Scholarships available for our 2021 winter academies
Published 17 December 2020
Ten scholarships are available to candidates based in low or lower-middle income countries to attend the Asser Institute’s online winter academies in January and February 2021.
In 2021, the Asser Institute will be hosting two winter academies. The first dedicated to the field of business and human rights and the second to the intersection between AI and international law. In this context, we invite interested candidates resident of low or lower-middle income countries (based on the World Bank’s classification) to apply for scholarships covering the tuition fees of the winter academies.
Winter academy on ‘Due diligence as master key to responsible business conduct’ from 25 to 29 January 2021
In 2021, we will host the fourth edition of our Doing Business Right winter academy. This year’s focus will be on due diligence as a key process aimed at achieving responsible business conduct. The winter academy will discuss the theoretical underpinnings of the turn to due diligence in the business and human rights field and provide our participants with a comprehensive understanding of its practical operation through specific case studies conducted by experienced practitioners. For more information on the scholarship conditions and how to apply, click here.
Deadline: 5 January 2021 23.59h CET.
Winter academy on ‘Artificial intelligence and international law’ from 10 to 19 February 2021
The third edition of the winter academy on artificial intelligence and international law will be organised in February 2021. This training programme provides participants with insights into the current and future issues raised by AI from the perspective of international law and related disciplines, and offers a platform for critical debate and engagement on emerging questions. It will take place over six days, split across two weeks: 10-12 February and 17-19 February. The interdisciplinary programme is structured along six themes: Understanding AI, AI ethics, AI and human rights, AI and international security, AI and responsibility, and AI policy and governance. For more information on the scholarship conditions and how to apply, click here.
Deadline: 11 January 2021 23.59h CET.
Please note that it is not possible to apply for a scholarship for both winter academies.