Member Database
A.E.M. (Ingrid) Leijten , Tilburg University˅˄
Professor of Constitutional Law
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Environmental law
- European Law (ECHR)
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Research methodologies
Abdurrahman Erol, Erasmus University Rotterdam˅˄
PhD Researcher
- Business and human rights
- International Investment Law
Adriaan Bedner, Leiden University˅˄
Professor of Law and Society in Indonesia
- Children, family and integration
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Environmental law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Research methodologies
- Teaching and education
Adrian Cordina, Erasmus University Rotterdam˅˄
PhD candidate
- Business and human rights
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
- Teaching and education" -
Adriana Caballero Pérez, Maastricht University˅˄
PhD Researcher
- Children, family and integration
- Disability rights
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
Afshin Ellian , Leiden University˅˄
Ahmad AL ZIEN, University of Amsterdam˅˄
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
Ahmed Farah Qalinle, Maastricht University˅˄
Aikaterini (Katerina) Tsampi, University of Groningen˅˄
Assistant Professor of Public International Law
- European Law (ECHR)
Alan M. Sears, Leiden University˅˄
Researcher & Lecturer
- European Law (ECHR)
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Alberto Nicotina, University of Amsterdam˅˄
Post-doctoral Researcher in European Law (Strategic Climate Litigation and, Democracy)
- Environmental law
- European Law (ECHR)
- Research methodologies
Alberto Quintavalla, Erasmus University Rotterdam˅˄
- Environmental law
- European Law (ECHR)
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Alette Smeulers, University of Groningen˅˄
Professor of criminal law and criminology of international crimes
- Criminology of international crimes or supranational criminology
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
Alexandra Timmer, Utrecht University˅˄
Associate Professor Human Rights Law
- European Law (ECHR)
- Gender Justice
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Teaching and education
Aleydis Nissen, Leiden University˅˄
Postdoc researcher
- Business and human rights
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- European Law (ECHR)
Alice Dejean de la Bâtie, Tilburg University˅˄
Assistant Professor in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
Alicia Dibbets, Utrecht University˅˄
Independent researcher, External PhD candidate
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Human Rights Localization
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
- Teaching and education
Amélie Poméon, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
PhD Candidate
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Research methodologies
Amr Marzouk, Erasmus University Rotterdam˅˄
PhD Researcher
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Research methodologies
- Teaching and education
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Amy Lynne Locklear, Tilburg University˅˄
Ph.D. candidate
- Collective rights
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Indigenous peoples' rights
- Indigenous women´s rights
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Women's rights
Ana-Maria Hriscu, Tilburg University˅˄
PhD researcher
- European Law (ECHR)
- Research methodologies
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
André de Hoogh, University of Groningen˅˄
André Nunes Chaib, Maastricht University˅˄
Assistant Professor in Globalization and Law
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Environmental law
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact -
Andrea Broderick, Maastricht University˅˄
Assistant Professor
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Societal impact
- Teaching and education
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Andrea Trigoso , Maastricht University˅˄
PhD researcher -external-
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- Societal impact
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Anita Böcker, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
Associate professor of sociology of law
- Children, family and integration
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Research methodologies
Anja Eleveld, Vrije University Amsterdam˅˄
Assistant Professor
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
Anmol Gulecha, Tilburg University˅˄
PhD candidate
- Domestic Courts
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Environmental law
- Public interest litigation
- Societal impact
Anna Maria Smulders, Leiden University˅˄
PhD candidate
- Business and human rights
- Societal impact
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Anna Marieke Weerdmeester, Utrecht University˅˄
PhD Researcher
- Business and human rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Anna Pivaty, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
Annick Pijnenburg, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
Assistant Professor
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Migration and Refugee Law
Annika van Baar, Vrije University Amsterdam˅˄
Antenor Hallo de Wolf , University of Groningen˅˄
Assistant Professor International Law and Human Rights
- European law
- Human rights
- International Law
Antoine Buyse, Utrecht University˅˄
Professor of Human Rights in a Multidisciplinary Perspective
- Civil society
- European Law (ECHR)
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Antoine Duval, T.M.C. Asser Institute˅˄
Antonia- Evangelia Christopoulou, Erasmus University Rotterdam˅˄
PhD Candidate
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Environmental law
- European Law (ECHR)
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Ashley Terlouw, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
Professor of Sociology of Law
- Children, family and integration
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Research methodologies
Audrey Fino, University of Groningen˅˄
- Freedom of expression
- Hate speech
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Aviva de Groot, Tilburg University˅˄
PhD Candidate
- European Law (ECHR)
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Ayako Hatano, Tilburg University˅˄
Research fellow
- Business and human rights
- Children, family and integration
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Environmental law
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Research methodologies
- Teaching and education
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Bahija Aarrass, Vrije University Amsterdam˅˄
Assistant Professor
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Barbara Oomen, Utrecht University˅˄
Barrie Sander , Leiden University˅˄
Assistant Professor, Leiden University – Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs
- Business and human rights
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- Research methodologies
- Teaching and education
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Bart Custers, Leiden University˅˄
Full professor of law and data science
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Societal impact
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Bas Rombouts, Tilburg University˅˄
Associate Professor
- (Fundamental) labour standards
- Business and human rights
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
Bastiaan Bouwman, Utrecht University˅˄
Assistant Professor in History of International Relations
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- International Migration and Refugee Law
Beatriz Eugenia Mayans Hermida, Vrije University Amsterdam˅˄
Benjamin Grama, Tilburg University˅˄
PhD Candidate
- Business and human rights
- Law and Development
- Research methodologies
Berend Roorda, University of Groningen˅˄
- Civil and political rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Right to freedom of assembly and association
Birte Böök, Utrecht University˅˄
Assistant Professor
- European Law (ECHR)
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Bregje Anneloes Kuiper-Slendebroek, Utrecht University˅˄
Assistant Professor
- Business and human rights
- Climate change and human rights
- European Law (ECHR)
Brianne McGonigle Leyh, Utrecht University˅˄
Associate Professor
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- Research methodologies
- Teaching and education
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Brigit Toebes, University of Groningen˅˄
Professor, Health law in a global context
- Business and human rights
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- International and domestic health law
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
- Teaching and education
Caia Vlieks, Utrecht University˅˄
Assistant Professor
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Societal impact
- Teaching and education
Caitlin Masoliver, Wageningen University˅˄
PhD Candidate
- Business and human rights
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Environmental law
