[Preliminary programme out] Sign up now for our online summer law programme on international criminal law and counter-terrorism
Published 7 April 2021
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Are you a young professional or law student interested in international criminal law and (legal aspects of) counter-terrorism? Are you looking to expand your knowledge and build a network in the field? Then check out the preliminary programme for the 15th edition of our (online) Summer law programme on international criminal law and international legal and comparative approaches to counter-terrorism, co-organised with the War Crimes Research Office of American University’s Washington College of Law (1 June – 25 June 2021).
Registrations for the annual summer law programme on international criminal law and international legal & comparative approaches to counter-terrorism are now open, and the preliminary programme has just been released. The law programme will feature top speakers such as Prof. Kimberley Trapp, Eleni Chaitidou, and Dr Bart Schuurman who will be discussing the role of states in terrorism and counterterrorism, the role of intelligence in counter-terrorism, and crimes against humanity. These are but a few of the topics in this programme. Please read the full programme here.
What will you gain?
Through this unique course, you will gain a thorough insight into the latest developments in (and the interplay between) international criminal law and legal aspects of counter-terrorism. You will further have the opportunity to engage in discussions and network with leading academics and legal professionals in the field, and a unique experience of studying and exchanging views with top students from the US.
Course structure
The programme will be divided into two parts; in the first two weeks (1 June - 11 June), you will explore the past, present and future of international criminal law. You will thoroughly analyse topics such as international crimes, criminal responsibility, immunities and amnesties. As well as attending lectures, you will experience the law in practice, by virtually visiting international and national courts and international organisations, such as Eurojust, The International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court. You will also have a unique opportunity for a virtual meet and greet with Benjamin B. Ferencz, former prosecutor at the Nuremberg war crime trials and peace advocate.
The second part of the summer programme (14 June – 25 June) will focus on various international legal and comparative approaches to counter-terrorism. This (part of the) course will give you an in-depth overview of the evolution of the definition of terrorism and counter-terrorism since 9/11.
Topics and confirmed speakers
- Judge Pocar, Introduction to International Criminal Law
- Jørgensen, The Role of States in International Criminal Law
- Eleni Chaitidou, Crimes against Humanity
- Amir Čengić, Genocide
- Barbara Goy, Individual and Command Responsibility
- Najwa Nabti, Ad Hoc International Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and Rwanda (ICTR)
- Gregory Townsend, Hybrid Tribunals
- Judge Howard Morrison, International Criminal Court Part 1
- Fabrico Guariglia, International Criminal Court Part 2
- Simon Minks, Universal Jurisdiction and Prosecuting International Crimes Domestically: The Dutch Example
- Yasmin Naqvi, Immunities and Amnesties
- Paolina Massidda, Victim Participation and Reparations before the International Criminal Court
- Bart Schuurman, Introduction to Terrorism and Counterterrorism
- Kimberley Trapp, The Role of States in Terrorism and Counterterrorism
- Dr. Tom Ruys, Ius ad Bellum in Counterterrorism
- Hans Boddens, Ius in Bello in Counterterrorism
- Joanne Mariner, Counterterrorism in the Law Enforcement Paradigm
- Helen Duffy, Case study: Extraordinary Renditions in Counterterrorism and its Human Rights Ramifications
- Jessica Dorsey, Interplay Between Jus ad Bellum, Jus in Bello and Human Rights Law: The Use of Drones
- Jeanne Abdulla, Preventing/Countering Violent Extremism
- Phil Gurski, The Role of Intelligence in Counter-Terrorism
- Bibi van Ginkel, Countering Terrorism at the International Level
- Manuel Ventura, International Prosecution of Terrorism
- Lars Otte, Trying Terrorism Domestically: Prosecution of Foreign Terrorist Fighters
Virtual study visits
- International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP)
- Eurojust
- UN Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals (MICT)
- The International Court of Justice (ICJ)
- Kosovo Specialist Chambers (KSC)
- International Criminal Court (ICC)
More information & registration
For more information on the programme, please click here. To register, click here.
For more information or questions, please contact educationtraining@asser.nl