Nine scholarships available for the disarmament and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction training programme
Published 26 June 2019
T.M.C. Asser Instituut is happy to announce that we have nine scholarships available for applicants interested in our disarmament and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction training programme. The one-week programme, co-organised with the OPCW, is taking place at the Asser Institute from 30 September until 4 October 2019. Interested applicants should apply to one of the scholarships before 14 July 2019.
The OPCW, with funding support from the European Union, offers four scholarships for civil society representatives, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) is funding five full scholarship for practitioners and government officials working in the field.
About the training programme
Participants will gain a comprehensive overview of non-proliferation and disarmament efforts regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction. The WMD training programme offers participants the chance to discuss various aspects of the issue with a group of experienced and internationally renowned experts and diplomats in the fields of international law, security and related disciplines in an interactive and multi-disciplinary way. In addition to interactive lectures and panels, the week long training also includes a simulation exercise on export controls, and field visits to the OPCW Headquarters and Laboratory as well as to a nuclear research reactor.
More about the OPCW Scholarships
The OPCW, with funding support from the European Union, offers four competitive scholarships for civil society representatives. Candidates must be currently employed at a non-governmental organisation, a think-tank, a research or academic institution, or an independent public institution and working on issues related to the goals of the Chemical Weapons Convention. The scholarships cover the tuition fee, international travel costs, basic medical insurance, and a generous allowance to cover accommodation and food expenses. For more information on the selection criteria, eligibility and documents required follow this link. To submit an application, please complete the form via this link.
More about the MFA Scholarships
The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs has offered to fund five full scholarships to candidates working in the field of (or related to) WMDs who are nationals of and working in one of the countries mentioned in the list of Low/Lower-Middle Income Economies of the World Bank. The scholarships include tuition fee, international travel, accommodation, per diem allowance and medical insurance. For more information and eligibility requirements follow this link. To submit an application, please complete the form via this link.
Weapons of Mass Destruction return to the political stage
Weapons of Mass Destruction have re-entered the international political stage in recent years after many years of relatively little attention. Chemical weapons were used in Syria, Malaysia and the United Kingdom, and the threat of nuclear weapons use seems to be increasing. Arms control, non-proliferation and disarmament initiatives came under pressure or even collapsed due to increasing international tensions. These developments bring back the urgency to understand the agreements dealing with these weapons and to learn how to deal with these new dynamics.
The training programme will tackle these questions and beyond. For more information on the training programme and the scholarships please visit the event page. For questions and inquiries email