- European Law (ECHR)
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Candice Amy Foot, Erasmus University Rotterdam˅˄
PhD Candidate
- Business and human rights
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Environmental law
Carl Emilio Lewis , T.M.C. Asser Institute˅˄
Researcher in Public International Law
- European Law (ECHR)
- Societal impact
- Teaching and education
- Theory and Philosophy of (International) Human Rights
Carla Zoethout, Open University, University of Amsterdam˅˄
Professor of Constitutional law, Open University, Associate Professor of comparative constitutional law, University of Amsterdam
- Civil and Political Rights
- European human rights law (ECHR and EU)
- Judicial review of human rights (international and national)
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Casilda Zarauz, Tilburg University˅˄
Cedric Ryngaert, Utrecht University˅˄
Chiara Macchi, Wageningen University˅˄
Assistant Professor of Law, Coordinator of Education at Wageningen University & Research – Law Group
Chiara Raucea, Tilburg University˅˄
Assistant Professor
- Children, family and integration
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Teaching and education
Chiun Min Seah, University of Groningen˅˄
-PhD Candidate
- Interdisciplinary research on intra-party (sexual) violence against child soldiers
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- International Criminology
- Psychology
Chrisje Sandelowsky-Bosman, Leiden University˅˄
Promovendus/ PhD Researcher
- Societal impact
- Teaching and education
Christa Tobler, Leiden University˅˄
Christina Eckes , University of Amsterdam˅˄
Professor of European Law
- Environmental law
- European Law (ECHR)
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
Christophe Paulussen, T.M.C. Asser Institute˅˄
Senior researcher
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- Legal aspects of countering terrorism
Claudia Quelle, Tilburg University˅˄
Conny Rijken, Tilburg University˅˄
Professor of human trafficking and globalisation
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Migration and Refugee Law
Corina Heri, Tilburg University˅˄
Assistant professor of constitutional and administrative law
- Environmental law
- European Law (ECHR)
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
Cornelis Flinterman, Maastricht University˅˄
Honorary Professor of Human Rights, Emeritus Professor of Constitutional and International Law
Dalia Palombo, Tilburg University˅˄
Assistant Professor of Huma
- Business and human rights
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Environmental law
- European Law (ECHR)
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Societal impact
- Teaching and education
Dan Ziebarth, Wageningen University˅˄
PhD Candidate
- Business and human rights
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Environmental law
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Dana Schmalz, Max-Planck-Institute or Comparative Public and International Law ˅˄
Senior Research Fellow
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
Daniel Augenstein, Tilburg University˅˄
Associate Professor
- Business and human rights
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Daniela Heerdt, T.M.C. Asser Institute˅˄
- Business and human rights
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
- Teaching and education
David Patterson, University of Groningen˅˄
PhD Candidate
- Business and human rights
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Environmental law
- Teaching and education
David Roef, Maastricht University˅˄
Associate professor criminal law, Endowed professor Criminal Law and Neurosciences
- Comparative criminal law + neurolaw
- Environmental law
- Teaching and education
Debadatta Bose, Tilburg University˅˄
Postdoctoral Researcher
- Business and human rights
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Environmental law
- Research methodologies
Denis Abels, Open University˅˄
Devriendt Sien, Open University˅˄
Assistant Professor at the Open University and Voluntary Post-Doctoral Researcher at Ghent University
- European Law (ECHR)
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Research methodologies
- Teaching and education!user/sd5 -
Dewy Pistora, Tilburg University˅˄
PhD-Candidate ‘Structured Content Analysis of Public Interest cases in NL, the US, South Africa & India’
- Business and human rights
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Environmental law
- Public interest litigation
- Societal impact
Diana Odier-Contreras Garduno, Utrecht University˅˄
Didem Doğar, Tilburg University˅˄
Postdoctoral Researcher
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
- Teaching and education
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Dimitra Fragkou, NOVA University Lisbon˅˄
PhD Candidate
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Migration and Refugee Law
Dina Siegel, Utrecht University˅˄
Dorien Claessen, Access to justice department Utrecht University for Applied Sciences, Utrecht University˅˄
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Research methodologies
- Teaching and education
Dr Asmaa Khadim, Leiden University˅˄
Postdoctoral Researcher in Institutions for Conflict Resolution
- Business and human rights
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Environmental law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Societal impact
Dylan Drenk, Vrije University Amsterdam˅˄
PhD Candidate
- Cross-cultural psychology
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
Eduard Fosch-Villaronga, Leiden University˅˄
Assistant Professor
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security -
Eduardo Arenas Catalán, Open University˅˄
Eduardo Silva de Freitas, Erasmus University Rotterdam, T.M.C. Asser Institute˅˄
PhD Candidate
- Research methodologies
- Teaching and education
Elaine Mak, Utrecht University˅˄
Professor of Jurisprudence
- Research methodologies
- Rule of law in the European Union
- Teaching and education
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Elena Izyumenko, University of Amsterdam˅˄
Assistant Professor in Intellectual Property Law at the Institute for Information, Law (IViR), University of Amsterdam (UvA)
- ECHR litigation
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Environmental law
- European Law (ECHR)
- Intellectual property and human rights
- Research methodologies
- Teaching and education
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security -
Eleni Kosta, Tilburg University˅˄
Professor of Technology Law and Human Rights
- Business and human rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Elias Tissandier-Nasom, Leiden University˅˄
PhD Candidate
- Children, family and integration
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Societal impact
Elif Erken, Utrecht University˅˄
Elizabeth Michelle Rooij, Tilburg University˅˄
PhD Researcher
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security -
Ellen Gijselaar, Leiden University˅˄
Assistant professor
- Criminal Law
- Criminal Procedure
Ellen Hey, Erasmus University Rotterdam˅˄
Emilia Johanna Klebanowski, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
PhD Candidate
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
- Teaching and education
Emilia Steendam Visser, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
Lecturer and PhD candidate
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
Emma Annegreet de Vries, Leiden University˅˄
PhD Candidate
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- Research methodologies
- Teaching and education
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Emma Várnagy, Ghent University˅˄
Doctoral Researcher
- European Law (ECHR)
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
- Teaching and education
Enguerrand Marique, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
- Human rights
Enrique Santamaría, Erasmus University Rotterdam˅˄
Ernst Hirsch Ballin, Tilburg University˅˄
Distinguished University Professor, Vice Dean for Research
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Research methodologies
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Eva Meyermans Spelmans, Erasmus University Rotterdam˅˄
PhD Candidate
- Business and human rights
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Environmental law
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
- Teaching and education
Eva Nave, Leiden University˅˄
PhD Candidate
- Business and human rights
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Eva Rieter, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
Assistant Professor Public International Law and Human Rights
- Comparative human rights law
- European Law (ECHR)
- Legal Mobilization & Strategic litigation
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Public International Law and Human Rights Law
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Eva Schmidt, Leiden University˅˄
PhD candidate
- Children, family and integration
- Juvenile justice
Evelien Brouwer, Utrecht University˅˄
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Federica Violi, Erasmus University Rotterdam˅˄
