[Update] New states added to The Foreign Terrorist Fighters Knowledge Hub
Published 20 June 2024
@Shutterstock - The FTF Knowledge Hub is an essential resource for research on foreign fighters and states' responses to them.
The Foreign Terrorist Fighters Knowledge Hub, an open-access, interactive database on foreign terrorist fighters and states’ responses to them, now includes information on two new states: Tunisia and Lebanon. The FTF Knowledge Hub has further incorporated recent developments on states’ responses to foreign terrorist fighters for nine other states, including Belgium, France, Germany and the United States. In doing so, the FTF Knowledge Hub continues to be an essential resource for research on FTFs and states’ responses to them, uniquely combining quantitative and qualitative data.
The number of states included on the FTF Knowledge Hub, developed by the T.M.C. Asser Instituut and the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism (ICCT), has been expanded to 32 states with the new additions of Tunisia and Lebanon. Information on FTFs travelling to Syria and Iraq from these two states and the national policies adopted as a response, can now be found on the individual country pages.
As part of this review of the FTF Knowledge Hub, domestic policies and legal frameworks of every country page have been revised to reflect the newest developments. Data points were updated for nine states, including Belgium, France, Germany, and the United States. Comparison between the different national approaches can be drawn by using the policy matrix interactive tool. In addition, new readings have been included at the bottom of the country pages under “Additional resources” as well as in the ‘Library’. The ‘Standards and guidance’ tab now contains new documents, including from the United Nations and Eurojust.
About the FTF Knowledge Hub
The FTF Knowledge Hub is an open-access, interactive database on states’ data and responses to ‘foreign terrorist fighters’ (FTFs), which could be defined as ‘individuals who travel to a State other than their States of residence or nationality for the purpose of the perpetration, planning, or preparation of, or participation in, terrorist acts or the providing or receiving of terrorist training, including in connection with armed conflict’ (UN Security Council Resolution 2178 (2014)).
The FTF Knowledge Hub contains country-specific information on 32 different states, including FTF-related data, administrative and criminal measures, as well as rehabilitation and prevention policies. The database also provides key statistics about FTFs who have travelled to Syria or Iraq to join groups like ISIL. Students, policymakers, practitioners, academics, and journalists are likely to find the Knowledge Hub of interest.
Provide us your feedback and suggestions
We always welcome the contribution of country-specific information, relevant research or data regarding the states included in the FTF Knowledge Hub. To submit information, please fill in our questionnaire, or send it to input@foreignterroristfighters.info. For any other questions, suggestions or feedback, please reach out to input@foreignterroristfighters.info. We review the submitted information on a regular basis.
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