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Governing board
Advisory Board
Advisory Board
Christophe Hillion
Steven Blockmans
Fabian Amtenbrink
Henri de Waele
Ester Herlin-Karnell
Dimitry Kochenov
Jorrit Rijpma
Joris Larik
Claudio Matera
Inge Govaere
Panos Koutrakos
Eleftheria Neframi
Christine Kaddous
Fabien Terpan
Jan Wouters
Enzo Cannizzaro
Anne Thies
CLEER Network
CLEER Network
Ton van den Brink
Jan Willem van Rossem
Angelos Dimopoulos
Nikos Skoutaris
Bart Van Vooren
Andrés Delgado Casteleiro
Geert de Baere
Graham Butler
Sara Poli
Federico Casolari
Isabelle Bosse-Platière
Guillaume van der Loo
Merijn Chamon
Bruno de Witte
Jean-Francois Brakeland
Marise Cremona
Jenö Czuczai
Piet Eeckhout
Frank Hoffmeister
Stephan Keukeleire
Jan Klabbers
Adam Lazowski
Marc Maresceau
Bernd Martenczuk
Miguel Poiares Maduro
Valsamis Mitsilegas
Frederik Naert
Siniša Rodin
Allan Rosas
Daniel Thym
Martin Trybus
Peter Van den Bossche
Ivo van der Steen
Gráinne de Búrca
Joanne Scott
Machiko Kanetake
Urszula Jaremba
Florin Coman-Kund
Katja Ziegler
Partners of CLEER
CLEER fellows
CLEER fellows
Previous fellows
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CLEER newsletter
CLEER Papers
CLEER Papers
CLEER Paper 2025/01 - Narin Idriz, Eva Kassoti, Joris Larik (eds.)
CLEER Paper 2024/4 - E. Kassoti, R. A. Wessel (eds.)
CLEER Paper 2024/3 - T. Verellen
CLEER Paper 2024/2 - C. Berg
CLEER Paper 2024/1 - P. Merkouris, R.A. Wessel, I. Tarik de Vries-Zou (eds.)
CLEER Paper 2022/3 - Casolari , Gatti M (eds)
CLEER Paper 2022/2 - Kassoti, Ott (eds.)
CLEER Paper 2022/1 - Gnes, Sormunen
CLEER Paper 2020/2 - Kassoti, Wessel
CLEER Paper 2020/1 - Kassoti, Wessel (eds.)
CLEER Paper 2019/2 - Hummelbrunner
CLEER Paper 2019/1 - Furculita
CLEER Paper 2018/1 - Van der Loo
CLEER Paper 2017/5 - Van der Wel, Wessel
CLEER Paper 2017/4 - Ott
CLEER paper 2017/3 - Kassoti
CLEER paper 2017/2 - Erlbacher
CLEER paper 2017/1 - Preshova, Damjanovski, Nechev
CLEER Paper 2016/5 - Poli (ed.)
CLEER Paper 2016/4 - Kleizen
CLEER Paper 2016/3 - Orbie, Martens, Van den Putte
CLEER Paper 2016/2 - Eckes
CLEER Paper 2016/1 - Pantaleo, Douma, Takács (eds.)
CLEER Paper 2015/2 - Kerres, Wessel
CLEER Paper 2015/1 - Kochenov, Basheska
CLEER WP 2014/7 - Matera, Taylor (eds.)
CLEER WP 2014/6 - González Alonso (ed.)
CLEER WP 2014/5 - Matta, Takács (eds.)
CLEER WP 2014/4 - Erkelens
CLEER WP 2014/3 - Fernández Arribas
CLEER WP 2014/2 - Herlin-Karnell & Matera (eds.)
CLEER WP 2014/1 - S. Blockmans and C. Hillion (eds.)
CLEER WP 2013/7 - Ott, Vos and Coman-Kund
CLEER WP 2013/6 - Cremona, Takács (eds.)
CLEER WP 2013/5 - Douma, Van der Velde (eds.)
CLEER WP 2013/4 - Takács, Ott and Dimopoulos (eds)
CLEER WP 2013/3 - Fernández Arribas, Pieters and Takács (eds.)
CLEER WP 2013/2 - Juan Santos Vara
CLEER WP 2013/1 S. Blockmans and C. Hillion (eds.)
CLEER WP 2012/6 - Aurel Sari and Ramses A. Wessel (eds.)
CLEER WP 2012/ 5 - Blockmans & Wessel (eds.)
CLEER WP 2012/4 – Serrano de Haro
CLEER WP 2012/3 - Pech
CLEER WP 2012/2 - Blockmans
CLEER WP 2012/1 - Erkelens & Blockmans
CLEER WP 2011/6 - Klamert
CLEER WP 2011/5 - Larik
CLEER WP 2011/4 - Van Vooren
CLEER WP 2011/3 - Koutrakos (ed.)
