Economic, Social & Cultural Rights
The Working Group on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights (ESCR) brings together a dynamic group of scholars committed to advancing research and critical dialogue on ESCR, focusing on both the Dutch context and global challenges.
Economic, social, and cultural rights—like the rights to health, housing, food, and water—are fundamental to social justice and human dignity, yet often neglected in legal and policy frameworks. By tackling issues such as enforcement, codification, effectiveness, the Working Group aims to address gaps in theory and practice, ensuring these rights gain the recognition they deserve.
Lucas Dikkers - PhD Candidate, Radboud University
Luísa Netto - Assistant Professor of Constitutional Law, Leiden University
Natalie Schnabl - Assistant Professor, Open University
Working Group Members
Esra Akdogan - Researcher and Lecturer, Wageningen University
Eduardo Arenas Catalán - Assistant Professor, Open University
Gustavo Arosemena Solorzano - Assistant Professor, Maastricht University
Andrea Broderick - Professor – Maastricht University; Chairholder of the UNESCO Chair in Human Rights and Peace, Maastricht University
Michelle Bruijn - Associate Professor, Groningen University
Ana Luísa O. M. Campos - Education and research staff member, Leiden University
Anja Eleveld - Associate Professor, Vrije University Amsterdam
Julie Fraser - Assistant Professor, Utrecht University
Zora Geertsema - PhD Candidate, Open University
Janneke Gerards - State Councilor at the Advisory Division of the Council of State of the Netherlands; Professor of Fundamental Rights in Europe, Utrecht University
Aart Hendriks - Professor of Health Law, Leiden University
Marlies Hesselman - Assistant Professor, Groningen University
Elena Izyumenko - Assistant Professor, University of Amsterdam
Emilia Klebanowski - PhD Candidate, Radboud University
Katrien Klep - Assistant Professor, Leiden University
Miriam Kullmann - Professor, Utrecht University; member of the European Committee for Social Rights (Council of Europe)
Jasper Krommendijk - Professor of Human Rights Law and Director of the Research Centre for State and Law (SteR), Radboud University
Ingrid Leijten - Professor of Dutch and European constitutional law, Tilburg University
Misha Plagis - Assistant Professor, Leiden UniversitySofia Ranchordás - Professor of Administrative Law, Tilburg University
Willemijn Roozendaal - Professor, Vrije University Amsterdam
Laura Sanaz Kaschny - Postdoctoral Researcher, Erasmus Rotterdam University
Mirjam van Schaik - Associate Professor, Open University
Ann Skelton - Professor of Children's Rights in a Sustainable World, Leiden University
Lorena Sosa - Lecturer, Utrecht University
Otto Spijkers - Assistant Professor, Leiden University College
Sophie Starrenburg - Assistant Professor, Leiden University
Tina Stavrinaki - Assistant Professor, Utrecht University
Felisa Tibbitts - Professor, Chair in Human Rights Education, Netherlands Institute of Human Rights (SIM) Utrecht University
Brigit Toebes - Professor of Health Law in a Global Context; Scientific Director of the Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health, Groningen University
Stephanie Triefus - Researcher, T.M.C. Asser Institute
Vanessa Tünsmeyer - Assistant Professor, Groningen University
Sheila Varadan - Assistant Professor of Children’s Rights and Global Health, Leiden University
Caia Vlieks - Assistant Professor, Utrecht University
Michel Vols - Professor, Chair in Public Order Law, Groningen University
Gijsbert Vonk - Full Professor of Social Security Law, University of Groningen, Part Time Professor of Social Rights, Maastricht University
Karin Maria de Vries - Associate Professor of Constitutional Law, Utrecht University