Position Paper on Match-fixing
The increasing media scrutiny of various incidences of sports fraud in recent years is slowly but surely serving as a wake-up call not only to the sports community, but also to public authorities. The latter are starting to acknowledge that the sports community lacks the investigative powers or the legal competence to fight match-fixing alone.
On 24 May 2012, the Dutch House of Representatives (standing committee on Health, Welfare, and Sport) is holding a roundtable public hearing on match-fixing. Dr. Ben Van Rompuy, senior researcher international and European sports law at the Asser Institute, is one of the invited experts. The debate will focus on the question whether, and if so, what measures are needed to adequately protect the Dutch sports world from the threat of match-fixing.
In preparation of the parliamentary roundtable, the ASSER International Sports Law Centre has prepared a short position paper on the subject. The paper (in Dutch) can be downloaded on the right.
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