Diversion and Abuse of Arms Exports in Latin America' within the Asser Institute, which was awarded a competitive grant by the U.S. State Department (2023-2025).
He has lectured in universities across Europe in English, Spanish and French. Overtime, he has written for print and online publications including El País, NRC and Just Security. He is a listed expert in the Forum on the Arms Trade and sits on the Advisory Committee of Global Action on Gun Violence.
Previously, he was Max Weber Postdoctoral Fellow at the European University Institute and has held visiting positions at the University of Giessen (2023), the University of Cambridge (2017) and Harvard Law School (2015-16). He is the inaugural recipient of the David D. Caron Prize of the American Society of International Law (2019) and holds a PhD in International Law from the Geneva Graduate Institute.
Edited volume
International Law and Time: Narratives and Techniques (2022) Berlin, Springer, co-editor with Klara Polackova Van Der Ploeg and Luca Pasquet. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-09465-1. ISBN: 978-3-031-09464-4.
'The Right to a Remedy for Wrongful European Arms Exports: Minding the Accountability Gap?' (2025) 56(3) The George Washington International Law Review, 277-294 (with Antonio Guzman Mutis). ISSN: 1534-9977.
‘Introduction to the Symposium on New Pathways Toward Supply Chain Accountability' ' (2024) 118 AJIL Unbound, 265-268 (with Tibisay Morgandi and Sergio Puig). DOI: 10.1017/aju.2024.49.
‘A New History for Human Rights: Conflict of Laws as Adjacent Possibility’ (2024) 26(2) Journal of the History of International Law / Revue d'histoire du droit international, 119-160. Open access. DOI: 10.1163/15718050-bja10095.
‘Introduction: Historical Memory in Post-Communist Europe and the Rule of Law’ (2020) 5 European Papers, 95-106 (with Grazyna Baranowska). DOI: 10.15166/2499-8249/386.
‘Security Council Listing Procedures and Human Rights’ (2013) 1(2) Revista In Jure Anáhuac Mayab, 117-142. ISSN 2007-6045.
‘Causation and International Shared Responsibility’ (2012) ACIL Research Paper No. 2012/07 (SHARES Series), Amsterdam Center for International Law.
Special issues and symposia
'New Pathways Toward Supply Chain Accountability' (2024) 118 AJIL Unbound, 265-302 (Symposium co-editor with Tibisay Morgandi and Sergio Puig). ISSN: 2398-7723.
‘Decolonization and Human Rights—The Dutch Case’, Verfassungsblog, Jan/Feb 2022 (Symposium co-editor with Wiebe Hommes). ISSN: 2366-7044.
‘Historical Memory in Post-Communist Europe and the Rule of Law’ (2020) 5 European Papers (Special Issue co-editor with Grazyna Baranowska). ISSN: 2499-8249.
Book chapters
'Minorities, Refugees and Human Rights', in Robert Kolb and Momchil Milanov (eds), The Cambridge History of International Law, Vol. X: International Law at the Time of the League of Nations (1920-1945), Randall Lesaffer, general editor, Cambridge University Press (forthcoming February 2025, with Momchil Milanov). Online ISBN: 9781108633963.
'Mexico v Smith & Wesson: Jurisdictional Aspects', in Miguel Ángel Reyes Moncayo and Wilma Gandoy (eds), El negocio de la letalidad: el tráfico de armas a México, Mexico, Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores (2024). ISBN: 978-607-446-342-2.
‘Overlooking Continuity: National Minorities and ‘Timeless’ Human Rights’ in Klara Polackova Van Der Ploeg, Luca Pasquet and León Castellanos-Jankiewicz (eds), International Law and Time: Narratives and Techniques, Berlin, Springer (2022). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-09465-1_20.
‘Negotiating Equality: Minority Protection in the Versailles Settlement’ (2019) in Michel Erpelding, Burkhard Hess and Hélène Ruiz Fabri (eds), Peace Through Law: The Versailles Peace Treaty and Dispute Settlement after World War I, Nomos/Hart. DOI: 10.5771/9783845299167.
‘Serious Breaches of Peremptory Norms’ (2014) in André Nollkaemper and Ilias Plakokefalos (eds), Principles of Shared Responsibility in International Law: An Appraisal of the State of the Art, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp 284-311 (with Eric Wyler). DOI: 10.17/CBO9781139940009.
‘State Responsibility and International Crimes’ (2010) in William Schabas and Nadia Bernaz (eds), Routledge Handbook of International Criminal Law, Oxford, Routledge, pp 385-406 (with Eric Wyler). ISBN: 9780415524506.
Encyclopedia articles and reports
'Ensuring access to justice for gun violence: seeking accountability for European arms exports', Jasmijn van Dijk, Felix Hartner, Viktoria Schmidt and Nada Ben Yahia and León Castellanos-Jankiewicz (Supervisor), University of Amsterdam International Law Clinic on Access to Justice for Gun Violence, July 28, 2023. ISBN: 9789067043878.
‘Minority Rights Petitions: League of Nations’, Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law (EiPro), Oxford, Oxford University Press (2020).
Professional blog posts
'The Private is Political: Conflict of Laws and a New History of Human Rights. An Interview with León Castellanos-Jankiewicz', Völkerrechtsblog, September 30, 2024. DOI: 10.17176/20241001-005849-0 (with Hendrik Simon).
'Dutch Court Halts F-35 Aircraft Deliveries for Israel', Verfassungsblog, February 14, 2024. DOI: 10.59704/4ef8e6e2634877d7.