CLEER WP 2011/2 - Hoeksma
CLEER WP 2011/1 - Rosas
CLEER WP 2010/7 - Van Vooren
CLEER WP 2010/6 - Eckes
Relevant Publications by Members of the Board
Relevant Publications by Members of the Board
Fabian Amtenbrink
Steven Blockmans
Wybe Douma
Christophe Hillion
Andrea Ott
Ramses Wessel
Enrico Partiti
Relevant Asser Press publications
Research projects
Upcoming events
Upcoming events
12 December 2025: CLEER Conference on Shifting Institutional Dynamics in EU External Relations Law
23-25 June 2025: 10th CLEER Summer School
6 December 2024: TMC Asser- CLEER Conference on General Principles in EU's External Relations Law
14-15 November 2024: PhD Workshop: The Legal Implications of the EU's Geopolitical Awakening
24-26 June 2024: 9th CLEER Summer School
6-7 May 2024: PhD Workshop: The Legal Implications of the EU's Geopolitical Awakening
20 October 2023 - Workshop on the EU and International Diplomatic Law and Politics: Views from the Outside
8th CLEER Summer School on EU External Relations Law 26-28 June 2023 (Online)
2022 - 21 October CLEER Conference The EU's Strategic Autonomy from a Practical Legal Perspective
7th CLEER Summer School (online) 27 - 29 June 2022
6th CLEER Summer School on the Law of EU External relations (online) - 28- 30 June 2021
CLEER Conference on Informal Law-Making in EU External Relations Law - Thursday 8 April 2021 (online)
2021 - 24 February German Council Presidency Lecture
2020 - 03 March: CLEER Presidency Lecture: The Finnish EU Council Presidency's Experience in the External Relations Field
2019 - 11 December: Joint CLEER- ESIL IG EU as a Global Actor Workshop: EU Trade Agreements and the Duty to Respect Human Rights Abroad
Past events
Past events
2019 - 15 November - Joint University of Leiden - CLEER Brexit Policy Roundtable
2019 - 12 September: CLEER Presidency Lecture: The Romanian EU Council Presidency's Experience in the External Relations Field
2019 - 24-28 June: 5th CLEER Summer School
2019 - 14 June: Joint University of Leiden (Europa Institute) CLEER Workshop
2018 - 06-07 December: 10th Anniversary CLEER Conference
2018 - 11 October - CLEER Presidency Lecture: The Bulgarian Presidency’s experience of the EU Council in the external relations field
2018 - 25 - 29 June: 4th CLEER Summer School on the Law of EU External Relations
2018 - 04 April: CLEER Lecture by Andrea Ott on 'The Brexit conundrum: Stuck between Politics, EU and International Law'
2018 - 14 February - CLEER lecture: "EU-Russia Relations in an Era of Sanctions"
2017 - 27 June - CLEER Seminar - Refugee crisis and EU cooperation with Mediterranean States
2016 - 27 June -1 July: 3rd CLEER Summer School on EU External Relations Law
2016 - 21 April: Book Launch: Foreign Policy Objectives in European Constitutional Law
2014 - July 4: CLEER Conference: "Using Human Security as a legal framework to analyse the Common European Asylum System"
2014 - February 20: "The experiences of the Lithuanian Presidency of the EU Council in the field of external relations"
2013 - December 6: CLEER Conference on Human Security
2013 - November 6: "The experiences of the Irish Presidency of the EU Council in the field of external relations"
2013 - June 24 - 28: CLEER Summer School
2013 - May 16: CLEER Presidency lectures series "the Cyprus Presidency of the Council of the EU"
2013 - April 19: ‘EU environmental norms and third countries: the EU as a global role model?’
2013 - February 22: “The External Dimension of EU Counter-terrorism Policy”
2012 - November 29, Experiences of the Danish Presidency of the Council of the EU in the conduct of EU external relations
2012, November 9, "Linking trade and non-commercial interests: the EU as a global role model?"
2012, 21-22 June, joint EUI-CLEER Conference 'Trade liberalisation and standardisation: new directions in the 'low-politics' of EU foreign policy'?
2012 - June 19: 'Legal Approximation and Application of EU Law in the Eastern Neighbourhood of the EU'
2012 - 25 May: CLEER workshop "Human Rights and EU Crisis Management Operations: A Duty to Respect and to Protect?"
2012 - May 10-11: CLEER Conference "One year after the Arab Spring"
2012 -13 March: CLEER fellow lecture Luca Pantaleo
2012 - 16-17 February: Tension between universal and regional unification of private law: The conflict between EU law and the maritime and transport law conventions
27 October 2011- CLEER Guest Lecture: The experiences of the Hungarian Presidency of the EU Council-a legal appraisal
2011 - 13-14 October - The Legal Dimension of Global Governance: What Role for the EU?
2011 - 27 May - The European Union’s shaping of the International Legal Order
2011 - 17 March - Lecture by Prof. dr. Allan Rosas, Judge at the European Court of Justice
2010 - 5 November - The Influence of International Organizations on the European Union: The EU as An Autonomous Legal Order?
2010 - 9 July - International Conference in Brussels
2009 - 2 October - CLEER Launch
2009 - 5 February - Roundtable on the External Dimension of the Stockholm Programme
CLEER Presidency lecture series
CLEER News Service
CLEER News Service
CLEER News Service issues
CLEER News Service issues
CLEER Newsletters
Research Digest
Asser Academy
CLEER News Service
CLEER News Service issues
CLEER News Service issues
Previous CLEER News Service documents are posted here.