About us

The Netherlands Network for Human Rights Research (NNHRR) was established in 2017 to sustain and further strengthen cooperation in the field of human rights research. The NNHRR has become an essential platform for human rights researchers seeking to establish meaningful contacts and durable links in the Netherlands. The NNHRR is connecting researchers, academic institutions, innovative ideas and outputs, thus generating relevant societal insights. As such, it maintains and strengthens the institutionalised cooperation among human rights researchers in the Netherlands and facilitates the organisation of inter-university research and training for PhD researchers. It also enhances the visibility of human rights work conducted at Dutch universities nationally and internationally and aims at becoming a focal point for non-academic organisations such as ministries, NGOs and international organisations working on applied research questions.

One of the priorities of the network is the maximisation of its member’s resources by creating spaces for them to learn from each other through meetings, workshops and exchanges. Therefore, the network developed three flagship activities: the Toogdag (annual research day), training courses for 1st and 2nd year PhD-students as well as for 3rd and 4th PhD-students, and the Doctoral Research Forum In addition, the NNHRR organises research workshops, PhD Meet & Greets and informal gatherings for PhD researchers. Finally, thematic activities and events are organised by each working group.