Prof. Frank Hoffmeister
Frank Hoffmeister is Head of Unit at the European Commission, implementing the EU's Trade Defence Policy. He is the former Deputy Head of Cabinet in Commissioner De Gucht's Cabinet (international trade). He was formerly a member of the 'External Relations' and the 'Institutional' Team at the European Commission’s Legal Service. Previously, he worked on the European Commission's Cyprus Desk as well as for the United Nations Special Advisor on Cyprus. He is a part-time LL.M. Professor and was before academically active as assistant at the Walter Hallstein Institute for European Constitutional Law of the Humboldt University of Berlin and a research fellow at the Max Planck-Institute for international law and foreign public law in Heidelberg. He has published over 70 articles and several books. Most recently, he edited together with P.J. Kuijper and J. Wouters the manual: "The Law of EU External Relations, Cases, Materials and Commentary on the EU as an international legal actor" (OUP). He also taught at the EUI and is a member of the board of the book series Studies in EU External Relations (Brill Leiden).