Taylor Woodcock joins the DILEMA Team
Published 2 September 2020
On 1 September 2020, Taylor Woodcock joined the DILEMA Team as a PhD researcher. Her research relates to military applications of artificial intelligence and the obligations that arise with respect to these technologies under international humanitarian law and international human rights law.
Taylor graduated cum laude from the Leiden University LL.M. specialising in Public International Law (2019). Her master thesis dealt with the extraterritorial application of human rights instruments, focusing in particular on whether the right to life is engaged when States conduct targeted killings abroad. She also has a double degree in Law and International Studies (International Relations Major) as part of her undergraduate studies at Deakin University in Melbourne, Australia.
Following her studies, Taylor completed a year-long internship at the Asser Institute in the research strand ‘Human Dignity and Human Security in International and European Law’. Her key areas of research in this position included international human rights law, international humanitarian law and international criminal law. She was also a pro-bono research assistant at the strategic human rights litigation practice, Human Rights in Practice.