[Research seminar] 'Information Law, Governance, and Security'

19 June 2019
  • Starts at: 16:00h
  • Fee: free
  • Venue: T.M.C. Asser Instituut
  • Organiser: T.M.C. Asser Instituut
  • Address: R.J. Schimmelpennincklaan 20-22
    2517 JN The Hague

On June 19, the Asser Institute is proud to welcome Prof. David LevineProf. David Levine is Associate Professor of Law at Elon University and and an Affiliate Scholar at the Center for Internet and Society at Stanford Law School.

Prof. Sharon K. Sandeen of Mitchell-Hamline School of Law and Prof David Levine are co-authoring a new casebook, Information Law, Governance, and Security, to be published by West Academic Publishing in 2019.

During this research seminar, Prof. Levine will present his casebook on 'information law', co-authored with Prof. Sharon Sandeen, which for the first time brings together previously disparate areas of law, from trade secrecy, the US Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), to government transparency and corporate information disclosure law. The book takes a new, holistic approach that is consistent with the myriad information-related challenges facing governments, consumers, businesses, and their attorneys.

In David's own words:

"Our book brings together previously disparate areas of law, from trade secrecy, the US Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), to government transparency and corporate information disclosure law, in a way that will teach law students and others the full-range of information law issues. While casebooks currently exist that deal with discrete information law issues, such as privacy law, trade secret law, and cyber-crimes, this book takes a holistic approach that is consistent with the myriad information-related challenges facing governments, consumers, businesses, and their attorneys.

Our hope is that our book will enable students to pursue careers related to the fields of information governance, privacy, and security, among others. More broadly, we seek to help reframe discussion around information control, privacy, and diffusion as a unitary field, rather than discrete but related areas of theory and practice. As we explain in Chapter 2, What is Information Law?, the text offers “a practical and integrated approach to information that sees the interconnectedness, and often inconsistencies, of the various areas of applicable law,” and “demonstrates that there is a dire and immediate need for lawyers who can translate complex information law and technology issues for meaningful consumption by clients, policymakers, consumers, and the public.”

Asser research seminars

During the Asser research seminars, external researchers are invited to present their current and upcoming research with the Asser research community. The seminars are semi-open, as we invite a few external people who may be interested in the specific topic of the seminar. However, we aim to keep the group’s size limited, to stimulate interaction and high quality, in-depth discussions. Researchers who are interested in presenting their research to the Asser research community are very welcome to send an e-mail to the coordinator of the seminars Dr. Christophe Paulussen (c.paulussen@asser.nl). 

For more information about past research seminars please see here.