List of Titles in the NNHRR Human Rights Research Series
103. |
Mutual Trust as a General Principle of EU Law: External European Asylum Law through the Lens of Member State Cooperation (published 2024) by Lynn Hillary |
102. |
The Road to Reconciliation? Optimizing the Legitimacy and Efficacy of The International Criminal Court within The African Union and Africa (published 2023) by Ingrid Roestenburg-Morgan |
100. |
The Right to Mental Health: A Human Rights Approach (published 2023) by Natalia Abrokwa |
99. |
Leaving, Entering, and Remaining: Seeking Asylum in an Extraterritorial World (published 2023) by Mary Dickson |
98. |
Fundamental Rights Violations by Private Actors and the Procedure before the ECHR: A Study of Verticalised Cases (published 2022) by Claire Loven |
97. |
Nationality and Statelessness in Europe: European Law on Preventing and Solving Statelessness (published 2022) by Caia Vlieks |
96. |
Labour Exploitation in Human Trafficking Law (published 2021) by Amy Weatherburn |
95. |
At the Frontiers of State Responsibility: Socio-economic Rights and Cooperation on Migration (published 2021) by Annick Pijnenburg |
94. |
Blurred Lines of Responsibility and Accountability: Human Rights Abuses at Mega-Sporting Events (published 2021) by Daniela Heerdt |
93. |
Looking at Law through Children’s Eyes (published 2021) by Marieke J. Hopman |
92. |
The Transformative Potential of a Vulnerability Focus in Basic Assistance Policies: A Study on UNHCR and IOM in Sudan (published 2020) by Veronika Flegar |
91. |
A Re-examination of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in light of the Principle of Human Dignity (published 2020) Getahun A. Mosissa |
90. |
Towards a Regime of Responsibility of Armed Groups in International Law (published 2020) Laura Inigo Alvarez |
89. |
Culture in the State Reporting Procedure of the UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies: How the HRC, the CESCR and the CEDAWCee use human rights as a sword to protect and promote culture, and as a shield to protect against harmful culture (published 2020) by Vincent Vleugel |
88. |
Process-based Fundamental Rights Review: Practice, Concept, and Theory (published 2019) by Leonie Huijbers |
87. |
Realising the Right to Water and Sanitation in Nigeria: A Human Rights-Based-Ecosystem Approach (published 2019) by Kasim Balarabe |
86. |
Trapped in a Religious Marriage: A human rights perspective on the phenomenon of marital captivity (published 2020) by Benedicta Deogratias |
85. |
Towards a Sustainable Human Right to Water: Supporting vulnerable people and protecting water resources (published 2019) by Daphina Misiedjan |
84. |
Collective Reparations: Tensions and Dilemmas between Collective Reparations with the INdicidual Right to Receive Reparations (published 2018) by Diana Odier Contreras-Garduno |
83. |
Advancing the Right to Health Care in China: Towards Accountability (published 2019) by Yi Zhang |
82. |
Situation Selection Regime at the International Criminal Court: Law, Policy, Practice (published 2017) by Mohammad Hadi Zakerhossein |
81. |
Privacy as Virtue: Moving Beyond the Individual in the Age of Big Data (published 2017) by Bart van der Sloot |
80. |
Human Rights and Drug Control: Access to Controlled Essential Medicines in Resource-Constrained Countries (published 2017) by Marie Gispen |
79. |
The Limits of Fundamental Rights Protection by the EU (published 2017) by Malu Beijer |
78. |
Rights and Wrongs under the ECHR: The prohibition of abuse of rights in Article 17 of the European Convention on Human Rights (published 2016) by Paulien de Morree |
77. |
The Theory, Potential and Practice of Procedural Dialogue in the ECHR System (published 2016) by Lize Glas |
76. |
Humanitarian Assistance and State Sovereignty in International Law (published 2015) by Emilie Kuijt |
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The Principle of Legality in European Criminal Law (published 2015) by Christina Peristeridou |
74. |
The Long and Winding Road to Equality and Inclusion for Persons with Disabilities: The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (published 2015) by Andrea Broderick |
73. |
The Killing of Death: Denying the Genocide against the Tutsi (published 2016) by Roland Moerland |
72. |
Morally Sensitive Issues and Cross-Border Movement in the EU: the cases of reproductive matters and legal recognition of same-sex relationships (published 2015) by Nelleke Koffeman |
71. |
The Investigation Phase in International Criminal Procedure: In Search of Common Rules (published 2015) by Karel de Meester |
70. |
The Child in ICC Proceedings (published 2015) by Helen Beckmann-Hamzei |
69. |
Accepting Assistance in the Aftermath of Disasters (published 2015) by Stefanie Jansen-Wilhelm |
68. |
Faith in Public Debate. On Freedom of Expression, Hate Speech and Religion in France and The Netherlands (published 2015) by Esther Janssen |
67. |
The Privatized Art of War: Private Military and Security Companies and State Responsibility for Their Unlawful Conduct in Conflict Areas (published 2015) by Evgeni Moyakine |
