Prof. Martin Trybus
Martin Trybus is Professor of European Law and Policy at Birmingham Law School. He completed his PhD at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth. His research aims to make a contribution to the understanding and development of the Law of the European Union, especially its economic and constitutional aspects, to establish ‘European Union Defence and Security Law’ as a separate legal subject, and to contribute to the understanding and development of European Union public procurement law. He was visiting scholar at various universities around the world. At the beginning of his Senior Lectureship at the University of Sheffield (2006) he was seconded as Senior Adviser to the SIGMA programme of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in Paris where he coordinated a number of major studies on public procurement in Europe financed by the European Commission. Some of his publications are “Buying Defence and Security in Europe: The EU Defence and Security Procurement Directive in Context” (CUP), “European Union Law and Defence Integration” (Hart Publishing) and “European Security Law” (eds, OUP) with N. D. White.