2022 Research Highlights and Overview
Published 23 January 2023
In 2022, the DILEMA Project team has been again very active in publishing research and presenting findings at academic and policy events. We have also organised numerous events both for specialised and general audiences. Below are a few highlights of the year, as well as a full overview of publications, presentations, and events.
- Sadjad Soltanzadeh published a monograph, Problem Solving Technologies: A User-Friendly Philosophy, for which we organised a book launch.
- Tomasz Zurek co-authored several papers which explore how and to which extent military AI technologies can be designed and programmed in a way that integrates norms of international humanitarian law.
- Magdalena Pacholska and Berenice Boutin published articles exploring the question of State responsibility in relation to military applications of AI, respectively in the Israel Law Review and the Leiden Journal of International Law.
- The DILEMA Project partnered with the International Society for Military Law and the Law of War (ISMLLW) in the organisation of the 5th ‘Silent Leges Inter Arma ?’ Conference in Bruges in September. We convened two panels during the conference, on ‘War Algorithms: Between Review and Implementation’ and on ‘Reflections on the Human in International Humanitarian Law & Military Applications of AI’.
- In June, we organised a Symposium on Interim Research Results, where team members presented ongoing research to project partners and stakeholders.
- As part of the Hague Conference on Responsible AI held in the Peace Palace in May, the DILEMA team organised a panel discussion on ‘The Interface of Ethical and Legal Principles on (Military) AI: Towards Mutually Strengthening Frameworks’.
Full List of Publications in 2022
- Magdalena Pacholska, ‘Military Artificial Intelligence and the Principle of Distinction: A State Responsibility Perspective’, Israel Law Review (2022)
- Tomasz Zurek, Mostafa Mohajeriparizi, Jonathan Kwik, and Tom van Engers, ‘Can a Military Autonomous Device Follow International Humanitarian Law?’, JURIX 2022 Conference Paper, Legal Knowledge and Information Systems, pp. 273-278 (2022)
- Berenice Boutin, ‘State Responsibility in Relation to Military Applications of Artificial Intelligence’, Leiden Journal of International Law (2022), available on SSRN (2022)
- Tomasz Zurek and Adam Wyner, ‘Towards a Formal Framework for Motivated Argumentation and the Roots of Conflict’, Proceedings of the 22nd Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument (CMNA), CEUR-WS Vol. 3205, pp. 39-50 (2022)
- Berenice Boutin and Taylor Woodcock, ‘Aspects of Realizing (Meaningful) Human Control: A Legal Perspective’, in: Robin Geiß and Henning Lahmann (eds.), Research Handbook on Warfare and Artificial Intelligence (forthcoming), available on SSRN (2022)
- Jonathan Kwik, Tomasz Zurek, and Tom van Engers, ‘Designing International Humanitarian Law into Military Autonomous Devices’, available on SSRN (2022)
- Sadjad Soltanzadeh, Problem Solving Technologies: A User-Friendly Philosophy, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers (2022)
- Klaudia Klonowska, ‘Shifting the Narrative: Not Weapons, but Technologies of Warfare’, Humanitarian Law & Policy Blog (20 January 2022)
- Tomasz Zurek, Taylor Woodcock, Magdalena Pacholska, and Tom van Engers, ‘Computational Modelling of the Proportionality Analysis under International Humanitarian Law for Military Decision-Support Systems’, Working Paper, available on SSRN (2022)
Full List of Events in 2022
- DILEMA Lecture: ‘The Ethics of Human–Robot Interaction and Traditional Moral Theories’, with Dr Sven Nyholm (17 November 2022, 17:00, Asser Institute, The Hague)
- Panel Discussion: ‘Reflections on the Human in International Humanitarian Law & Military Applications of AI’, Silent Leges Inter Arma Conference, under the auspices of the International Society for Military Law and the Law of War (22 September 2022, Bruges)
- Panel Discussion: ‘War Algorithms: Between Review and Implementation’, Silent Leges Inter Arma Conference, under the auspices of the International Society for Military Law and the Law of War (21 September 2022, Bruges)