Associate Professor
- Business and human rights
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Environmental law
- European Law (ECHR)
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
- Teaching and education
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Felisa Tibbitts, Utrecht University˅˄
Fiore Schuthof, Utrecht University˅˄
PhD Student
- Children, family and integration
- European Law (ECHR)
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
Flávia do Amaral Vieira, Tilburg University˅˄
Research fellow
- Business and human rights
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Environmental law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
- Teaching and education
Flavia Patane, Maastricht University˅˄
PhD Researcher
- International Migration and Refugee Law -
Fons Coomans, Maastricht University˅˄
Professor at the UNESCO Chair in Human Rights and Peace
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Extraterritorial application of human rights
- Rights of future generations
Frans Nelissen, University of Groningen˅˄
Frans Pennings, Utrecht University˅˄
Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
Prof ICT and Law
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
- Teaching and education
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Gabriele Chlevickaite, Vrije University Amsterdam˅˄
PhD Candidate
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- Research methodologies
- Teaching and education
Gang Huang, Maastricht University˅˄
PhD Candidate
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
Genevieve Noordeloos, Leiden University˅˄
PhD-Fellow Civil Law
- Business and human rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- Research methodologies
Gerrit-Jan Zwenne, Leiden University˅˄
Professor of Law and Digital Technologies
Göran Sluiter, Open University, University of Amsterdam˅˄
Greta Albertari, Vrije University Amsterdam˅˄
PhD candidate
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Research methodologies
Guilherme Peixoto Migliora, Leiden University˅˄
PhD Candidate/Programme Assistant e-Law (Leiden University)
- Business and human rights
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Guleid Ahmed Jama, Maastricht University˅˄
Gustavo Becker, University of Amsterdam˅˄
Research Fellow and PhD candidate
- Business and human rights
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Latin American perspectives on international human rights law
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
- Teaching and education
Halefom Abraha, Utrecht University˅˄
Assistant Professor at the International and European Law
- Business and human rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Hannah Hübner, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
Hans-Martien ten Napel, Leiden University˅˄
Associate Professor of Constitutional and Administrative Law
- European Law (ECHR)
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Religious Freedom
- Teaching and education
Hanxu Liu, Maastricht University˅˄
PhD (Early Stage Researcher of DARE ITN)
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Societal impact
Harmen van der Wilt, University of Amsterdam˅˄
Heleen Janssen, University of Amsterdam, University of Cambridge˅˄
Associated Researcher
- Business and human rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- Societal impact
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Helen Duffy, Leiden University˅˄
Helen Oosterom-Staples, Tilburg University˅˄
Lecturer, Researcher EU (Migration) Law
- EU Citizenship and Migration Law
Henk Kummeling, Utrecht University˅˄
Henri de Waele, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
Professor of International and European Law
- Business and human rights
- Environmental law
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Teaching and education
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Hye-Min Kim, Utrecht University˅˄
Imen El Amouri, Tilburg University˅˄
PhD candidate
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
Irene Hadiprayitno, Leiden University˅˄
University Lecturer International Studies
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Research methodologies
Irene Kamara, Tilburg University˅˄
- European Law (ECHR)
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Research methodologies
- Teaching and education
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Irina Lou Fehr, Tilburg University˅˄
PhD candidate
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
Irthe Juultje Marieke de Jong, University of Amsterdam˅˄
Doctoral Researcher
- Environmental law
- European Law (ECHR)
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Societal impact
- Transitional justice and rule of law -
Isabella Leroy, Vrije University Amsterdam˅˄
PhD Researcher
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
- Teaching and education
J.M. (Kelly) Breemen, Utrecht University˅˄
Assistant Professor
- Cultural genocide
- Cultural heritage law and human rights
- Digitization
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- Intellectual property
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Restitution
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Jackson Oldfield, University of Amsterdam˅˄
PhD Researcher
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Transnational criminal law
James Patrick Sexton, T.M.C. Asser Institute, University of Amsterdam˅˄
PhD Researcher
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Jan Willem Sap, Open University˅˄
Janna Wessels, Vrije University Amsterdam˅˄
Assistant Professor, Migration Law
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Migration and Refugee Law
Janne E Nijman, University of Amsterdam˅˄
Professor of History and Theory of International Law
- Business and human rights
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
- Teaching and education
Janneke Gerards, Utrecht University˅˄
Professor of Fundamental Rights Law
- Business and human rights
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Janneke Giesberthe Francisca Franken, Vrije University Amsterdam˅˄
Docent-onderzoeker (lecturer-researcher)
- Children, family and integration
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Research methodologies
- Teaching and education
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Jan-Peter Loof, Leiden University˅˄
Assistant professor
- European Law (ECHR)
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Jarik ten Cate, Utrecht University˅˄
PhD Candidate
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Rule of Law
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Jason Rudall, Leiden University˅˄
Assistant Professor of Public International Law
- Business and human rights
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Environmental law
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
- Teaching and education
Jasper Doomen, Open University˅˄
Lecturer, Assistant professor
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Jasper Krommendijk, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
Associate professor international and European law
- Environmental law
- European Law (ECHR)
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
Jef Ausloos, University of Amsterdam˅˄
Jeff Handmaker, Erasmus University Rotterdam˅˄
Associate Professor of Legal Sociology
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Societal impact
Jenneke Evers, Leiden University˅˄
Jenny E. Goldschmidt, Utrecht University˅˄
Emeritus Professor in Human Rights
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
Jerfi Uzman, University of Amsterdam˅˄
Jeroen Mensink, Open University˅˄
PhD Candidate
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
Jeroen Temperman , Erasmus University Rotterdam˅˄
Jessica Klüger, Vrije University Amsterdam˅˄
PhD candidate
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Migration and Refugee Law
Jet Tigchelaar, Utrecht University˅˄
Jie Ouyang, University of Groningen˅˄
PhD Candidate/Lecturer
- Business and human rights
- Environmental law
- European Law (ECHR)
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
Jill Coster van Voorhout, Vrije University Amsterdam˅˄
Joan Lopez-Solano, Tilburg University˅˄
PhD Student
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
João Pedro Quintais, University of Amsterdam˅˄
Postdoctoral Researcher
- Intellectual Property Law
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Joëlle Trampert, University of Amsterdam˅˄
PhD Candidate
- Business and human rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- State responsibility
Johan van Banning, Vrije University Amsterdam˅˄
PhD Candidate
- European Law (ECHR)
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Johanna Ritter, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
John Morijn, University of Groningen˅˄
Professor of law and politics in international relations
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- European Law (ECHR)
Johri Maat, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
Riskmanagement and gun control laws in the Netherlands in historic perspective.