66. |
Prevention of Genocide under International Law: An analysis of the obligations of states and the United Nations to prevent genocide at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels (published 2014) by Etienne Ruvebana |
65. |
Rights, Scarcity and Justice: An Analytical Inquiry into the Adjudication of the Welfare Aspects of Human Rights (published 2014) by Gustavo Arosemena |
64. |
Access to Medicines: The Interface between Patents and Human Rights. Does one size fit all? (published 2014) by Jennifer Sellin |
63. |
The Domestic Impact and Effectiveness of the Process of State Reporting under UN Human Rights Treaties in the Netherlands, New Zealand and Finland: Paper-pushing or policy prompting? (published 2014) by Jasper Krommendijk |
62. |
Transforming Discriminatory Sex Roles and Gender Stereotyping: The implementation of Article 5(a) CEDAW for the realisation of women’s right to be free from gender-based violence in Jamaica (published 2013) by Ramona Biholar |
61. |
Remedial Secession: A Right to External Self-Determination as a Remedy to Serious Injustices? (published 2013) by Simone van den Driest |
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Actus Reus and Participation in European Criminal Law (published 2013) by Johannes Keiler |
59. |
European Non-Discrimination Law: A Comparison of EU Law and the ECHR in the Field of Non-Discrimination and Freedom of Religion in Public Employment with an Emphasis on the Islamic Headscarf Issue (published 2012) by Sarah Haverkort-Speekenbrink |
58. |
Religious Symbols in Public Functions: Unveiling State Neutrality. A Comparative Analysis of Dutch, English and French Justifi cations for Limiting the Freedom of Public Officials to Display Religious Symbols (published 2012) Hana van Ooijen |
57. |
Successive and Additional Measures to the TRC Amnesty Scheme in South Africa: Prosecutions and Presidential Pardons (published 2012) by Hendrik J. Lubbe, Hendrik Lubbe |
56. |
Corruption: A violation of Human Rights and a Crime Under International Law (published 2012) by Martine Boersma |
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The Principle of Equality of Arms in International Criminal Proceedings (published 2012) by Masha Fedorova |
54. |
Mens rea and defences in European criminal law (published 2012) by Jeroen Blomsma |
53. |
The Human Right to Equal Access to Health Care (published 2012) by Maite San Giorgi |
52. |
Amnesty Justified? The need for a case by case approach in the interests of human rights (published 2012) by Vera Vriezen |
51. |
Enforced Disappearance: Determining State Responsibility under the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance (published 2012) by Marthe Lot Vermeulen |
50. |
Transnational Corporations and Human Rights Liabilities: Linking Standards of International Public Law to National Civil Litigation Procedures (published 2011) by Marie-José van der Heijden |
49. |
Reconciling Privatization with Human Rights (published 2012) by Antenor Hallo de Wolf |
48. |
A Disrupted Balance? Prevention of terrorism and compliance with fundamental legal rights and principles of law – The Dutch anti-terrorism Legislation (published 2012) by Karin Veegens |
47. |
The United Nations, the Evolution of Global Values and International Law (published 2011) by Otto Spijkers |
46. |
Interpretation of Fundamental Rights in a Multilevel Legal System: An analysis of the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice of the European Union (published 2011) by Hanneke Senden |
45. |
Hate Speech Revisited (published 2011) by Marloes van Noorloos |
44. |
Minority Rights, Freedom of Expression and of the Media: Dynamics and Dilemmas (published 2011) by Tarlach McGonagle |
43. |
Disability and Employment: A Contemporary Disability Human Rights Approach Applied to Danish, Swedish and EU Law and Policy (published 2011) by Maria Ventegodt Liisberg |
42. |
Procedural Justice? Victim Participation in International Criminal Proceedings (published 2011) by Brianne McGonigle Leyh |
41. |
Male captus bene detentus? Surrendering suspects to the International Criminal Court (published 2010) by Christophe Paulussen |
40. |
The Practice of the United Nations in Combating Terrorism from 1946 to 2008. Questions of Legality and Legitimacy (published 2010) by Bibi van Ginkel |
39. |
Scattered Families: Transnational Family Life of Afghan Refugees in The Netherlands in the Light of the Human Rights-Based Protection of the Family (published 2010) by Paulien Muller |
38. |
Towards Corporate Liability in International Criminal Law (published 2010) by Desislava Stoitchkova |
37. |
Preventing Irreparable Harm: Provisional Measures in International Human Rights Adjudication (published 2010) by Eva Rieter |
36. |
Women Rights are Human Rights. The Practice of the Human Rights Committee and the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (published 2010) by Fleur van Leeuwen |
35. |
