[Human rights in the European Union] Can due diligence rescue Frontex?
15 November 2024 By Ewa RomanowskaIn a post for European Law Blog, Ewa Romanowska (Asser Institute) criticises a recent decision by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU). The court dismissed a human rights lawsuit brought by Syrian asylum seekers against Frontex, the EU's border ag...
[Expert drafting] Rules of engagement for military artificial intelligence
6 November 2024On 6 and 7 November 2024, the Asser Institute is hosting an expert workshop on rules of engagement (ROE) for military artificial intelligence (AI) systems. As a tool used by commanders to provide clear instructions for military forces, could rules of engagemen...
[New blog post] European Union support to Ukraine through windfall profits
28 October 2024A new blog post by Asser Institute researchers James Patrick Sexton and Victoria Kerr analyses the EU’s recent decision to send profits from frozen Russian Central Bank assets to Ukraine. Estimated to amount to around €3 billion per year, Sexton and Kerr argue...
[New publication] Jonathan Kwik discusses the use of autonomous weapon technologies
24 October 2024Asser Institute’s researcher, Dr Jonathan Kwik’s new book explores the practical and legal challenges of deploying autonomous weapon systems (AWS) in the context of quickly advancing artificial intelligence (AI). AI, once a more unknown technology, is now inex...
[Call for papers] The manifold forms of contemporary international legal scholarship
23 October 2024International lawyers constantly (re)shape the world around them in legally relevant terms, whether as scholars, teachers, advisors, or judges, and they do so through many different forms. The writing of journal articles and books, for instance, has long been ...