CLEER Organises its 4th Summer School in Brussels on the Law of EU External Relations
Published 29 March 2018
CLEER, the Centre for the Law of the EU External Relations based at the Asser Institute, will deliver its 4th intensive one-week summer school in EU External Relations Law. The course will be hosted by Maastricht University in its Brussels campus from 25 to 29 June 2018.
The programme will comprise interactive lectures delivered by renowned academic experts, workshops led by experienced practitioners and study visits to the EU institutions, enabling participants to glean first-hand experience of how theory is transformed into practice.
The programme is designed for advanced university students, civil servants or practitioners with an academic background or practical experience in law, political science or international relations.
Participants will gain extensive knowledge of the core actors and instruments forming the foundations of the EU’s external action and a deep understanding of legal and policy issues in key fields including the Trade, Development, Environment, CFSP/CSDP and AFSJ.
Tuition fees range between 200 and 600 Euros. Six scholarships covering tuition are available to be awarded to students awarded on the basis of merit and financial need.
More information about registration and the program are available here.