Call for Applications: Fellowship Programme For Human Rights Defenders 2018
Published 23 May 2018
Justice and Peace Netherlands and T.M.C. Asser Institute are launching a new call for applications for the Fellowship Prpgramme For Human Rights Defenders 2018.
This opportunity, established by Justice and Peace Netherlands as part of the Shelter City initiative and in collaboration with T.M.C. Asser Institute, is available for International human rights defenders who want to conduct scientific research on human rights, international law or European law.
The Fellowship Programme for Human Rights Defenders will take place from September to December 2018 in The Hague, Netherlands. The fellow will carry out a research project during the relocation period and take part in other relevant research activities of the Asser Institute. In line with these activities the Fellow might also perform in public events like lectures or (panel) discussions. A monthly stipend, accommodation, health insurance, visa and flight tickets to The Netherlands are provided.
Justice and Peace and the Asser Institute have established a collaborative relationship to strengthen and support the capacity of local human rights defenders (HRDs) worldwide. In the context of the Institute’s Visiting Researchers Programme, the Asser Institute hosts one fellow per year for a period of 3 months within the framework of the Justice and Peace Fellowship Programme for Human Rights Defenders in The Hague.
Criteria for Eligibility:
In order to be eligible for the Fellowship Programme for Human Rights Defenders, the applicant must meet the following conditions:
- The applicant must be a human rights defender. His/her work promotes Human Rights or he/she fights against Human Rights Violations in a non-violent way;
- The HRD has a relevant degree in (international human rights) law and a few years of relevant experience in human rights law work, either in practice or in academia.
- The HRD is threatened or otherwise under intense pressure due to their work and can benefit from a short period of time abroad;
- The HRD has a proven track record on conducting research activities and work in (applied) human rights law research;
- The HRD is willing to carry out a research project that aims to contribute to the improvement of human rights and is able to carry this out independently in the relocation period of 3 months;
- Since this is a temporary relocation programme, the HRD is able and willing to return to the country of origin after 3 months;
- The HRD has a good command of English (professional working proficiency – both active and passive);
- The HRD is willing to speak out in public and take part in (relevant) research activities of the Asser Institute;
- The HRD should be willing/able to come alone;
- The HRD is willing to come to The Netherlands around September 2018 for a period of 3 months.
To apply, please download and fill out the application form here or you can request the application form to apply for the programme by emailing
Applications forms must be returned to before 11 June 2018.
Shelter City is an initiative by Justice and Peace Netherlands that aims to protect and support human rights defenders at risk through temporary relocation and security training.