[New publication] Global Europe Book Series: The informalisation of the EU's external action in the field of migration and asylum
Published 15 January 2022
The European Parliament @shutterstock
In the very first volume to appear in the new Global Europe book series by T.M.C. Asser Press, editors and Asser researchers Eva Kassoti and Narin Idriz examine the trend whereby the European Union resorts ever more often to informal arrangements and deals with third countries.
It does so in an effort to curb and manage migration flows towards the EU and facilitate the return of irregular migrants to their countries of origin or transit. The perceived success of the EU-Turkey deal provided a strong impetus for the continuation of this trend.
The contributions collected and presented in this book aim to shed light on the implications of this trend for the EU constitutional order, the human rights of those affected by these deals, the third countries with which the EU cooperates, and the global refugee protection regime.
They demonstrate how these deals raise more issues than they solve; by, for instance, sidestepping established treaty rules and procedures, violating the human rights of those affected, and overburdening the nascent migration and asylum systems of third country partners.
This book, the first volume to appear in the Global Europe Series, will be of great interest to researchers and policy makers working in the field of migration and asylum.
Eva Kassoti and Narin Idriz work in the research department of the T.M.C. Asser Institute in The Hague. They are part of the research strand Transnational public interests: constituting public interest beyond and below the state, which examines how public interests shape, and are shaped, below and beyond the state. Researchers investigate what role non-state actors, such as corporations, NGOs, cities and the European Union play in the constitution and operation of public interests in a transnational context.
Eva Kassoti and Narin Idriz are project leaders of the Asser Institute’s Global Europe project, that seeks to explore the internal and external factors that may challenge the EU’s capacity to exercise value-based global leadership on a number of crucial issues.
Specific to this volume:
- Contains contributions dealing with the subject matter in a comprehensive way
- Aside from constitutional, human rights and global implications, the impact on third countries is covered
- The impact on third countries is examined by authors hailing from the region
About the Global Europe Book Series:
The Global Europe Book Series: Legal and Policy Issues of the EU’s External Action Series is a peer-reviewed book series that explores the legal and policy issues pertaining to the EU’s global actorness.
About T.M.C. Asser Press
T.M.C. Asser Press, founded in 1999, is a dynamic and high-quality academic publishing house. It publishes monographs, book series, yearbooks, textbooks and student readers, on-line products, and journals, both in English and Dutch. It specialises in the fields of public international law, private international law, international criminal law and international humanitarian law, law of armed conflict, European Law, environmental law, human rights law, arbitration, IT&Law, rule of law, migration law, and international sports law.