- Administrative Law
- Business and human rights
- Criminal Law
- Societal impact
Jolande uit Beijerse, Erasmus University Rotterdam˅˄
Jolein Holtz, Leiden University˅˄
PhD Candidate
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Environmental law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Societal impact
Joni Van Laeken, Leiden University˅˄
PhD Candidate
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Jordan Dez, Vrije University Amsterdam˅˄
PhD Researcher
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
Joris van Wijk, Vrije University Amsterdam˅˄
Juliana de Augustinis, ˅˄
PhD Candidate
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Environmental law
- European Law (ECHR)
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Julie Fraser, Utrecht University˅˄
Assistant professor
- Business and human rights
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Environmental law
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
- Teaching and education
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Kanad Bagchi, University of Amsterdam˅˄
Postdoctoral Fellow
- Business and human rights
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Teaching and education
Karin Arts, Erasmus University Rotterdam˅˄
Professor of International Law and Development
- Children's rights
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Environmental law
- Human rights-based approaches to development
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
- Teaching and education
Karin de Vries, Utrecht University˅˄
Associate Professor of Constitutional Law
- Citizenship and immigrant integration
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
Karin Zwaan, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
Associate professor Migration Law
- Children, family and integration
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
Kartica van der Zon, Leiden University˅˄
Katharine Booth, University of New South Wales˅˄
PhD Candidate
- Business and human rights
- Societal impact
Katharine Fortin, Utrecht University˅˄
- Armed conflict
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- Non-State actors
- Public international law
Katrien Klep, Leiden University˅˄
Kees Waaldijk, Leiden University˅˄
Professor of comparative sexual orientation law
- Business and human rights
- Children, family and integration
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Lesbian and gay issues
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Same-sex families
Kilian Roithmaier, University of Groningen˅˄
PhD candidate
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
- Teaching and education
Kim Schuurman, Utrecht University˅˄
PhD Student
- Children, family and integration
- European Law (ECHR)
- Research methodologies
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Klaudia Klonowska, T.M.C. Asser Institute, University of Amsterdam˅˄
PhD Researcher
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- Research methodologies
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Konrad Turnbull, University of Groningen˅˄
Kostina Prifti, Erasmus University Rotterdam˅˄
PhD Researcher
- European law
- Societal impact
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Kris van der Pas, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
PhD student
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Societal impact
Kristof Gombeer, Leiden University˅˄
Kushtim Istrefi, Utrecht University˅˄
Assistant Professor of Human Rights Law and Public International Law
- European Law (ECHR)
Kyle Reed, University of Amsterdam˅˄
Assistant Professor of Political Science
- Human Rights Institutions, Human Rights Contestation
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- Research methodologies
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Lara Talsma, University of Amsterdam˅˄
PhD Candidate
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Gender equality and women’s rights
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
- Teaching and education
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Larissa Michelle Bruijn, University of Groningen˅˄
Assistant Professor
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- Research methodologies
Larissa van den Herik , Leiden University˅˄
Professor of Public International Law
Laura Davies, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
PhD Candidate
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
- Teaching and education
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Laura Eleni Jacobs, Vrije University Amsterdam˅˄
PhD candidate
- European Law (ECHR)
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Leena Grover, Tilburg University˅˄
Associate Professor of International Law
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- Transitional justice and rule of law
León Castellanos-Jankiewicz, T.M.C. Asser Institute˅˄
- History of Human Rights
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
Leon Trapman, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
PhD-student, Lecturer Constitutional Law
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Leonie Reins, Erasmus University Rotterdam˅˄
- Energy and Climate Law
- Environmental law
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Leonie van Lent, Utrecht University˅˄
Letizia Lo Giacco, Leiden University˅˄
Assistant Professor in Public International Law
- Business and human rights
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- Societal impact
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Lianne Paola Baars, Leiden University˅˄
PhD candidate
- Environmental law
- Societal impact
Lida Amiri, Utrecht University˅˄
Assistant Professor of Literary Studies
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- International Migration and Refugee Law
Lieneke Slingenberg, Vrije University Amsterdam˅˄
Associate professor migration law
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Migration and Refugee Law
Liesbeth Enneking, Erasmus University Rotterdam˅˄
Lisa van Roermund, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
PhD Candidate
- Children, family and integration
- European Law (ECHR)
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Research methodologies
- Teaching and education
Lisa Waddington, Maastricht University˅˄
Extraordinary Professor in European Disability Law
- Disability rights
- Domestic Courts and International Human Rights Law
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Societal impact
Lize Glas, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
Lonneke Peperkamp, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
- Human rights
Lorena Sosa, Utrecht University˅˄
Lorenzo Dalla Corte , Tilburg University˅˄
Assistant Professor in Data Protection and Cyber Security Law
- European law
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Lottie Lane, University of Groningen˅˄
Assistant Professor of Public International Law
- Artificial intelligence and human rights
- Business and human rights
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
Luca Pasquet, Utrecht University˅˄
Assistant Professor of Public International Law
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Relationship between international HR and general international law
Lucas Dikkers, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
PhD Candidate
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Environmental law
- European Law (ECHR)
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