- DILEMA Symposium on Interim Research Results (29 June 2022, 12:30–17:00, Asser Institute, The Hague)
- Book Launch Symposium: The Role and Impact of Technologies on Human Activities (8 June 2022, Asser Institute, The Hague)
- Panel Discussion: ‘The Interface of Ethical and Legal Principles on (Military) AI: Towards Mutually Strengthening Frameworks’, Hague Conference on Responsible AI (13 May 2022, 12:00–13:00, Peace Palace, The Hague)
- PhD Workshop on Methodologies in Socio-Technical Research (10–11 May 2022, Asser Institute, The Hague)
- Conference: ‘Law and Ethics of Artificial Intelligence in the Public Sector: From Principles to Practice and Policy’ (10–11 March 2022)
- Winter Academy on Artificial Intelligence and International Law (21–25 February 2022)
Full List of Presentations in 2022
- Mostafa Mohajeriparizi, Jonathan Kwik, Tomasz Zurek and Tom van Engers, ‘Can a Military Autonomous Device Follow International Humanitarian Law?’, JURIX 2022 Conference, Saarbrucken (15-16 December 2022)
- Tomasz Zurek and Adam Wyner, ‘Values, Justifications, and Consortia’, AICOL 2022 Workshop (AI and Complexity of Law), Saarbrucken (14 December 2022)
- Klaudia Klonowska, ‘The Means of Warfare and their Masters: Human-Centrism in the Regulation of Emerging Technologies of Warfare’, Workshop: Military Imaginaries of AI and the Anthropocene, Uppsala University (8 December 2022)
- Berenice Boutin and Sadjad Soltanzadeh, ‘Legal and Ethical Perspectives on the Impact of Military Applications of AI on Human Judgment and Agency’, 9th Korean Institute of Criminology and Justice International Forum: Emerging Technologies and Human Rights - Legal and Ethical Considerations in Regulating Artificial Intelligence (7 December 2022)
- Magdalena Pacholska, ‘New Technologies, Same Old Mistakes? Unintended Engagements as Potential IHL Violations’, 5th Young Researchers Workshop on Terrorism and Belligerency: The Warfare of Tomorrow, University of Haifa, Israel (15 November 2022)
- Berenice Boutin, ‘The Automation of Warfare: Artificial Intelligence and Human Interaction’, Nederlandse Rode Kruis Humanitair Oorlogsrecht Congres, The Hague (4 November 2022)
- Sadjad Soltanzadeh, ‘Dynamic Ontologies for AI Systems to Support Moral and Legal Decision Making’, ESDiT2022 Conference, Oegstgeest (7 October 2022)
- Tomasz Zurek and Dorota Stachura-Zurek, ‘Virtue Ethics and Autonomous Devices’, ESDiT2022 Conference, Oegstgeest (6 October 2022)
- Taylor Woodcock, ‘Human Rights in Armed Conflict and Military AI: Reflections on the Duty to Investigate’, Expert Panel Discussion on ‘The Threat of Autonomous Weapons Systems to International Human Rights Law’, organised by Stop Killer Robots, side event to the 51st Session of the UN Human Rights Council (29 September 2022)
- Taylor Woodcock, ‘Human Agency and IHL: Impacts of Algorithmic Decision-Support Systems’, Silent Leges Inter Arma Conference, under the auspices of the International Society for Military Law and the Law of War, Bruges (22 September 2022)
- Klaudia Klonowska, ‘Article 36 Legal Review and AI Decision-Support Systems’, Silent Leges Inter Arma Conference, under the auspices of the International Society for Military Law and the Law of War, Bruges (21 September 2022)
- Taylor Woodcock, ‘The Human Dimension of International Law: Exploring the Relationship Between IHL and the Exercise of Human Agency’, Asser Institute Research Lab (14 September 2022)
- Tomasz Zurek and Adam Wyner, ‘Towards a Formal Framework for Motivated Argumentation and the Roots of Conflict’, CS-Theory Seminar, Department of Computer Science, Swansea University, United Kingdom (9 September 2022)
- Sadjad Soltanzadeh, ‘Activity Realism: A Queer Philosophy of Objects’, University of Twente Philosophy Colloquium, University of Twente (8 September 2022)
- Sadjad Soltanzadeh and Klaudia Klonowska, ‘Agency and the Regulation of Socio-Technical Systems’, Annual Conference of the European Society of International Law (ESIL), Interest Group on Social Sciences and International Law, Pre-Conference Workshop on ‘Connecting Social Practices to Legal Outcomes’, Utrecht (1 September 2022)
