Toogdag 2020

Human Rights and Vulnerability

29 June – 1 July



14:00 – 16:00: PhD Researcher Workshop: Implicit bias and open communication

This year’s Toogdag PhD workshop will address Implicit bias and open communication. It will be led by Anne de Graaf, UvA Chief Diversity Officer, and Janissa Jacobs, Management Assistant in the Chief Diversity Officer’s Team. It will explore issues of diversity, inclusion, vulnerability and intersectionality. Participants will be introduced to various diversity topics, frameworks and theories, covering themes such as implicit bias, good practices, resource-sharing, allyship, power dynamics and diversity literacy.


10:00 – 11:45: Keynote Session

Welcome and introductory remarks
Prof. Dr. Yvonne Donders, University of Amsterdam, Chair of the NNHRR Steering Committee

Keynote: How to talk about human rights during COVID 19
Israel Butler, Head of Advocacy, Civil Liberty Union for Europe

This year’s online keynote will be led by Israel Butler and will build on his work around human rights cognitive framing and how the particular words we use to discuss them can alter public attitudes. In light of the ongoing pandemic, this workshop will focus this work on how we can talk about human rights amid COVID-19 in a way that addresses vulnerability.

12:15 – 13:00: Meet and Greet with the NNHRR Advisory Board

This year we will also host a Meet and Greet with the NNHRR's Advisory Board! During this informal session, Network members will have the opportunity to exchange experiences with the Board on human rights academic work, advocacy and public policy. Confirmed speakers include Ms Adriana van Dooijeweert (Chair, Netherlands Institute for Human Rights), Judge Alphons Orie (International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals) and Mr Jos Silvis (former Judge at the ECHR and Procurator General, Supreme Court of The Netherlands). The session will be presided by Prof. Dr. Ernst Hirsch Ballin, Chair of the Advisory Board.

14:00 - 15:30: Legal Pathways for Refugees to Europe: Humanitarian and University Corridors
Migration and borders working group

This year’s Migration and Borders Working Group session will focus on two recent innovations in EU migration governance – privately sponsored humanitarian corridors for refugees and university corridors for refugee students. The former represents local private-sponsorship initiatives for refugee resettlement to Europe, while the latter is a bottom-up response to the lack of opportunities for refugees to access higher education at EU universities. Both topics are closely linked and fall into the general theme of opening legal pathways for regularisation to forced migrants.

16:00 - 17:30: Lightning Session
Human rights in the digital age working group

This year, the Human Rights in the Digital Age working group will hold a Lightning Session. This event will focus on the vulnerabilities of our populations with regard to making sense of how the coronavirus crisis and its ‘techno-management’ impact their lives: their rights, their health, their access to information and their freedom to question governmental measures. The Working Group invites all NNHRR members and in particular, (prospective) members of our Working Group on Human Rights in the Digital Age, to join their group discussion on these issues.


10:00 -12:00: The EU Due Diligence Initiative: Promises, Possibilities and Pitfalls
Business and human rights working group

The business and human rights working group will host a panel discussing the European Commissioner for Justice's recent commitment to new legislation on mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence in EU company supply chains. Working group chair Chiara Macchi (Wageningen University) will introduce the topic and moderate the session. Lise Smit (British Institute of International and Comparative Law) will introduce the background the the initiative, including her work with BIICL and the EU Commission report. Ekaterina Aristova (Oxford University) will discuss the broader trend towards mandatory due diligence and what this might mean for the EU initiative. Nicolas Bueno (University of Zurich) will provide insights into parallel national initiatives and how the pertains to the EU initiative. The panel will wrap up with a Q&A session.

The Toogdag 2020 is hosted by: