CLEER WP 2014/7 - Matera, Taylor
The Common European Asylum System and human rights: enhancing protection in times of emergencies.
Claudio Matera and Amanda Taylor (eds.)
The present volume is the second published for the CLEER working papers series and under the CLEER research project “Human Security as a new operational framework for enhancing Human Rights protection in the EU’s Security & Migration Policies”. In the framework of activities carried out under the aforementioned research project, a group of experts were asked to consider the extent to which the concept of human security could influence the response of the EU to humanitarian crises. This volume builds upon the conference organised by CLEER on the 4th of July 2014 and aims to address a number of questions pertaining to the application of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS). Whilst the conference considered the role that the concept of human security might play in the development of the CEAS and the application of legislative instruments thereof so as to maximise the level of protection and the rights of asylum seekers, the reader will find that human security considerations are often translated into human rights ones, a terrain in which lawyers are more familiar with. Yet, the concept of human security permeates through the whole volume since each contribution discusses the necessity to consider the protection needs of asylum seekers into the analysis and application of the CEAS acquis.
List of contributors:
Claudio Matera (T.M.C Asser Instituut and University of Twente), Paolo Cuttitta (Free University, Amsterdam), Myrthe Wijnkoop (Dutch Council for Refugees), Paula Garcia Andrade (University Pontificia Comillas in Madrid), Robert K. Visser (European Asylum Support Office), Amanda Taylor (European Council of Refugees and Exiles), Lieneke Slingenberg (Free University, Amsterdam)
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