Application of Brussels I-bis

Database of case-law

This database is part of a research project which assesses the application of Regulation (EU) 1215/2012 (Brussels I recast or Brussels I-bis), which became applicable on 10 January 2015, on Jurisdiction and the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters (recast) by the national legal orders. This project is funded by the European Commission, DG Justice, information can be found here.

The main function of the database is to identify court decisions from the EU Member States that apply provisions of the aforementioned Regulation and are publicly accessible. The database provides links to the texts of the applicable judgments in their original language as available from a public source, in addition to references to court decisions not available from a public source.

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Origin decision:
Provisions of 1215/2012
Considerations of 1215/2012
Provisions of 44/2001
Other instruments applied
ECJ Court case applied

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  • Search terms are not case sensitive and accents/special characters are not required: entering "tribunal de relacao" will find "Tribunal da Relação"
  • Use double quotes to search for exact phrases like "cour d’appel"
  • Use the asterisk (*) as a wild-card symbol only at the end of a term: environment* will find environment, environmental and environmentally
  • Terms are optional by default: Maribor 2016 will find records containing one or both of these terms
  • Use a plus-sign (+) to make terms required, for example +Maribor +2016: the results will contain both Maribor and 2016
  • Use a minus-sign (-) to exclude certain results, for example Maribor -2016: the results will contain Maribor but not 2016