Lucy Ataro Opoka, Leiden University˅˄
PhD candidate
- Children, family and integration
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Societal impact
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Lucy Jane Gaynor, University of Amsterdam˅˄
PhD Researcher
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Lucy Jane Gaynor, University of Amsterdam˅˄
PhD Researcher
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Luigi Corrias, Vrije University Amsterdam˅˄
Assistant Professor of Legal Philosophy
- Environmental law
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- Philosophy of law
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Luisa Pinto e Netto, Leiden University˅˄
Assistant Professor
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
Luiza Leite de Queiroz, Vrije University Amsterdam˅˄
PhD Candidate, Marie Curie Fellow
- Business and human rights
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Environmental law
- European Law (ECHR)
- Societal impact
Lujia Sun, Erasmus University Rotterdam˅˄
PhD Candidate
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Lukasz Dziedzic, Maastricht University˅˄
Lynn Hillary, University of Amsterdam˅˄
PhD Candidate
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
- Teaching and education
- Transitional justice and rule of law
M.A.D.W. de Jong, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
M.L.P. (Titia) Loenen, Leiden University˅˄
Professor of Human Rights and Diversity
- Equality and non-discrimination
- European Law (ECHR)
- Interaction between HR bodies
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Religious pluralism
- Women's rights
Machiko Kanetake, Utrecht University˅˄
Mando Rachovitsa, University of Groningen˅˄
Assistant Professor of International Law
- European Law (ECHR)
- Teaching and education
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Manuel Kiewisch, Wageningen University˅˄
Phd candidate at Wageningen University and Research & Global Cocoa Life Monitoring and Evaluation, Verification, and Learning Manager at Mondelēz International
- Business and human rights
- Societal impact
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Marc Tiernan, University of Amsterdam˅˄
Marc Veenbrink, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
Marcel M.T.A. Brus, University of Groningen˅˄
Professor of Public International Law
- Business and human rights
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Environmental law
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
- Teaching and education
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Marco Bassini, Tilburg University˅˄
Assistant Professor of Fundamental Rights and Artificial Intelligence
- Business and human rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- Societal impact
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Marelle Attinger, Open University˅˄
Margaretha Wewerinke-Singh, Leiden University˅˄
Assistant Professor of Public International Law
- Business and human rights
- Children, family and integration
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Environmental law
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
Maria Carlota Ucin, Erasmus University Rotterdam˅˄
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Environmental law
- European Law (ECHR)
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
- Teaching and education
Postdoctoral researcher
Maria de Jong-de Kruijf, Leiden University˅˄
Maria Jose Recalde-Vela, Tilburg University˅˄
PhD candidate
- Citizenship
- International Law and Statelessness
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Law and Development
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
Maria Lorena Flórez Rojas, University of Groningen˅˄
Assistant Professor
- Teaching and education
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security -
Mariana Gkliati, Tilburg University˅˄
Assistant Professor
- EU fundamentals rights law (EU Charter)
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Migration and Refugee Law
Marianne Hirsch Ballin, Vrije University Amsterdam˅˄
Professor of Criminal Law and Empirical and Normative Studies
- Criminal Procedure
- Digital Investivation
- Investigation
- Legislation
- Modernisation
- Right to privacy
Marieke de Hoon, University of Amsterdam˅˄
Assistant Professor of (International) Criminal Law
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- Societal impact
- Teaching and education
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Marieke Dubelaar, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
Associate professor of criminal law
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- Research methodologies
Marieke Hopman, Maastricht University˅˄
Assistant Professor
- Children, family and integration
- Children's rights
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Legal pluralism and human rights
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
- Teaching and education
Mariëlle Rog, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
Marija Bartl, University of Amsterdam˅˄
Marjolein van den Brink, Utrecht University˅˄
Lecturer in law
- Children, family and integration
- Gender (incl. sogiesc) & human rights
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
Marjolijn Both , University of Groningen˅˄
Mark Klaassen, Leiden University˅˄
Assistant professor
- Children, family and integration
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Migration and Refugee Law
Mark Leiser, Leiden University˅˄
Assistant Professor
- Business and human rights
- Societal impact
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Platform Regulation and Responsibility
Marlies Galenkamp, Erasmus University Rotterdam˅˄
Marlies Glasius, University of Amsterdam˅˄
Marlies Hesselman, University of Groningen˅˄
Lecturer International Law
- Business and human rights
- Climate law
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Environmental law
- European Law (ECHR)
- Research methodologies
Marloes van Noorloos, Leiden University˅˄
Associate Professor of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure
- Business and human rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Marta Bo, T.M.C. Asser Institute˅˄
Martijn Kuijvenhoven, Tilburg University˅˄
PhD Candidate
- European Law (ECHR)
- Research methodologies
Martijn Stronks, Vrije University Amsterdam˅˄
Assistant Professor
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Migration and Refugee Law
Martin Buijsen, Erasmus University Rotterdam˅˄
Full professor of health law
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Teaching and education
Martin Buijsen, Erasmus University Rotterdam˅˄
Marvin S.L. van Bekkum, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
PhD Candidate
- Business and human rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Maša Galič, Vrije University Amsterdam˅˄
Assistant Professor
- Legislation
- Right to privacy
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Masha Fedorova, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
Professor of Criminal Law
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
Masuma Shahid, Erasmus University Rotterdam˅˄
Lecturer in International and European Union Law and PhD Candidate in LGBTQ+ Rights
- European Union law
- LGBTQ+ rights
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security -
Matilda Radoš , Utrecht University˅˄
Lecturer, PhD Candidate
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Matthew Canfield, Leiden University˅˄
