PhD Training 2019: Looking Back
This year’s annual PhD training of the Netherlands Network for Human Rights Research was organised in cooperation with Erasmus School of Law and took place on the 13th and 14th of May 2019. Ten PhD students from different universities in the Netherlands attended the interactive workshops and lectures. The two days were divided into two themes: the first day, Monday 13 May, was a day with substantive lectures and workshops, focusing on different methodologies of law, and the second day, Tuesday 14 May, focused more on practical aspects of writing a PhD such as using the online platform for your dissertation and publishing strategies.
Since the Erasmus School of Law hosted the event, most of the lectures were given by staff from this university, complemented with scholars from the University of Amsterdam and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Next to the lectures, different social activities were organised where the PhD students were able to network with the other PhD students and the lecturers. This fits with the goal of NNHRR’s PhD training of establishing a research network of (young) scholars in the field of human rights law. This year, the group was invited to explore Rotterdam with a tram originating from the 1960s, followed by a social dinner. We are happy to report that the participants evaluated the two-day workshops most positively, across the board.
See the programme here.