[Call for Abstracts] Toogdag 2024: Resilient Rights: Tools for Inclusion and Justice
Published 31 January 2024
The Annual flagship event of the NNHRR, the Toogdag, is confirmed to take place on 27 June 2024 at Utrecht University. This year's topic will focus on whether and how human rights can be resilient in the face of new challenges. Can, should and do they actually function as tools of inclusion and justice? Do they, normatively, philosophically, politically and/or practically have the capacity to play such roles in the different fields of today's human rights enquiry and protection?
With this topic in mind, the organizers of the 2024 edition of Toogdag (Utrecht University and its Netherlands Institute of Human Rights (SIM)) warmly welcome submissions of abstracts looking at the issue doctrinally, philosophically, empirically or from a historical or political perspective. The organizers also invite contributions which address the theme of the Toogdag from any sub-field of human rights law, so as to include criminal law, European law, constitutional law, and private law. The call is addressed to NNHRR researchers, PhD candidates and other early career scholars, addressing the themes listed above from a broader perspective.
If you wish to explore these and other questions, please do not hesitate to submit an abstract to secretariaatiersbr@uu.nl by 15 March 2024 with an e-mail headline ‘Toogdag NNHRR abstract’. The abstracts should be no longer than 300 words, should include the author's name, current afiliation, e-mail address as well as an abstract title. Based on the submitted abstracts, the organizers will select the presentations/papers which can be presented at the conference and will inform the interested authors around half April at the latest.
To see more information about the topic and the requirements, please see the attached Call for Contributions.
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