Intercontinental Cooperation Through Private International Law - Essays in Memory of Peter E. Nygh
- 978-90-6704-178-2
- English
- 2004

IT Support of the Judiciary - Australia, Singapore, Venezuela, Norway, The Netherlands and Italy
- 978-90-6704-168-3
- English
- Information Technology and Law Series
- 2004

Minority Protection: Standards and Reality - Implementation of Council of Europe standards in Slovakia, Romania and Bulgaria
- 978-90-6704-191-1
- English
- 2004

The Concept of International Legal Personality - An Inquiry into the History and Theory of International Law
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- English
- 2004

The Consolidated Asylum and Migration Acquis - The EU Directives in an Expanded Europe
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- English
- 2004

The European Community, the European Union and the International Law of Treaties - A Comparative Legal Analysis of the Community and Union's External Treaty-Making Practice
- 978-90-6704-182-9
- English
- 2004

The European Union - An Ongoing Process of Integration - Liber Amicorum Alfred E. Kellermann
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- English
- 2004

The European Union and Conflict Prevention - Policy and Legal Aspects
- 978-90-6704-171-3
- English
- 2004

Watercourse Co-operation in Northern Europe - A Model for the Future
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- English
- 2004

Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law - Volume 4, 2001
- 978-90-6704-169-0
- English
- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law
- 2004