Toogdag 2018: Looking Back
The yearly Toogdag took place in Tilburg Law School on 22 June 2018 and brought together 75 participants. It was entitled The Future of Human Rights – Human Rights of the Future. The talks concentrated on challenges to human dignity as well as the role of human rights and human rights law in the world nowadays. Various challenges posed to the human rights framework were identified. For instance, technological changes, migration and corporate firms’ conduct were subject to analysis.
The day started with a PhD session during which information regarding publishing the PhD was provided to the researchers by Intersentia, the publisher of the human rights series. Then, Prof. Morten Kjaerum, the director of the Raoul Wallenberg Institute, delivered a key note address. Subsequently, three panels took place. Panel A was called Business and Human Rights: Quo Vadis? The second panel was centered around migration and its name was People out of Place: What to Expect from Human Rights Law? The third panel concentrated on the human rights’ link with technological developments. It was called Human Rights in the Digital Age: New Frontiers. The event finished with a debate on the future of human rights with four members of the Advisory Board of the Network: Jos Silvis (Procurator General, Supreme Court of the Netherlands); Morten Kjaerum (Director Raoul Wallenberg Institute, Sweden); Eduard Nazarski (Director of Amnesty International, the Netherlands); and Farah Karimi (Director of Oxfam Novib, the Netherlands).
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