JurisDictions: International law podcast

How is it that a movie about a children’s toy can raise tensions over territorial sovereignty? And why is it that certain international disputes draw more global attention than others? This monthly educational podcast by the Asser Institute, research centre for international and European law, explores such questions. It focuses on the stories behind international legal concepts and issues that shape our world.

Listeners, and in particular students, are encouraged to write to jurisdictions@asser.nl if they have any concepts or issues they would like to learn more about. 

View all episodes

The Hague Courts Dialogue Series

The Hague Courts Dialogue Series provides short conversations with experts on international law about ongoing cases. Your host, Asser Institute researcher, Carl Lewis gives a brief 1-minute introduction of the Hague Court Dialogue Series podcast.

 Episode 1

 Episode 2

 Episode 3

 Episode 4

 Episode 5