[Call for papers] Method, methodology and critique in international law
Published 18 June 2021
The Asser Institute issues a call for papers on the topic of method, methodology and critique in international law. The deadline to submit abstracts is 31 July.
Upcoming workshop
Papers will be presented during an upcoming workshop on ‘method, methodology and critique in international law’. This four day intensive workshop is the culmination of a year-long series of events exploring multiple modes of seeing, thinking and writing. The aim of the culminating workshop is to develop collaboratively our engagements with different ways of ‘doing’ international legal scholarship. In the spirit of the series of events held throughout the year, we will focus on the opportunities, pitfalls and politics of varying methodological approaches, their embedded epistemological, sociological and philosophical commitments, in addition to the particular technical crafts they demand.
Through intense engagements in small writing and discussion groups, participants will learn together which paths can be taken in an increasingly complex methodological landscape (and what is politically at stake in making these choices). By workshopping texts, participants will explore the opportunities and limitations of diverse research methods for the study of law and legal practice, while reflecting critically on our engagement as researchers with different methodological possibilities. We will conduct the workshop in small groups of 6-8 participating researchers. Each researcher will individually present a paper, which will have been circulated in advance, for sustained engagement by a respondent and the rest of the small group. The workshop sessions will be complemented by additional lectures and an opening keynote by Gerry Simpson. The workshop will take place on 15-18 December 2021 and will be a hybrid event: those who are able to join us in The Hague will meet in person; those unable to travel will meet and workshop online, via zoom. The closing keynote will be conducted in person and broadcast online.
Deadlines and requirements
Please, (a) submit an abstract of 300-600 words describing the work and methodological issues that you intend to develop at the workshop and in your academic project more generally. Please also (b) indicate which methodological approaches, questions or issues you find most compelling, urgent and challenging or are eager to explore further. Participants will be required to submit a draft paper of 6,000-8,000 words by 22 October. This requirement is crucial: the format will be small group discussion of individual papers and advance circulation will be necessary to ensure fruitful discussions. Please submit your applications by 31 July to d.van.den.meerssche@asser.nl and g.gordon@asser.nl.
Read the full call here.
This workshop is organised by Asser Associate Fellow, Dimitri Van Den Meersche. Dimitri has recently received an Early Career Partnership Award from the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) to organise a interdisciplinary meeting on Legal Method, Methodology and Critique in a Digital Era, which will be the closing workshop of the lecture and workshop series on ‘Method, methodology and critique in international law’, at the Asser Institute. The award is intended to support and encourage talented early career researchers who demonstrate the ability to develop innovative and original research ideas.