[SIGN UP NOW] Disarmament and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction training programme
Published 28 April 2020
From 28 September until 2 October 2020, The Asser Institute in The Hague will host the eleventh training programme on disarmament and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction co-organised with the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).
Covid-19 update
Due to the coronavirus outbreak, the format of this training programme might be subject to change. While, as of now, we will continue with a programme on our premises in The Hague, we might be forced to move this programme to an online platform. Should this happen, we will offer you a 33 % discount. If you had already paid for your spot, you will get reimbursed the difference in price. Registered participants will receive notification of the format at least a month before the starting date.
About the programme
Are you looking for a comprehensive training programme on various aspects of disarmament of weapons of mass destruction? Would you like to engage in discussions with renowned experts in an interactive and multi-disciplinary way? The challenges posed to international security by nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons are as urgent today as they were during the Cold War. There is an increasing demand for professionals in the field of WMD to tackle the challenges of today’s non-proliferation and disarmament agenda with a more integrated understanding of these issues. Sign up for our disarmament and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction training programme.
During this intensive week, participants receive a comprehensive overview of non-proliferation and disarmament efforts regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction. Participants are first introduced to various topics within the training and will be able to actively discuss these with researchers and guest speakers. The training programme includes field visits to a nuclear reactor and the OPCW headquarters laboratory. This one-week training programme allows for the participants to gain hands-on knowledge on what the current efforts are in regards to disarmament and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
Weapons of Mass Destruction have re-entered the international political stage in recent years. After many years in which there was relatively little attention for these weapons and the agreements dealing with them, chemical weapons were used in Syria, Malaysia and the United Kingdom, and nuclear weapons returned in political rhetoric and arms races as if the Cold War has never ended. Arms control, non-proliferation and disarmament initiatives came under pressure due to increasing international tensions. How to understand and deal with these new dynamics? The training programme offers in-depth knowledge and will tackle these questions and beyond.
Key topics: Chemical weapons, nuclear weapons, biological weapons; arms control, non-proliferation and disarmament agreements; export controls and verification mechanisms; international law and diplomacy; geopolitical developments.
Target group: The training programme is designed for early- to mid-career professionals working for governments, for example, national export control bodies, national authorities for the implementation of WMD-related treaties and agreements and national nuclear agencies. Individuals working for non-governmental organisations, think tanks addressing WMD issues and research centres in related disciplines are also invited to apply. Newly arrived diplomats in The Hague are especially encouraged to sign up for the training programme.
Participants will gain:
- Hands-on knowledge of the diplomatic, legal and technical aspects of disarmament and non-proliferation;
- Insight into the work of key professionals in the area of WMD, seasoned with their personal experiences; and
- Unique networking opportunities with speakers and participants from diverse backgrounds.
See this year's preliminary programme (might be subject to change) here.
Scholarship opportunities (Applications will open soon)
The OPCW, with funding support from the European Union, offers up to four scholarships for civil society representatives, and the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) is funding five full scholarships for practitioners and government officials working in the field in low/lower middle-income countries.
For more information on the training programme and the scholarships please visit the event page. For questions and inquiries email educationtraining@asser.nl.