[Doctoral seminar] The effectiveness of arms control treaties

10 - 11 June 2024
  • Starts at: 12:00h
  • Fee: Free. Travel grants available.
  • Organiser: International Arms Control Law Hub
  • Address: R.J. Schimmelpennincklaan 20-22
    2517 JN The Hague

We invite PhD researchers and early-career researchers to join us for this seminar where we will dive into the practice and theory of arms control treaty negotiations. In the second doctoral seminar of 2024, organised by the Arms Control Law Hub, we examine and analyse how we can ensure that arms control agreements make a real difference.

Once treaties have been signed and ratified, one of the key questions is how to make them work. Focusing on arms control agreements, we to take a broad look at the meaning of effectiveness from a historical, economic, political, legal perspective. We will discuss early efforts to develop compliance control mechanisms, we will analyse existing treaty-based systems (in particular within the OPCW and in respect of nuclear safeguards agreements and the IAEA), and we will look into challenges related to national implementation of arms control treaties. The objective of the seminar is to discuss how we can ensure that arms control agreements make a real difference. 

Details of the program will be made available shortly. 

Registration and abstracts
After lectures by key experts, the participants will engage in a roundtable discussion about their research topics, guided by Asser Institute researchers. During the roundtable session, the participating doctoral candidates and postdoctoral researchers have the option to give individual 15-minute formal presentations on their research. 

Participation in the workshop is extended to approximately 10 doctoral candidates and postdoctoral researchers who are currently conducting research in arms control, whether from legal, historical, political or theoretical perspectives. Please email Alexandra Pinto Damas (A.Damas@asser.nl) to apply for the event by 20 May 2024, including your position, university affiliation and area of research. Participants wishing to present their research should additionally submit a short abstract on their presentation topic by email before 1 June 2024. Acceptance will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Attendance is in-person. 

You can read the full programme here.


27 May 2024

Deadline for registration

1 June 2024

Submission of abstracts for roundtable

10-11 June 2024

The effectiveness of arms control treaties 

Travel grants
Students that may require a travel grant to participate should contact Alexandra Pinto Damas before 27 May. 

The Asser Institute doctoral seminar series on international arms control law
The Asser Institute doctoral seminar series on international arms control law is an initiative of the Arms Control Law Hub and provides a select number of early career researchers with insights into the current and future issues raised by arms control with perspectives from international law and related disciplines. At each seminar, academics and practitioners deliver several expert lectures on international arms control regimes, institutional and procedural frameworks for control and disarmament, international political perspectives, as well as emerging issues and trends. Additionally, the seminar provides an opportunity for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers to discuss their research in the field of Arms Control to foster interdisciplinary exchange among peers in a low-stakes environment.
