Final MATRA-Ukraine Conference
Published 19 November 2024
Photo by the Asser Institute.
The final conference of the MATRA-Ukraine project was held on 19 November at The Hague Conference Centre and online, 1000 days after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russia. Bringing Ukrainian actors together with Dutch and international counterparts, the conference took stock of progress and achievements in investigating, prosecuting, adjudicating and reporting on international crimes cases domestically in Ukraine since 2020.
It featured three panels of distinguished speakers from Ukraine and international practice, addressing (1) tools to promote best practices to strengthen the documentation, investigation, prosecution and adjudication of international crimes, (2) incorporating child-friendly justice into the investigation and prosecution of international crimes and (3) monitoring the fairness of domestic cases.
The key takeaways from the conference, outlined by Dr Christophe Paulussen, Acting Chair of the Executive Board and Academic Director of the T.M.C. Asser Institute emphasised the importance of managing expectations and that case prioritisation is required (including on crimes against and affecting children); that Ukraine should continue efforts to implement child-sensitive, victim-centred and trauma-informed approaches, stressing the best interests of the child; in absentia cases must be monitored from a fair trial perspective; and for Ukraine to succeed in its efforts to prosecute and adjudicate conflict related cases fairly, it is essential that time, effort and resources are committed to the quality and know-how of the defence.
In his closing remarks, Wayne Jordash KC, Managing Partner of Global Rights Compliance reflected on the project as a whole, which has been instrumental in holistically assisting the diverse actors engaged in addressing and seeking accountability for international crimes in Ukraine, by developing tools and resources to support investigators, prosecutors, defence lawyers, judges, civil society and journalists. There is further work to be done in continuing to support Ukraine’s ongoing justice endeavours and building on the legacy and outputs of the MATRA-Ukraine project. As ever, the project partners, with the support of the Netherlands, are committed to ensuring Ukraine receives the highest quality, on the ground assistance in their pursuit of justice.
Along with the project and events teams at the Asser Institute and Global Rights Compliance, the project partners would like to thank the host venue The Hague Conference Centre and the team of Audio Visual Company Bourgonje, our interpreters Kate Zotova & Yelisey Moroz, and all our speakers and guests for making this event a success.
A report of the conference for those who could not make it can be found here.