The attack on Ukraine violates the most fundamental rules of international law
Published 27 February 2022
Flag of Ukraine - copyright Floris Wolff
The Asser Institute denounces the war of aggression waged by the Russian government against the nation of Ukraine. We respond to our colleagues in Kyiv by affirming that the attack on Ukraine violates the most fundamental rules of international law.
The obscenity of war destroys lives and futures around the world. We also denounce the unlawful violence in Yemen, Syria, Somalia, the Central African Republic, Tigray, Mali, Palestine, Myanmar and elsewhere. As international lawyers, we recognise that international law is implicated in the systems of power that perpetuate this madness.
We continue to work to end the use of force to subjugate and oppress. We stand in solidarity with Ukraine and victims of political violence worldwide. Stop the war.
On behalf of the Asser Institute,
Janne Nijman
Academic director and chairperson of the executive board of the T.M.C. Asser Instituut
Read the full statement of the National University of Department of International and European Law at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy