[Database] Now live: The Foreign Terrorist Fighters Knowledge Hub
Published 1 February 2023
@Shutterstock - The newly launched FTF Knowledge Hub is an independent database with information on Foreign Terrorist Fighters.
The newly launched FTF Knowledge Hub is an independent database with comprehensive information on Foreign Terrorist Fighters (FTFs), or, as defined by the UNSC (Res. 2178 (2014), ‘individuals who travel to a State other than their States of residence or nationality for the purpose of the perpetration, planning, or preparation of, or participation in, terrorist acts or the providing or receiving of terrorist training, including in connection with armed conflict’. The Hub, aimed at policy makers, practitioners, academics, journalists and students, contains quantitative and qualitative data on those FTFs who have joined terrorist or violent extremist groups in Syria and Iraq, in particular ISIL/Da'esh.
The FTF Knowledge Hub contains individual country pages where visitors can find country-specific FTF-related data and information on countries’ responses to their citizens and residents joining terrorist or violent extremist groups. The Hub also showcases the legal framework governing these responses, relevant international standards and guidance concerning FTFs. A separate library provides relevant academic research and policy briefs. Through the policy matrix, visitors can access information on preventive, administrative, criminal and surveillance measures, as well as rehabilitation and reintegration measures implemented by countries. In the future, additional data from already included countries as well as information from other countries, and pertaining to other conflict zones, may be added.
About the FTF Knowledge Hub
The FTF Knowledge Hub has been created by researchers at the T.M.C. Asser Instituut and the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism – The Hague (ICCT), with contributions from the United States and Jordan as co-chairs of the Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF) FTF Working Group. It builds on the previous FTF Knowledge Hub hosted by and developed under the auspices of the GCTF and is inspired by GCTF Framework Documents. However, in its new form, the FTF Knowledge Hub is completely independent from its predecessor, and information has been gathered by researchers from the Asser Institute and the ICCT via credible open-source research. This information does not in any way bind the GCTF and its Members, the Asser Institute or the ICCT.
Send us your input
The independent Knowledge Hub is looking for country-specific data, relevant research and literature on FTFs. We welcome the contribution of country-specific information, relevant research, policy responses, and detailed data on the FTF phenomenon from government officials and researchers alike. We also welcome information and data on preventive, administrative, criminal and surveillance measures, as well as rehabilitation and reintegration measures. To submit information, please fill out our questionnaire, and send it to input@foreignterroristfighters.info.
Please note that the researchers maintaining this website reserve the right to reject submissions and that published data will become publicly available. Information on the Knowledge Hub will be reviewed and updated on a regular basis.
For questions, comments, or general feedback, please reach out via input@foreignterroristfighters.info
[Advanced summer programme] Terrorism, counter-terrorism, and the rule of law
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