Assistant Professor, Van Vollenhoven Institute, Leiden Law School
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact -
Maud Heldens, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
Lecturer and PhD candidate
- European Law (ECHR)
- Judicial Review of Human Rights
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Maud Heldens, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
Max van Drunen, University of Amsterdam˅˄
Meaghan Alexandra Breyer, University of Groningen˅˄
PhD Candidate
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- International and domestic health law
- International trade law
Medes Malaihollo, University of Groningen˅˄
PhD Candidate
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Environmental law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
- Teaching and education
Melania Tudorica, University of Groningen˅˄
Melanie Fink, Leiden University˅˄
Assistant Professor
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Research methodologies
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Melina Mouris, ˅˄
PhD Researcher
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Melinda Rucz, University of Amsterdam˅˄
PhD Candidate
- European Law (ECHR)
- Freedom of expression
- Media freedom and pluralism
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Melvin Kremers, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
Junior lecturer, PhD-candidate
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
Michael Yiqiang LIU, Leiden University˅˄
PhD Candidate
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Research methodologies
- Teaching and education
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Michel Vols, University of Groningen˅˄
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- Research methodologies
Michiel Bot, Tilburg University˅˄
Assistant Professor
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
Michiel van Emmerik, Leiden University˅˄
Associate Professor of Constitutional and Administrative Law
- Administrative Law
- European Law (ECHR)
- Human rights law
Miha Marcenko, University of Amsterdam˅˄
Miriam Quené, University of Antwerp˅˄
PhD student
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
Mirjam van Schaik, Open University˅˄
Associate Professor of Constitutional Law and Legal Theory
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Research methodologies
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Misha Ariana Plagis, Leiden University˅˄
Assistant Professor, Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies, Leiden Law School, Leiden University
Mohammad Hossein Mojtahedi, Vrije University Amsterdam˅˄
Lecturer and PhD candidate
- Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Teaching and education
- Terrorism and security
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Mónica Ávila Currás, Vrije University Amsterdam˅˄
PhD candidate
- Children, family and integration
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
- Teaching and education
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Moritz Baumgärtel, Utrecht University˅˄
N. Nurhidayatuloh, Maastricht University˅˄
PhD Researcher
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- Transitional justice and rule of law
N.U. (Nina) van Capelleveen, Leiden University˅˄
PhD candidate
- Children, family and integration
- European Law (ECHR)
- Research methodologies
Nadia BERNAZ, Wageningen University˅˄
Associate Professor of Law
- Business and human rights
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
Nairita Roy Chaudhuri, Tilburg University˅˄
Research fellow
- Business and human rights
- Environmental law
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
Najib Zamani, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
PhD candidate
- Human rights
Naomi van de Pol, Utrecht University˅˄
PhD Candidate
- European Law (ECHR)
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Narin Idriz, T.M.C. Asser Institute˅˄
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
Narin Idriz, T.M.C. Asser Institute˅˄
Narine Ghazaryan , Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
Assistant Professor in International and European Law
- Business and human rights
- Environmental law
- European Law (ECHR)
- Human Rights in EU International Relations
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Teaching and education
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Dr N. Ghazaryan (Nara) - Radboud University (
Natalia Hol-Hernandez, Tilburg University˅˄
PhD Candidate
- Business and human rights
- Environmental law
- Human rights and international economic law
- Societal impact
- Teaching and education
Natasha Stamenkovikj , University of Amsterdam˅˄
Nathalie Franziska Hendrika Schnabl, Open University˅˄
PhD Candidate
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Nathalie Schnabl, Open University˅˄
Nawal Mustafa, ˅˄
Research Associate
- Interviews
- Moslems
- Neutrality
- Women's rights
Naz Yilancioglu, Maastricht University˅˄
Nesli Soylu, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
PhD Candidate
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Societal impact
Nicky Touw, Open University˅˄
PhD Candidate
- Business and human rights
- Civil procedure and collective redress
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Nicky Touw, Open University˅˄
Nico Schrijver, Leiden University˅˄
Emeritus Professor of Public International Law
Nicola Jägers, Tilburg University˅˄
Professor of human rights law, Head of Department Public Law & Governance
Nikki Dolores Vosters, Leiden University˅˄
PhD Candidate
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Nina Marie Petzel, Vrije University Amsterdam˅˄
Docent-Onderzoeker (PhD researcher-lecturer)
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Noor Swart, University of Groningen˅˄
PhD Student
- (clashing) political and civil human rights, with a focus on the right to peaceful assembly
- Societal impact
Nozizwe Dube, Maastricht University˅˄
PhD candidate
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Societal impact
Nynke Elske Vellinga, University of Groningen˅˄
Postdoc Researcher
- European Law (ECHR)
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Oğuzhan Öztürk, Leiden University˅˄
Ph.D. Researcher
- Business and human rights
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
Ola Adel Al Khatib, Utrecht University˅˄
PhD Student
- European Law (ECHR)
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Otto Spijkers, Leiden University˅˄
Assistant professor at Leiden University College, Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs, Leiden University
- Environmental law
- Human rights law
- International water law
- Law of the sea
- Research methodologies
- Teaching and education
- United Nations
Paddy Leerssen, University of Amsterdam˅˄
Panos Merkouris, University of Groningen˅˄
Professor, Chair on Interpretation & Dispute Settlement in International Law
Patricio Andrés Trincado Vera, Tilburg University˅˄
PhD Candidate
- Business and human rights
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Environmental law
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
- Teaching and education
Paul Cliteur, Leiden University˅˄
Paul Hoynck van Papendrecht, Erasmus University Rotterdam˅˄
PhD Candidate
- Business and human rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Paul Mevis, Erasmus University Rotterdam˅˄
Paul Minderhoud, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
Prof. Dr.