'The Sovereignty of Sharing: An Interview with Michael Fakhri (Part I)', Opinio Juris, July 6, 2023 (with Carl E. Lewis and Melanie Schneider).
'The Sovereignty of Sharing: An Interview with Michael Fakhri (Part II)', Opinio Juris, July 6, 2023 (with Carl E. Lewis and Melanie Schneider).
'Including the Arms Sector in the EU Corporate Due Diligence Directive', Verfassungsblog, May 19, 2023 (with Melanie Schneider). DOI: 10.17176/20230519-140428-0.
'Applying Mexican Law in U.S. Courts? Mexico v Smith & Wesson', Conflictoflaws.net, April 8, 2023.
'Mexico Appeals in Case Against Gun Manufacturers', Just Security, April 4, 2023.
'Empresas de armas y derechos humanos: México solicita Opinión Consultiva a la Corte Interamericana', Agenda Estado de Derecho, March 3, 2023.
'Mexico v. Smith & Wesson: Judge Dismisses Complaint Citing PLCAA and Standing Issues', ASIL Insights, Volume 26, Issue 15, December 20, 2022 (with Leila Nadya Sadat).
'Ensuring Access to Courts for Gun Victims: The Case for Repealing PLCAA', Just Security, 8 September 2022 (with Kaya van der Horst).
‘Decolonization and Human Rights—The Dutch Case: An Introduction’, Verfassungsblog, 24 January 2022 (with Wiebe Hommes), DOI: 10.17176/20220124-180324-0.
‘Mexico v. Smith & Wesson: U.S. Court Duel Over Extraterritorial Legal Issues Looms with Motion to Dismiss’, Just Security, 14 December 2021.
‘US Border Closure Breaches International Refugee Law’, Opinio Juris, COVID-19 Symposium edited by Barrie Sander and Jason Rudall, 3 April 2020.
‘Mexico’s Amnesty Proposal: An Instrument of Transitional Justice?’, Just Security, 4 March 2020.
‘The Lauterpacht Lectures 2017: Towards a Global Private Law?’, Cambridge International Law Journal Blog, 29 August 2017.
‘Human Rights and the End of Status’, Humanity Journal Blog, 27 April 2016.
Conference reports and proceedings (selected)
‘International Conference on Improving Supply Chain Accountability for Arms Exports’, 13-14 May 2024, Asser Institute for International and European Law, The Hague (convener).
‘Accountability for Gun Violence: What's Next In Mexico's Case Against Gun Manufacturers?', online webinar, 29 February 2024, Forum of the Arms Trade (co-convener with Jeff Abramson).
'The Monroe Doctrine: History, Interpretations, Legacy', 30 November-2 December 2023, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany (co-convener with Dr. Raphaël Cahen and Dr. Hendrik Simon).
'New Public and Private Pathways towards Supply Chain Accountability', 17 November 2023, research workshop, Asser Institute for International and European Law, The Hague (co-convener with Dr. Tibisay Morgandi).
'Transnational Civil Litigation and Corporate Liability: Mexico v Smith & Wesson', expert panel discussion hosted by the Embassy of Mexico to the Kingdom of the Netherlands on 2 May 2022 (co-convener with Prof. Thilo Marauhn).
‘Truth and Transitional Justice in Latin America’, online Expert Panel on Missing Persons and Memory Governance, 24 September 2020 (convener).
'National Political Communities and International Institutions', Multidisciplinary Research Workshop, Max Weber Programme for Postdoctoral Studies, European University Institute, Italy, 30 August 2018 (co-convener with Dr Angelo Caglioti and Dr Madeleine Dungy).
‘Negotiating Equality: Minority Protection in the Versailles Settlement’, Max Planck Institute Luxembourg, conference on Peace Through Law: The Versailles Peace Treaty and dispute settlement after WWI, 6 December 2017 (presenter).
'European arms manufacturers are virtually untouchable in court. That has to change', NRC, 8 August, 2023 (in Dutch).
'The armor of the European arms industry', El País, 31 July, 2023.
‘La Frontera Blindada contra Migrantes’, El Sol de México, 25 March 2020 (in Spanish).
‘La Amnistía Mexicana: Sus Tres Defectos’, Foreign Affairs Latinoamérica, 28 January 2020 (in Spanish).
‘Matrimonio Igualitario en el Derecho Internacional’, Nexos: el Juego de la Suprema Corte, 19 June 2017 (in Spanish).
‘Trump y la Migración Trasfronteriza’, Foreign Affairs Latinoamérica, 5 June 2017 (in Spanish).
Press (selected)
'Can two lawsuits bring down the US gun industry?' ABC Radio National Australia, Rear Vision with Annabelle Quince, April 28, 2024.
'Can Mexico win its battle with US gun companies?', BBC World Service, ‘The Inquiry’, March 7, 2024, presented by Charmaine Cozier and produced by Jill Collins.
'Can 'lawfare' stop the war in Gaza?', The World, March 7, 2024, with Rebecca Collard.
'The Netherlands stops exporting weapons to Israel', Al Jazeera, February 20, 2024, with Abdullah Al-Shami.
'Mexico wins support for suit against gunmakers', China Daily, April 24, 2023, by Sergio Held.
'US arms companies under pressure from Mexico lawsuit', Al Jazeera, August 18, 2022, by Ann Deslandes.
ORCiD: 0000-0002-3536-3763
Personal website: leoncastellanos.com
Twitter: @Leoncastjan
LinkedIn: León Castellanos-Jankiewicz
Updated on November 2nd, 2024.
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