- Klaudia Klonowska and Tasniem Anwar, ‘The Use of Behavioural Pattern Recognition in Classifying Terrorists: Overinclusion of Digital Identities’, Annual Conference of the European Society of International Law (ESIL), Interest Group on International Law and Technology, Pre-Conference Workshop on ‘Algorithmic and Technological Modes of In-/Exclusion – International Legal Method and Critique’, Utrecht (31 August 2022)
- Tomasz Zurek, ‘Decision-Making in Autonomous Vehicles and Scenario Testing using Multi-Agent Systems’, Computational Normative Systems Workshop, Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam (26 August 2022)
- Sadjad Soltanzadeh, ‘Agency as Impact: Re-Engineering a Technologically Disrupted Concept’, Philosophy of Human-Technology Relations Conference, Aalborg University, Copenhagen, Denmark (5 July 2022)
- Magdalena Pacholska, ‘Many Hands in the Black Box: Artificial Intelligence and the Responsibility of International Organizations’, DILEMA Symposium on Interim Research Results, Asser Institute (29 June 2022)
- Berenice Boutin , ‘State Responsibility in Relation to Military AI: Obligations at the Pre-Deployment Stage’, DILEMA Symposium on Interim Research Results, Asser Institute (29 June 2022)
- Tomasz Zurek, ‘Framing the Military Autonomous Device to Follow International Humanitarian Law’, DILEMA Symposium on Interim Research Results, Asser Institute (29 June 2022)
- Taylor Woodcock, ‘Aspects of Realizing (Meaningful) Human Control’, DILEMA Symposium on Interim Research Results, Asser Institute (29 June 2022)
- Sadjad Soltanzadeh, ‘Autonomy in the Context of Decision-Making Dilemmas’, DILEMA Symposium on Interim Research Results, Asser Institute (29 June 2022)
- Taylor Woodcock, ‘Algorithmically-Supported Targeting Decisions, International Humanitarian Law and Aspects of Human Agency’, Autonorms Workshop on The Algorithmic Turn in Security and Warfare, Odense, Denmark (30 May 2022)
- Jonathan Kwik, Tomasz Zurek, and Tom van Engers, ‘Designing International Humanitarian Law into Military Autonomous Devices’, International Workshop on Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, Norms and Ethics for Governance of Multi-Agent Systems (COINE 2022), co-located with AAMAS 2022 (10 May 2022)
- Magdalena Pacholska, ‘Legal Ramifications of the Provision of Arms and Material to Ukraine’, Belgian Group of the International Society for Military Law and the Law of War (ISMLLW), Roundtable on the War in Ukraine and International Law, Brussels (28 April 2022)
- Klaudia Klonowska and Sadjad Soltanzadeh, ‘Agents as Impactful Entities: Redesigning a Technologically Disrupted Concept’, ESDiT Workshop on Conceptual Engineering and Socially Disruptive Technologies (1 April 2022)
- Tomasz Zurek, ‘Applying Ethics to Autonomous Agents’, Asser Institute Research Lab (23 March 2022)
- Klaudia Klonowska and Sadjad Soltanzadeh, ‘Agents as Impactful Entities: Redesigning a Technologically Disrupted Concept’, Asser Institute Research Lab (2 March 2022)
- Magdalena Pacholska and Klaudia Klonowska, ‘Workshop: IHL in Action’, Winter Academy on AI and International Law, Asser Institute (24 February 2022)
- Berenice Boutin, ‘State Responsibility in Relation to AI’, Winter Academy on AI and International Law, Asser Institute (24 February 2022)
- Magdalena Pacholska and Klaudia Klonowska, ‘Military Applications of AI and International Humanitarian Law’, Winter Academy on AI and International Law, Asser Institute (24 February 2022)
- Berenice Boutin, ‘AI in the Public Sector and Strategic Litigation: A Case Study’, Winter Academy on AI and International Law, Asser Institute (23 February 2022)
- Sadjad Soltanzadeh, ‘Re-Engineering the Disrupted Notion of Agency’, Winter Academy on AI and International Law, Asser Institute (22 February 2022)
- Tomasz Zurek, ‘Technical Introduction to AI and Demonstration’, Winter Academy on AI and International Law, Asser Institute (21 February 2022)
- Sadjad Soltanzadeh, ‘Introduction to Philosophy of Technology’, Winter Academy on AI and International Law, Asser Institute (21 February 2022)
- Taylor Woodcock, ‘The Human Dimension of AI-Mediated Warfare: A Perspective on Human Agency and the Proportionality Rule under International Humanitarian Law’, AutoNorms Conference: The Algorithmic Turn in Security and Warfare (6 January 2022)