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- European human rights law (ECHR and EU)
- International Migration and Refugee Law
Pauline Jacobs, Tilburg University˅˄
Associate professor
- Criminal law and human rights & penitentiairy law
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
- Teaching and education
Peggy ter Vrugt, Maastricht University˅˄
- Children, family and integration
- European Law (ECHR)
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
Pepijn Tukker , University of Groningen˅˄
Lecturer IT Law
- Business and human rights
- Children, family and integration
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Teaching and education
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Peter Rodrigues, Leiden University˅˄
Professor of Immigration Law
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
Phillip Paiement, Tilburg University˅˄
Associate Professor
- Business and human rights
- Environmental law
Piet Hein van Kempen, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
Professor of Criminal Law & Criminal Procedure Law
- Business and human rights
- Civil and Political Rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Pieter Wolters, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
- Human rights
Pol van de Wiel, Maastricht University˅˄
Priscilla Yovia Rahmat, Leiden University˅˄
PhD Candidate
- Children, family and integration
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Research methodologies
Prof. mr. drs. Machteld Vonk , Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
Full professor of international and European family law
- Children, family and integration
- European Law (ECHR)
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
Rakshita Sangh, Tilburg University˅˄
PhD Candidate
- Business and human rights
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Raphaël Gellert, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
Rebecca Mignot-Mahdavi, T.M.C. Asser Institute˅˄
Renée de Geus, Maastricht University˅˄
Renée de Geus, Maastricht University˅˄
External PhD Candidate
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Renée Knoop, Erasmus University Rotterdam˅˄
PhD-researcher in Sustainability, Technology and Public Law
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Environmental law
- European Law (ECHR)
- Relationship between innovation, technology and human rights
- Teaching and education
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Renée Kool, Utrecht University˅˄
Rick Lawson, Leiden University˅˄
Professor of European Human Rights Law
- EU & human rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Rieneke Stelma-Roorda, Vrije University Amsterdam˅˄
Assistant Professor
- Children, family and integration
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Rights of elderly
- Rights of persons with disabilities (in particular adults with intellectual impairments)
Rikki Holtmaat, Leiden University˅˄
Confidential counsellor PhD Candidates
Robert Timmers, Open University˅˄
Roland Moerland, Maastricht University˅˄
Assistant Professor of Criminology and Law
- Business and human rights
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Roland Moerland, Maastricht University˅˄
Assistant Professor Criminal Law and Criminology
- Business and human rights
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Roman Girma Teshome , Utrecht University˅˄
Assistant Professor
- Business and human rights
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Environmental law
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
Ronald Janse, Open University˅˄
Rony Boerrigter, Vrije University Amsterdam˅˄
Lecturer European Union Law & Researcher
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Societal impact
Rory Sugrue, Tilburg University˅˄
PhD Candidate
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Research methodologies
Rosanne van Alebeek, University of Amsterdam˅˄
Rowin Jansen, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
PhD candidate jurisprudence of law
- European Law (ECHR)
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Rumyana van Ark, T.M.C. Asser Institute˅˄
- Children, family and integration
- European Law (ECHR)
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Rumyana van Ark, T.M.C. Asser Institute˅˄
Ruth Sajet, Open University˅˄
-Lecturer , -PhD Researcher
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
- Teaching and education
- Transitional justice and rule of law!user/rs2 -
Saar van Dijk, Vrije University Amsterdam˅˄
- Business and human rights
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Environmental law
- European Law (ECHR)
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
- Teaching and education
Saide Esra Akdogan, Wageningen University˅˄
Researcher and Lecturer
- Business and human rights
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Environmental law
- European Law (ECHR)
Saime Naz Yılancıoğlu, Maastricht University˅˄
PhD candidate
- Constitutional law
- European Law (ECHR)
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Salvador Santino F. Regilme Jr. , Leiden University˅˄
Associate Professor of International Relations
- Children, family and integration
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Global politics of human rights -
Samuel Ballin, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
PhD Candidate
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Environmental law
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Research methodologies
- Teaching and education
Sandra Arntz, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
PhD Candidate
- Business and human rights
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Environmental law
- European Law (ECHR)
- Societal impact
- Teaching and education
Sandra Carolina Wilhelmina Maria Arntz, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
PhD Candidate
- Business and human rights
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Environmental law
- European Law (ECHR)
- Societal impact
- Teaching and education
Sandra Mantu, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
Assistant Professor
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
Sanne Taekema, Erasmus University Rotterdam˅˄
Sarah Eskens, Vrije University Amsterdam˅˄
Assistant Professor in Law and Technology
- European Law (ECHR)
- Teaching and education
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Sarah Thin, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
Assistant Professor of International Law
- Business and human rights
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Environmental law
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
Sarah Vandenbroucke, Leiden University˅˄
PhD candidate
- Business and human rights
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Research methodologies
Sarienten Dominique Mollet, University of Groningen˅˄
PhD Candidate
- Business and human rights
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- Health law
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
Sascha van Schendel, Erasmus University Rotterdam˅˄
- Human rights & Big Data
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Selin Altay, Ruhr University Bochum˅˄
Research Associate & PhD Student
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- LGBTQ+ rights
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
Selman Aksünger, Maastricht University˅˄
PhD Candidate
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Environmental law
- History of international law
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
Seniha Irem Akin , Erasmus University Rotterdam˅˄
Seniha Irem Akin
- Business and human rights
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Environmental law
- European Law (ECHR)
- Societal impact
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Sharngan Aravindakshan, Tilburg University˅˄
PhD Candidate
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Societal impact
Shaz Jameson, Tilburg University˅˄
PhD Data Governance
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Shuyuan Zhang, Maastricht University˅˄
PhD candidate
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Research methodologies
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Silvia De Conca, Vrije University Amsterdam˅˄
Assistant Professor
- Business and human rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
- Teaching and education
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Simon van der Hof, Leiden University˅˄
Professor of law and digital technologies
- Children's rights and digital technologies
- European Law (ECHR)
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Simon van Ramshorst, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
PhD candidate in Philosophy of Law
- International Migration and Refugee Law
Simon Waswa, University of Amsterdam˅˄
Simona Demková, ˅˄
Assistant Professor
- European Law (ECHR)
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Simone Hooijer, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
PhD researcher
- European Law (ECHR)
- Judicial review of human rights (international and national)
- Public order
Siobhán Airey, Erasmus University Rotterdam˅˄
Assistant Professor
- Business and human rights
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- Research methodologies
