[New publication] Military artificial intelligence and the principle of distinction: A state responsibility perspective
Published 9 December 2022
@Public Domain - Captain Daniel, US 867th attack squadron mq 9 reaper pilot.
In a new article for the Israel Law Review (Cambridge University Press), researcher Magda Pacholska argues that the existing military AI technologies do not raise unique issues under the law of state responsibility. She argues that should the fully autonomous weapons - that is machine learning-based lethal systems capable of changing their own rules of operation - ever be fielded, they ought to be conceptualised as state agents, and treated akin to state organs.
Military artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled technology might still be in the relatively fledgling stages. But the debate on how to regulate its use is already in full swing. Much of the discussion revolves around autonomous weapons systems (AWS) and the ‘responsibility gap’ they would ostensibly produce.
Pacholska’s article argues that while some military AI technologies may indeed cause a range of conceptual hurdles in the realm of individual responsibility, they do not raise any unique issues under the law of state responsibility.
Her analysis considers the latter regime and maps out crucial junctions in applying it to potential violations of the cornerstone of international humanitarian law (IHL) - the principle of distinction - resulting from the use of AI-enabled military technologies.
Systemic shortcomings
The article reveals that any challenges in ascribing responsibility in cases involving AWS would not be caused by the incorporation of AI, but stem from pre-existing systemic shortcomings of IHL and the unclear reverberations of mistakes thereunder.
Pacholska reiterates that state responsibility for the effects of AWS deployment is always retained through the commander's ultimate responsibility to authorise weapon deployment in accordance with IHL.
It is proposed, however, that should the so-called fully autonomous weapon systems - that is, machine learning-based lethal systems that are capable of changing their own rules of operation beyond a predetermined framework - ever be fielded, it might be fairer to attribute their conduct to the fielding state, by conceptualising them as state agents, and treat them akin to state organs.
Read the full article (open access).
Dr Magda Pacholska LL.M. is a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Postdoctoral Fellow working on the project entitled “Implementing International Responsibility for AI in Military Practice” within the DILEMA project (Designing International Law and Ethics into Military Artificial Intelligence). Before joining the Asser Institute, Magda worked for two years as a legal adviser at the Polish General Command of the Armed Forces, where she focused on the legal aspects of interoperability in joint operations.
[Spring academy] Artificial intelligence and international law | 27-31 March 2023
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