[New publication] Exploring sustainability in EU’s external relations

Published 27 February 2025

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A new book in the ‘Global Europe: Legal and Policy Issues of the EU’s External Action’ entitled 'EU External Relations Law and Sustainability - The EU, Third States and International Organizations' provides an in-depth analysis of how sustainability measures are adapted in the European Union’s external relations. Edited by Ramses A. Wessel, Jamile B. Mata Diz, Júlia Péret T. Tarsia and Saide Esra Akdogan, this volume brings together experts to examine the legal and policy frameworks that shape the EU’s sustainability commitments.  

The book focuses on the key treaty provisions, including Articles 3(5) and 21 of the Treaty of European Union (TEU) and Articles 11 and 191 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). Focusing on these provisions, the authors seek to explore how sustainability is integrated into trade, investment and diplomatic relations. Through theoretical analyses, legal dogmatic approaches and detailed case-studies, the authors assess the EU’s role in promoting sustainable development on the global stage.  

‘Brussels effect’ 
Amidst growing global environmental challenges, the EU has expanded its external action, reinforcing its efforts to integrate sustainability into international agreements. This includes the growing role of sustainability provisions in Free Trade Agreements (FTAs), which have become key instruments for shaping trade relations with third states. The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has affirmed that sustainability is an integral part of the EU’s common commercial policy, influencing the design and implementation of trade agreements. The EU’s regulatory influence, sometimes referred to as ‘Brussels effect’, underscores how its legal and policy commitments impact global sustainability governance. 

With the EU increasingly positioning itself as a leader in environmental governance and sustainability, this book provides an outlook on both the challenges and opportunities of aligning external policies with ambitious sustainability goals. It critically assesses how the EU’s legal frameworks influence global sustainability efforts and provides insights into the best practices for integrating sustainability into international principles and agreements.

This publication is an essential resource for scholars, policymakers, legal practitioners and students interested in European law, sustainability and international relations.  

You can buy or order the book here.  

This book is the fourth volume in the Global Europe: Legal and Policy Issues of the EU’s External Action – book series. 

About the editors
Ramses A. Wessel is a Professor of European Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Groningen. Jamile B. Mata Diz is a Professor of International Public Law and Coordinator of the Jean Monnet Center of Excellence of the Federal University of Minas Gerais. Júlia Péret T. Társia is a PhD Candidate at the Federal University of Minas Gerais. Saide Esra Akdogan is a lecturer and researcher at Wageningen University and Research.