Sjarai Lestrade, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
Associate professor of criminal law
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
Sjors Ligthart, Tilburg University, Utrecht University˅˄
Assistant Professor , Postdoctoral Researcher
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Sonja Meijer, Radboud University Nijmegen, Vrije University Amsterdam˅˄
Assistant professor criminal law, Endowed professor penitentiary law
- Business and human rights
- Criminal Law
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- Teaching and education
Sophie Starrenburg, Leiden University˅˄
Assistant Professor
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Environmental law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Research methodologies
Stacey Links, Leiden University˅˄
Stamatia (Tina) Stavrinaki , Utrecht University˅˄
Assistant Professor in Human Rights and International Law
- Children, family and integration
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Societal impact
Stavroula (Stevi) Kitsou, Maastricht University˅˄
PhD researcher
- European Law (ECHR)
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Stefanie Jansen-Wilhelm, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
Assistant Professor of International Law
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- Teaching and education
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Stephanie Rap, Leiden University˅˄
Assistant professor
- Business and human rights
- Children, family and integration
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
Stephanie Triefus, T.M.C. Asser Institute˅˄
- Business and human rights
- Human rights and international economic law
- Societal impact
Sterre Naaktgeboren, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
PhD Candidate
- Business and human rights
- Children, family and integration
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
- Teaching and education
Susan Andriessen, Utrecht University˅˄
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
Susanne Burri, Utrecht University˅˄
Suzanne Schot , Vrije University Amsterdam˅˄
Suzy Duivenvoorde , Leiden University˅˄
PhD candidate
- Children, family and integration
- European Law (ECHR)
Tabea Krauss, Erasmus University Rotterdam˅˄
PhD Candidate at Erasmus School of Law
- Business and human rights
- Environmental law
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
Tamara Horbachevska, Wageningen University˅˄
PhD student
- Business and human rights
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
- Teaching and education
- Transitional justice and rule of law -
Taner Kuru, Tilburg University˅˄
PhD Candidate at Tilburg University
- European Law (ECHR)
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Tanja Aalberts, Vrije University Amsterdam˅˄
Professor of Law and Security
- Legislation
- Nineteenth Century
- Sovereignty
Tarlach McGonagle, Leiden University, University of Amsterdam˅˄
Associate Professor, Institute for Information Law (IViR), Amsterdam Law School &, Professor of Media Law and Information Society, Leiden Law School
- Academic freedom
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- Freedom of expression and information
- Freedom of religion
- Media freedom and pluralism
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Research methodologies
- Safety and protection of journalists
- Societal impact
- Teaching and education
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Taylor Woodcock, T.M.C. Asser Institute˅˄
PhD Researcher in public international law
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Tessa van der Rijst, Vrije University Amsterdam˅˄
- European Law (ECHR)
- Research methodologies
- Teaching and education
Tesseltje de Lange, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
Professor of European migration law
- Children, family and integration
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
Theo van boven, Maastricht University˅˄
Honorary professor of international law
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Thomas Spijkerboer, Vrije University Amsterdam˅˄
Professor of Migration Law
- Courts
- Human rights
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Legislation
Tihomir Sabchev, Tilburg University˅˄
Tim Lindgren, University of Amsterdam˅˄
Postdoctoral Fellow
- Business and human rights
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Environmental law
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- Research methodologies
Tina van der Linden-Smith, Vrije University Amsterdam˅˄
Assistant Professor
- Teaching and education
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Tineke Strik, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
Professor of citizenship and migration law
- Children, family and integration
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
Tom Barkhuysen, Leiden University˅˄
Professor of Constitutional and Administrative Law
Tom Blom, University of Amsterdam˅˄
Professor of Criminal and Procedural Law
Tom Herrenberg, Open University˅˄
Assistant Professor of Constitutional Law and Legal Theory
- Constitutional law
- European Law (ECHR)
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Teaching and education
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Tomas Hamilton, University of Amsterdam˅˄
Post-doctoral Researcher
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
Ton Liefaard, Leiden University˅˄
Professor of Children’s Rights , Head of the Department of Child Law and Health Law
Toni van Gennip, Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
Assistant professor of constitutional law
- European Law (ECHR)
Tycho Jacob Scholte, Vrije University Amsterdam˅˄
Lecturer-researcher Constitutional and Administrative Law
- Environmental law
- European Law (ECHR)
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Uladzislau Belavusau, T.M.C. Asser Institute˅˄
Senior Researcher in European Law
- European Law (ECHR)
- Memory politics
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Societal impact
- Transitional justice and rule of law
V.E. (Vicky) Breemen, Utrecht University˅˄
Assistant professor
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Vanessa M. Tünsmeyer, University of Groningen˅˄
Assistant Professor at the University of Groningen
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- Indigenous rights
- Linkage between cultural heritage law and human rights
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Vasiliki Kosta, Leiden University˅˄
Viola Bex-Reimert, Utrecht University˅˄
Associate Professor
- European Law (ECHR)
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
- Transitional justice and rule of law
W.M. ( Wendy) Guns, Open University˅˄
Assistant professor ( UD) at International Law
- Business and human rights
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- International Migration and Refugee Law
Welmoet Wels, University of Groningen˅˄
PhD Candidate
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- Management of dead bodies under international law
- Research methodologies
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Wessel Damen, Vrije University Amsterdam˅˄
PhD Candidate
- European Law (ECHR)
- Research methodologies
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
- Transitional justice and rule of law
Wibren van der Burg, Erasmus University Rotterdam˅˄
Wiebe Hommes, University of Amsterdam˅˄
Assistant Professor of European Law and Legal History
Wietse Buijs, Erasmus University Rotterdam˅˄
Wijtze Jorrit Westerhof , ˅˄
PhD candidate
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- European law
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
- Teaching and education
Willemijn Roozendaal, Vrije University Amsterdam˅˄
Full Professor in Social Law
- (Fundamental) labour standards
- Dutch labour law
- EU fundamentals rights law (EU Charter)
- Social security law
William Fortin, Tilburg University˅˄
PhD Candidate
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
Wim Huisman, Vrije University Amsterdam˅˄
Professor of Criminology and Head of the VU School of Criminology
- Corporations and Corporate Crimes
- Corruption
- Crime
Wouter Vandenhole, University of Antwerp˅˄
Professor of Human Rights Law
- Business and human rights
- Children, family and integration
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- Research methodologies
Yannick van den Brink, Vrije University Amsterdam˅˄
Yelyzaveta Markova , Radboud University Nijmegen˅˄
PhD candidate
- Business and human rights
- European Law (ECHR)
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security -
Yiokasti Mouratidi, Utrecht University˅˄
PhD Candidate
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- Research methodologies
- Societal impact
- Teaching and education
- Technology, data protection and cyber-security
Yvonne Donders, University of Amsterdam˅˄
Professor International Human Rights, Member of the UN Human Rights Committee
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Societal impact
Zeynep Kasli, Erasmus University Rotterdam˅˄
Zora Roxan Geertsema, Open University˅˄
PhD Candidate
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law
- Non-discrimination and minority protection
- Societal impact
- Transitional justice and rule of law