[Call for papers] ‘Imagining solidarity in international and regional law’
Published 13 April 2021
The Asser Institute issues a call for papers on the topic of ‘Imagining solidarity in international and regional law’. The deadline to submit abstracts is 15 May.
Solidarity is a core normative ideal underpinning both the development of modern international law as well as the European project. Solidarity has been perceived as the guiding principle in altering the outdated structure of international relations from an order promoting self-interest of States to one that pursues community interests and attempts to find solutions to problems that affect all humankind.
In the context of public international law, solidarity has been used as a legal principle in terms of international peace and security. In the European Union (EU) context, it has been invoked primarily during the eurozone and refugee crises. In the African Union (AU), solidarity has been part of the principles since the creation of the Organisation for African Unity in 1963. Solidarity has emerged as an objective in the Charter of the Organization of American States (OAS). More recently, solidarity has been invoked as a core principle during international discussions around the distribution of the coronavirus vaccine. This exemplifies the diversity of ways in which the principle of solidarity has been utilised as a core value in shaping international and regional legal regimes.
The Asser Institute invites papers detailing the multiplicity of ways the principle of solidarity can be used both in international and regional law. These contributions may revolve around how solidarity can/should be deployed to achieve a variety of aims, including in relation to the environment, human rights, development, peace and security, migration, and other fields, in a variety of contexts across the globe, whether regional integration projects (EU, AU, and others) or as part of public international law.
Deadlines and requirements
Please send an abstract (max. 800 words) and CV (max. 5 pages) as a single PDF to E.Kassoti@asser.nl and M.Plagis@asser.nl by 15 May 2021, with the subject line ‘App: Imagining Solidarity’.
Draft papers due: 15 September 2021.
The online conference will be held on 28-29 October 2021.
Read the full call here.
The programme for this conference is out now.