The Future of Human Rights Impact Assessments of Trade Agreements (published 2009) by Simon Walker |
34. |
Terrorism and Anti-Terror Legislation: The Terrorised Legislator? A Comparison of Counter-Terror Legislation and Its Implications on Human Rights in the Legal Systems of the United Kingdom, Spain, Germany and France (published 2009) by Anna Oehmichen |
33. |
Advocating for Accountability: Civic-State Interactions to Protect Refugees in South Africa (published 2009) by Jeff Handmaker |
32. |
The Reach of Human Rights in a Globalising World: Extraterritorial Application of Human Rights Treaties (published 2009) by Michal Gondek |
31. |
Hazard or Right? The Dialectics of Development Practice and the Internationally Declared Right to Development, with Special Reference to Indonesia (published 2009) by Irene Hadiprayitno |
30. |
The World Trade Organization and Import Bans in Response to Violations of Fundamental Labour Rights (published 2008) by Jeroen Denkers |
29. |
Nationality Matters: Statelessness under International Law (published 2008) by Laura van Waas |
28. |
Deprivation of Liberty of Children in Light of International Human Rights Law and Standards (published 2008) by Ton Liefaard |
27. |
Aspects of Regulating Freedom of Expression on the Internet (published 2008) by Dragos Cucereanu |
26. |
The Humanitarian Face of the International Court of Justice: Its Contribution to Interpreting and Developing International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Rules and Principles (published 2008) by Gentian Zyberi |
25. |
Post-conflict Housing Restitution: The European Human Rights Perspective with a case study on Bosnia and Herzegovina (published 2008) by Antoine Ch. Buyse |
24. |
We Are Here to Serve You! Public Security, Plice Reform and Human Rights Implementation in Costa Rica (published 2007) by Quirine A.M. Eijkman |
23. |
Women and Housing: Gender Makes a Difference (published 2007) by Ingrid Westendorp |
22. |
The Netherlands and the Development of International Human Rights Instruments (published 2007) by Hilde Reiding |
21. |
Thematic Procedures of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights and International Law: In Search of a Sense of Community (published 2006) by Jeroen Gutter |
20. |
Supranational Criminal Prosecution of Sexual Violence: The ICC and the Practice of the ICTY and the ICTR (published 2005) by Anne-Marie de Brouwer |
19. |
Universal Jurisdiction in Modern International Law: Expansion of National Jurisdiction for Prosecuting Serious Crimes under International Law (published 2005) by Mitsue Inazumi |
18. |
The Nature of the Obligations under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights by (published 2003) Magdalena Sepúlveda |
17. |
Corporate Human Rights Obligations: in Search of Accountability (published 2002) by Nicola Jägers |
16. |
International Criminal Adjudication and the Collection of Evidence: Obligations of States published 2002) by Göran K. Sluiter |
15. |
Towards a Right to Cultural Identity? (published 2002) by Yvonne M. Donders |
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The Human Right to Property (published 2002) by Theo RG van Banning |
13. |
Using Human Rights to Change Tradition: Traditional Practices Harmful to Women’s Reproductive Health in sub-Saharan Africa (published 2002) by Corinne Packer |
12. |
Genocide, Crimes against Humanity, War Crime (published 2002) by Machteld Boot |
11. |
A Human Rights Approach to Combating Religious Persecution: Cases from Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Sudan (published 2001) by Mohamed Eltayeb |
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Towards International Personality: The Position of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples in International Law (published 2001) by Anna Meijknecht |
9. |
Hierarchy in International Law: The Human Rights Dimension (published 2001)by Ian Seiderman |
8. |
The Influence of Domestic NGO’s on Dutch Human Rights Policy. Case Studies on South Africa, Namibia, Indonesia and East Timor (published 2001) by Esther M. van den Berg |
7. |
Human Rights in the Treaty Relations of the European Union (published 2001) by Mielle Bulterman |
6. |
Freedom of Expression in England and under the ECHR: in Search of a Common Ground. A Foundation for the Application of the Human Rights Act 1998 in English law (published 2000) by Heleen Bosma |
5. |
The Freedom of Thought, Conscience and Religion or Belief in the United Nations (published 2000) by Cornelis D. de Jong |
4. |
Foreign Policy on Human Rights: Its Influence on Indonesia under Soeharto (published 1999) by Marlies Glasius |
3. |
Strengthening the Supervision of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Theoretical and Procedural Aspects (published 1999) by Kitty Arambulo |
2. |
The Reporting Procedure under the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Practice and Procedure of the Human Rights Committee (published 1999) by Ineke Boerefijn |
1. |
The Right to Health as a Human Right in International Law (published 1999) by Brigit C.A. Toebes |