Sadjad Soltanzadeh joins the DILEMA Team
Published 16 November 2020
On 15 November 2020, Dr Sadjad Soltanzadeh joined the DILEMA Team as Postdoctoral researcher in ethics and philosophy of technology.
In the project, he will conduct research with the goal of understanding the legal, philosophical, and moral importance of human autonomy and human agency in the context of autonomous systems.
Sadjad has a multidisciplinary background and has experienced diverse workplace and academic environments in Iran, the Netherlands, and Australia. He has masters and Doctorate degrees in Philosophy of Science and Philosophy of Technology. He is also a qualified and experienced Mechanical Engineer as well as a Secondary School teacher.
Sadjad has developed a novel philosophy of technology, named activity realism, for which he won the SPT2019 Early Career Award. In this philosophy, the study of different types of objects and systems should be preceded by the study of human activities. Sadjad is currently working on a manuscript where he outlines the details of his philosophy.
As an engineer, Sadjad has been involved in a number of projects, including designing and building robots at the ARAS robotic group, and collaborating in an interdisciplinary research group to investigate the dynamic behaviour of the human heart for fault diagnosis.
Sadjad has also worked as a secondary school teacher and contributed to other education-related projects. He has been involved in developing Curriculum for four philosophy courses at the College level with the ACT’s Board of Senior Secondary Studies.