- 4 February 2025: Benjamin Ferencz Lecture: 'Sights, sounds, and sensibilities of atrocity prosecutions: the sensory experience of justice'
- 21 January 2025: Benjamin Ferencz Lecture: 'Tackling the unlawful deportation and transfer of children from Ukraine to Russia: Pathways to accountability'
- 26 November 2024: HILAC Lecture: 'The F-35 parts export case: International legal implications'
- 14 October 2024: Thirteenth IHCL Platform PhD Day
- 2 October 2024: Benjamin Ferencz Lecture: 'The principle of ne bis in idem in international criminal law'
- 29 May 2024, SCL Lecture 'The Register of Damage for Ukraine: Towards reparation for victims?'
- 21 March 2024, HILAC Lecture 'The Red Sea crisis: Assessing the international legal and maritime security implications'
- 14 February 2024, SCL Lecture 'A Typology of Perpetrators of Mass Atrocities'
- 23 January 2024, HILAC Lecture 'Hate speech and incitement: International criminal and humanitarian law perspectives'
- 19 December 2023, SCL Lecture 'Navigating the international legal landscape of the Israel-Palestine conflict'
- 12 December 2023, HILAC Lecture 'New technologies in modern warfare'
- 18 October 2023, SCL Lecture 'Domestic accountability for international crimes: achieving justice at home'
- 21 September 2023, SCL Lecture 'Pursuing accountability for the crime of aggression against Ukraine'
- 22 June 2023, Webinar 'The road to justice: Lessons for Ukraine from the USSR invasion of Afghanistan'
23 May 2023: Twelfth IHCL Platform PhD Day
- 17 March 2023: Symposium ‘The Conflict in Ukraine: One Year On’
- 14 December 2022: SCL Lecture ‘Environmental harm and international criminal law’
- 26 September 2022: HILAC Lecture ‘Expert Manuals in International Humanitarian Law’
- 27 June 2022: online panel on ‘Gender in international criminal law and its practice’
- 14 December 2021: online (Zoom) Webinar ‘Domestic implementation of International Humanitarian Law (IHL): War crimes prosecutions’
- 11 November 2021: online (Zoom) HILAC Lecture ‘International Humanitarian Law and Due Diligence’
- 23 June 2021: online (Zoom) SCL Lecture ‘Visualising the Mladic trial’.
- 8 June 2021: webinar ‘International humanitarian law and digital technology: critical reflections’
- 26 May 2021: online (Zoom) tenth IHCL Platform PhD Day
- 2 December 2020, online (Zoom) SCL Lecture ‘The STL Judgement in the Ayyash et al. case: Justice for Lebanon?’
- 13 October 2020, online (Zoom) HILAC Lecture ‘Military necessity and the law of armed conflict’
- 10 June 2020: online (Zoom) HILAC Lecture ‘How the Syrian conflict has changed international law’
- 3 June 2020: online (Zoom) SCL Lecture ‘Challenges to Prosecuting Paramilitaries: Insights from the former Yugoslavia and Syria’
- 18 May 2020: online (Zoom) Ninth IHCL Platform PhD Day
- 6 November 2019: 'The treaty on the prohibition of nuclear weapons: New perspectives for nuclear disarmament?
- 6 June 2019: ‘The Conduct of Hostilities and International Humanitarian Law: Challenges of 21st Century Warfare’
- 23 May 2019: Eighth IHCL Platform PhD Day
- 2 April 2019: ‘Academia Meets Practice: Discussing IHCL with Experienced Practitioners’
- 25 May 2018: Seventh IHCL Platform PhD Day
- 7 February 2018: Book launch ‘Legal Responses to Transnational and International Crimes. Towards an Integrative Approach’
- 16 January 2018: Lecture ‘Contemporary Constraints on the Waging of War: A Tribute to Prof. Frits Kalshoven’
- 12 September 2017: Book launch ‘Victim Participation in International Criminal Justice – Practitioners’ Guide’
- 26 June 2017: Sixth IHCL Platform PhD Day
- 15 May 2017: lecture with Benjamin Ferencz
- 3 November 2016: seminar with the ICRC on ‘The role of international criminal law in fostering compliance with international humanitarian law’
- 14 June 2016: Fifth IHCL Platform PhD Day
- 21 April 2016: Closed expert meeting ‘Towards a European Position on the Use of Armed Drones? A Human Rights Approach’
- 12 April 2016: Lecture ‘The legal ramifications of the Armenian genocide’
- 4 December 2015: Livestreamed Launch Event ‘The 1949 Geneva Conventions: A Commentary’
- 22 October 2015: Book launch ‘‘The War on Terror’ and the Framework of International Law’
- 22 June 2015: Fourth IHCL Platform PhD Day
- 28 January 2015: launch of the Report Unacceptable Risk: Use of explosive weapons in populated areas through the lens of three cases before the ICTY
- 22 January 2015: Lunch lecture on dilemmas in asymmetrical warfare
- 17 December 2014: Book Launch Nuclear Weapons Under International Law
- 3 December 2014: Conference ‘The Cyber Warfare Manual: A Detailed Assessment’
- 25 November 2014: Book launch 'Applying International Humanitarian Law in Judicial and Quasi-Judicial Bodies: International and Domestic Aspects'
- 15 May 2014: Third IHCL Platform PhD Day
- 15 October 2013: Book launch 'Armed Conflict and International Law: In Search of the Human Face. Liber Amicorum in Memory of Avril McDonald'
- 28 June 2013: Second IHCL Platform PhD Day
- 10 and 11 January 2013: Symposium ‘The Boundaries of the Battlefield: A Critical Look at the Legal Paradigms and Rules in Countering Terrorism’
- 7 December 2012: Conference ‘Prosecutor, Watchdog, Diplomat, Manager: The Multiple Roles of the International Prosecutor’
- 25 May 2012: First IHCL Platform PhD Day
- 7 November 2011: Conference ‘Protection of the Environment in Armed Conflict: Testing the Adequacy of International Law’
- 27 September 2011: Book Launch International Humanitarian Law and Terrorism
- 21 January 2011: Conference ‘On the Front Line of Accountability – War Reporting and Related Contemporary Issues in International Humanitarian and Criminal Law’