[Event] Multi-stakeholder Collaboration under the CSDDD

Published 28 March 2025

Credits: Photo by Vardan Papikyan on Unsplash (@https://unsplash.com/photos/a-person-holding-two-pieces-of-a-puzzle-JzE1dHEaAew)

The adoption of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) marks a significant shift in the legal landscape of corporate accountability. However, the legislative process has been complex, with unexpected turns such as the Omnibus initiative shaping the final outcome. While the CSDDD is built upon the principles of the UNGPs, key aspects, including the scope of covered companies, the definition of due diligence, and enforcement mechanisms, differ and remain uncertain in practice.  

In this context, bridging the gap between legal theory and the reality of implementation remains a challenge. How can ensure that the CSDDD is effective in promoting human rights? Many scholars insist on the approach of multistakeholder collaboration, meaning that only the ability of different actors to shape, implement, and oversee due diligence practices will ensure its effectiveness.  

This event, set to take place on 14 May 2025, touches upon exactly this topic: multistakeholder collaboration. Organized by the NNHRR Business and Human Rights Working Group in collaboration with the Amsterdam Center for International Law, it seeks to foster dialogue between academics, policymakers, corporate practitioners, and civil society representatives to explore how collaborative efforts can drive effective due diligence. 

Through three interactive panels, this event will:

  • Provide an educational platform for academics and practitioners to explore the practical aspects of multi-stakeholder collaboration;
  • Explore the collaboration between public, private, and civil societal actors, both in the making of the CSDDD, its implementation in practice, and its enforcement mechanisms.  

Each panel will feature two speakers to encourage an in-depth exchange of perspectives. Breaks and networking opportunities will ensure continued dialogue among participants. The speakers and exact topics of panels are to be confirmed.  


14:00 – 14:30 | Keynote Speech  (Academic) 

14:30 – 15:00 | Panel 1 – Legislative & Civil Society Collaboration  

15:15 – 16:00 | Panel 2 – Corporate & Civil Society Cooperation  

16:15 – 17:00 | Panel 3 – Enforcement & Compliance  

17:00 – 18:00 | Networking & Drinks 

We are looking forward to seeing many of you for this important discussion! If you are interested, please register here.